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My parents left when I just learned to practice, because they knew I was not suitable for practice, so they had to send me to an orphanage. I am very grateful to them for sending me to an orphanage, because their educational methods have made me strong, and I have learned to defend myself. After living here for three years, I finally found something I want to protect. I want to protect sister Ziyun from any harm. In the past three years, sister Ziyun and I have experienced many dangers and almost lost our lives several times. We both experienced many ups and downs. Finally, one day, sister Ziyun and I were going to go out to play, but we accidentally met the robbers. There were two robbers, one male and one female. The other was a big man with a fierce face staring at sister Ziyun and me. Sister Ziyun's body trembled, and my eyes were moist, because I was also afraid. The man took out his knife and stabbed me. I was so scared that I hugged sister Ziyun, but we dodged. Sister Ziyun was scared silly. She looked at me with an unbelievable expression. I took sister Ziyun's hand and ran out of the box. Then we ran all the way to the side of the road. We both gasped for breath. My forehead is full of sweat. I feel my head is very dizzy. When sister Ziyun saw my appearance, she asked anxiously, "what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong with you? Should we go back and have a rest?" Hearing sister Ziyun's concerned words, I shook my head and insisted, "no, I don't want to rest. I want to take you to a safe place." "But you look very weak now!" Sister Ziyun looked at me anxiously. Her eyes were full of concern. "No, I don't want to rest. I want to take you to a safe place." I held sister Ziyun's hand tightly, and then took her to run on. I have been running, I have been running, I dare not stay for a second, because a voice in my mind tells me that I must run to a safe place. Finally, sister Ziyun and I came to an abandoned factory. I took sister Ziyun and hid behind a stone in the abandoned factory. After the two of us hid, we snuggled up to each other. "Sister Ziyun, I'll take you." I gently patted sister Ziyun on the shoulder and said softly. I know that this is the only way I can protect her. Only when I am strong can I protect her. Sister Ziyun raised her head. Her eyes were red, and tears swirled in her eyes. She reached out her hand to touch my face and said softly, "Xiao Hao, thank you." "Fool, why are you polite to me? You are my closest friend." "Well, Xiao Hao." Sister Ziyun nodded. Looking at the appearance of sister Ziyun, I feel very distressed. Tears began to accumulate in my eyes. This time I held back. Although our life is hard, our feelings are very sweet. During this period of time, sister Ziyun has recovered a lot because of my care. Now she can move freely. "Xiao Hao, where is this? Why is there a factory?" Sister Ziyun asked me. Hearing what sister Ziyun said, I noticed that I looked around. If there were a pile of factory ruins around, and there were many people in the factory, it seemed that they were building something. "Xiaohao, where is this? Where are we going?" Sister Ziyun asked again. Now she was afraid. I looked at sister Ziyun's face, then rubbed it vigorously, and said with a smile: "fool, don't be afraid, I will save you, no matter it's heaven or earth, I will save you." "Xiao Hao, don't be impulsive. We'd better hurry." Sister Ziyun said in fear. "Don't worry, I will save you, I will." I said firmly. There was a little anger in my heart. Those people wanted to kill sister Ziyun. No matter why, I will make him pay the price. I must let him know that I am not easy to mess with. "Well, good." Sister Ziyun nodded. She didn't want to stay in the factory. It was terrible. She was very afraid. I took sister Ziyun's hand and ran on. Suddenly I saw a car parked in front of us. The car was parked on the side of the road. Two women in black leather were sitting on the car. The two women had heavy makeup on their faces and bright lipstick on their lips. Their bodies were very hot. They are the two high levels of the mysterious space. The mysterious space is in crisis, and both of them are busy about it. They were smoking in the car, looking into the distance as if they were looking for someone, but they couldn't find me. Sister Ziyun and I had already run away. The two women saw that we didn't stop, so they got out of the car and ran after us. "What are you doing? Stop and don't run away." They shouted as they ran. The faster they ran, the slower I was. I had a hard time running with sister Ziyun. Finally, we ran to a garbage can. The two of us hid in the garbage can. After chasing for some distance, they stopped. One of the women said to the other, "what are we going to tell the boss that the boss has left us unfinished?" The woman called the boss said, "if you can't make it, don't do it." "However, the boy seems to have a set of Kung Fu. If we can't kill him, we will be miserable." "Are you afraid?" "I'm not afraid. I'm just afraid the boss will blame me." "Don't do it if you're afraid. Anyway, we work hard for the boss. If you can't even manage a petty thief, don't do it." "But I am really not reconciled." Hearing this, we looked at each other and sneered. "Hum, I don't think you are reconciled, but you are afraid to do it again." The boss said coldly. "I am not timid, but I am afraid of losing my job." The woman explained in a low voice. "Well, don't talk nonsense. Go after him quickly. If he runs away again, the boss will not spare us." "Yes." The two of us quickly got into the dustbin and climbed out of it. At this time, my nose smelled a peculiar smell, which was bloody. I hurried to look ahead. I saw a dozen bodies lying in a pool of blood. "Ah!!!" Seeing this, I immediately screamed. Sister Ziyun screamed when she saw me screaming. I saw people in black lying in front of me. Their eyes were wide open and they could not close their eyes. They all died by the knife, and in their own hands. This makes me confirm my guess that these people in black must have been killed by people in the mysterious space, and they will certainly not give up after killing so many innocent people. They will certainly take revenge. "What's going on?" Sister Ziyun looked at me in surprise. I didn't say anything and kept running. Sister Ziyun saw that I ignored her and didn't ask anything. She continued to chase me. I ran away with sister Ziyun, and then entered an alley. After entering the alley, we hid in the corner, then took out the phone and dialed the number of Xiaojin. After a while, the phone went through. "Hey, Xiao Jian, where are you? Where are you now?" I asked anxiously. "Xiao Hao, I'm at home now!!!" Xiao Jian's tone was a little unhappy. When I heard Xiao Jian's voice, I was relieved. I knew Xiao Jian would be fine. "Xiao Jian, how are you? If you're OK, I'll be fine." I said. "Is there something wrong with you? Why do you look so nervous?" Xiao Jian asked. "I'm in trouble now. Someone wants to kill you." I said it directly. "Who is going to kill me? Are they the killers sent by those bastards?" "Well, it should be them. Now I've run out. I'll find you later." "OK, first you find a place to hide. I'll go to find you in a moment. I'll contact you then." "Yes." After I hung up the phone, I breathed a long sigh of relief.


