Blind date的中文是“相亲”,英语是什么?
学习英语表达blind date时,我们关心的都只是“它的中文是什么?”,只要“知道”它的中文意思是“相亲”就觉得“学会英语blind date”了。这肯定会影响我们练口语说口语的能力。
比如,要表达英语“相亲”的意思时,我们肯定是必须记得和会说英语go in a blind date才能把“相亲”的意思表达出来,因为我们几乎不能说出学过的英语Oh,it's a date/a social appointment between two persons who have never met before/between two strangers表达“相亲”或者a blind date一样的意思。
二,a blind date用英语怎么说?
1. 读到英语My friend never goes on a blind date你是能“说出”它的中文:我的朋友拒绝搞相亲那一套,还是能说出英语它的英语:Got you.She will never meet/see a stranger on a social date/a social appointment更能帮助你的英语(口语)?
2. Yahoo blind date
-blind date1:a social engagement between two persons who have not previously met.
-blind date2:a social meeting between two people who have not met each other before
-blind date 3:a social appointment for two persons who meet for the first time for a date.
-blind date4:a blind date is a date with a stranger.
3.不同的英英字典,一个说:a social engagement,一个说a social meeting,一个说a social appointment,但意思都一样,记住它们是不是无形中丰富了你的英语表达能力?
4. 不同的英英字典,一个说:have not previously met,一个说have not met each other before,一个说meet for the first time,意思还是一个意思,但却无形中丰富了我们未来的英语表达能力。
5. 英语口语:
Okay.Got you.If you meet someone for the first time/whom you have never met before/previously on a social engagement/a social meeting/a social appointment, that is a blind date.
三,轮到你把下面的blind date说成英语:
1. She never goes on blind dates.
2. She asked how to avoid kissing at the end of a blind date.