

1,prefer doing to doing sth 宁愿做。。。而不做。。。=would rather do than do sth

I prefer reading to doing homework 我宁愿阅读而不愿意做作业

=I would rather read than do homework

2,sing along with 跟着唱

I like singing along with songs 我喜欢跟着歌曲演唱

3,stick to 坚持

I must stick to my choice 我必须坚持我的选择

4,In that case 如果那样

In that case ,I can do it,too 如果那样,我也能做到

5,cheer sb up 鼓励某人

You must cheer me up 你必须鼓励我

6,try one’s best to do sth 尽最大的努力做某事

I try my best to help you 我尽我最大的努力帮助你

7,shut off = cut off 切断

Don’t shut off / cut off the line 不要切断线

8,in total 总计

There are 100 in total 总计100个

8,Once in a while =sometimes 有时

Once in a while /sometimes, I come here我有时来这里

9,get married =be married 结婚

I got married =I was married 我结婚了

10,prefer sb to do sth 宁愿某人去做某事

I prefer you to play football 我宁愿你去踢足球

11,try on 试穿 Can I try it on?我能试穿么?

12,try out 尝试,实验 例如: Can I try it out 我能尝试一下么?

13,a great deal of 许多 不可数 大量的

I have a great deal of water 我有大量的水

14, a great many 可数名词复数

I have a great many books 我有大量的书

15,mind doing sth 介意做某事

I don’t mind helping you 我不介意帮助你

16,avoid doing (避免做某事),avoid to do (避免去做某事)

I avoid reading 我避免去阅读

I avoid to swim in winter 我避免在冬天去游泳

17,marry sb 和某人结婚

Can I marry you ?我能和你结婚么?

18,What a pity 真遗憾

It’s a pity that you can’t come here 真遗憾,你不能来这里

19,hurt (伤害,内心,精神等),injure(事故受伤),wound (刀伤,枪伤)、

Don’t hurt me 不要伤害我

I get injured when I ride my bike 当我骑单车的时候,我弄上了我自己

The soldier was wounded 这个士兵受伤了

20,praise 赞扬,Please praise me 请赞扬我


