开天辟地 the creation of the world 炎黄子孙 descendants of Emperors Yan and Huang ,我来为大家讲解一下关于神话故事英语表达?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!
神话与传说 Myths and Legends开天辟地 the creation of the world
炎黄子孙 descendants of Emperors Yan and Huang
精卫填海 a mythical bird Jingwei tries to fill the ocean with twigs and pebbles
八仙过海,各显神通 Eight immortals cross the sea with their uniqe divine capabilities
天衣无缝 doing something falwlessly
女娲补天 nvwa mending the sky
夸父逐日 Kuafu chasing the sun
愚公移山 a persistent spirits triumphs over mountainous tasks
牛郎织女 the cowherd and the weaving maid
百鸟朝凤 someone who is very virtuous and highly respected by people
鲤鱼跳龙门 Carp leaps over the dragon gate
精诚所至,金石为开 WIth whole-hearted dedication,gold and rock will crack open
这些你耳熟能详的神话与传说,知道它们的地道表达后,是不是很爽!开天辟地 the creation of the world
牛郎织女 the cowherd and the weaving maid请点击此处输入图片描述
百鸟朝凤 someone who is very virtuous and highly resp