







背 影

[作者] 朱自清

[译文] 张培基

The Sight of Father’s Back

Zhu Ziqing


It is more than two years since I last saw father, and what I can never

forget is the sight of his back. Misfortunes never come singly. In the

winter of more than two years ago, grandma died and father lost his job. I left Beijing for Xuzhou to join father in hasteninghome to attend

grandma’s funeral. When I met father in Xuzhou, the sight of the

disorderlymess in his courtyard and the thought of grandma started

tears tricklingdown my cheeks. Father said, “Now that things've

come to such a pass, it’s no use crying. Fortunately, Heaven always

leaves one a way out.”


After arriving home in Yangzhou, father paid off debts by selling or

pawningthings. He also borrowed money to meet the funeral expenses. Between grandma’s funeral and father’s unemployment, our

family was then in reduced circumstances. After the funeral was over,

father was to go to Nanjing to look for a job and I was to return to

Beijing to study, so we started out together.


I spent the first day in Nanjing strollingabout with some friends at their invitation, and wasferryingacross the Yangtse River to Pukou the next morning and thence taking a train for Beijing on the afternoon of the

same day. Father said he was too busy to go and see me off at the

railway station, but would ask a hotel waiter that he knew to accompany me there instead. He urged the waiter again and again to take good

care of me, but still did not quite trust him. He hesitated for quite a

while about what to do. As a matter of fact, nothing would matter at all because I was then twenty and had already traveled on Beijing-Pukou

Railway a couple of times. After some wavering, he finally decided that he himself would accompany me to the station. I repeatedly tried to talk him out of it, but he only said, “Never mind! It won’t do to trust guys

like those hotel boys!”


We entered the railway station after crossing the River. While I was at

the booking office buying a ticket, father saw to my luggage. There was quite a bit of luggage and he had to bargain with the porter over the

fee. I was then such a smart aleckthat I frowned upon the way father

was hagglingand was on the verge ofchippingin a few words when

the bargain was finally clinched. Getting on the train with me, he picked me a seat close to the carriage door. I spread on the seat the brownish

fur-lined overcoat he had got tailor made for me. He told me to be

watchfulon the way and be careful not to catch cold at night. he also asked the trainattendantsto take good care of me. Isniggeredat father for being so impractical, for it was utterly useless to entrust me to those attendants, who cared for nothing but money. Besides, it was certainly

no problem for a person of my age to look after himself. Oh, when I

come to think of it, I can see how smartyI was in those days!


I said, “Dad, you might leave now.” But he looked out of window and

said, “I'm going to buy you some tangerines. You just stay here. Don't move around.” I caught sight of several vendors waiting for customers outside the railings beyond a platform. But to reach that platform would require crossing the railway track and doing some climbing up and

down. That would be a strenuousjob for father, who was fat. I wanted

to do all that myself, but he stopped me, so I could do nothing but let

him go. I watched him hobble towards the railway track in his black

skullcap, black cloth mandarin jacket and dark blue cotton-padded

cloth long gown. He had little trouble climbing down the railway track,

but it was a lot more difficult for him to climb up that platform after

crossing the railway track. His hands held onto the upper part of the

platform, his legs huddledup and hiscorpulentbody tipped slightly towards the left, obviously making an enormousexertion. While I was

watching him from behind, tears gushedfrom my eyes. I quickly wiped

them away lest he or others should catch me crying. The next moment

when I looked out of the window again, father was already on the way

back, holding bright red tangerinesin both hands. In crossing the

railway track, he first put the tangerines on the ground, climbed down

slowly and then picked them up again. When he came near the train, I

hurried out to help him by the hand. After boarding the train with me,

he laid all the tangerines on my overcoat, and patting the dirt off his

clothes, he looked somewhat relieved and said after a while, “I must be going now. Don’t forget to write me from Beijing!” I gazedafter his

back retreating out of the carriage. After a few steps, he looked back at me and said, “Go back to your seat. Don’t leave your things alone.” I, however, did not go back to my seat until his figure was lost among

crowds of people hurrying to and fro and no longer visible. My eyes

were again wet with tears.


In recent years, both father and I have been living an unsettled life, and

the circumstances of our family going from bad to worse. Father left

home to seek a livelihood when young and did achieve quite a few things all on his own. To think that he should now be so downcast in old age! The discouraging state of affairs filled him with an uncontrollable feeling of deep sorrow, and his pent-up emotion had to find a vent. That is why even mere domestic trivialitieswould often make him angry, and meanwhile he became less and less nice with me. However, the separation of

the last two years has made him more forgiving towards me. He keeps

thinking about me and my son. After I arrived in Beijing, he wrote me a

letter, in which he says. “I’m all right except for a severe pain in my

arm. I even have trouble using chopsticks or writing brushes. Perhaps it won’t be long now before I depart this life.” Through the glistening

tears which these words had brought to my eyes I again saw the back of father’s corpulent form in the dark blue cotton-padded cloth long

gown and the black cloth mandarin jacket. Oh, how I long to see him again.



英 ['heɪsn] 美 ['heɪsn]

v. 催促;赶快;加速

用作动词 (v.)

Please hasten them to send the sample.请催促他们寄来样品。

Do not hasten to bid me adieu.不要告别得那样匆忙。


英 [dɪs'ɔːdəli] 美 [dɪs'ɔːrdərli]

adj. 无秩序的;乱的;骚动的

用作形容词 (adj.)

The papers lay in a disorderly pile.文件乱七八糟地堆放着。

There is a disorderly heap of clothes in his room.



英 ['trɪklɪŋ] 美 ['trɪklɪŋ]

adj. 滴滴嗒嗒的

Blood was trickling out of a cut near his ear.


The act or condition of trickling.



英 [pɔːn] 美 [pɔːn]

n. 典当; 抵押物; 人质; (国际象棋中)卒

vt. 典当; 以 ... 为担保

用作名词 (n.)

He tried by every means to redeem the pawn.他千方百计要赎回典当物。

He had nothing left that he could pawn.他再也没有什么可以典当的东西了。

To make matters worse, Tien is used as a pawn in the battle.


This was sacrificing a pawn to save a rook.


When promoting a pawn, the player must announce which piece is chosen.当卒走到对方阵营,棋手必须宣告下一步走哪个棋。

用作及物动词 (vt.)

He tried by every means to redeem the pawn.他千方百计要赎回典当物。

A fair pawn never shamed his master.公平的典当从来不使物主丢脸。


英 ['strəʊlɪŋ] 美 ['stroʊlɪŋ]

adj. 巡回演出的


I often see my grandparents strolling happily arm in arm.我常常看见我的爷爷奶奶臂挽着臂愉快地散步。

I often see them strolling happily arm in arm.我经常看到他们幸福地挽臂散步。


英 ['feri] 美 ['feri]

n. 渡船;渡口

vt. 摆渡;运输

vi. 摆渡

用作名词 (n.)

There's a good duty-free shop (ie one selling such goods) on the ferry.渡船上有个挺不错的免税商店。

The sway of the ferry made him feel sick.渡船摇摇晃晃,他感到恶心。

We crossed the river by ferry.我们坐渡船过了河。

He went down to the ferry but found the boat on the other side.他到了渡口,却发现渡船在对岸。

We waited at the ferry for two hours.我们在渡口等了两小时.

The ferry hiked the fare to forty cents.渡口把船费提高到40美分。

用作及物动词 (vt.)

Two small boats ferry people back and forth.


The old man ferried the travelers across a river.


Please ferry goods to the mainland.请将货物运往大陆。

用作不及物动词 (vi.)

The tourists ferried across to the opposite bank.游客摆渡到对岸。


英 ['weɪvərɪŋ] 美 ['weɪvərɪŋ]


Our Father doesn't respond to wavering faith.天父不会回应摇摆的信心。

A few wavering Republicans may be convinced by the tough talk.一些左右摇摆的共和党人可以通过苦口婆心的劝告改变立场。

Smart aleck

adj. 自作聪明的


英 ['hæɡl] 美 ['hæɡl]

vi. 争论;讨价还价

vt. 乱砍

n. 讨价还价;争论

用作不及物动词 (vi.)

It's not worth haggling over a few pence.为几便士争论不休实在不值得。

He preferred to be overcharged than to haggle.他宁愿被”宰”也不愿讨价还价。

用作名词 (n.)

You can haggle with the best of them.能和最厉害的人讨价还价。

In many countries you have to haggle before you buy anything.在许多国家里买东西之前都得讨价还价。

chip in


Don't try to cut in while others are talking.别人谈话时不要插嘴。

She broke in with some ideas of her own.



英 [klɪntʃ] 美 [klɪntʃ]

v. 钉牢;紧抓;扭住对手;最终解决

n. 揪扭;拥抱;固定

用作动词 (v.)

We realize that it is not easy to clinch the medals.大家意识到想夺取奖牌已经不是那么容易了。

Mike Bryan talked about getting the chance to clinch the victory.麦克布莱恩表达了拥抱胜利的喜悦。

The boxers clinch and the referee have to separate them.


We clinched the agreement with a handshake.我们握手达成协议。

用作名词 (n.)

When the police came the fighters were in a clinch.警察到来时,打架的人正扭成一团。

The two lovers were locked in a clinch.恋人紧紧相拥。


英 ['wɒtʃfl] 美 ['wɑːtʃfl]

adj. 注意的;警惕的;<古>不眠的;醒的

用作形容词 (adj.)

You must be watchful of your health.你必须注意你的健康。

They were not very watchful of the traffic lights.他们并不很注意红绿灯。




英 ['snɪɡə(r)] 美 ['snɪɡər]

v. 暗笑;窃笑

n. 暗笑;窃笑

What are you sniggering at? Haven't you seen people kissing before?你们笑什么? 没见过接吻吗?

Why do I get the feeling that I have been insulted and snigger at?为什么我觉得我受到了侮辱和耻笑?

用作名词 (n.)

Her shabby appearance drew sniggers from the guests.她样子寒酸,客人不禁暗自发笑。

The boss' wife, who was brushing her teeth in the doorway, said with a snigger.于是在门口刷牙的老板娘笑着说道。


英 ['smɑːtɪ] 美 ['smɑːtɪ]

n. 自作聪明的人


英 ['strenjuəs] 美 ['strenjuəs]

adj. 奋发的;费力的;繁重的;积极的

He made strenuous efforts to improve his reading.他奋发努力提高阅读能力。

I'll appreciate your strenuous effort to promote the sale in your market on commission basis.在市场上为我们的产品尽全力促销的话,我将非常感谢您。


英 ['skʌlkæp] 美 ['skʌlkæp]

n. 无边便帽;黄苓


英 ['hʌdl] 美 ['hʌdl]

n. 杂乱一团;混乱;拥挤

v. 推挤;乱堆;草率了事

用作名词 (n.)

He shouted into the cavernous arena as if he were shouting into a huddle.他对着球场吼叫,似乎他面对的是混乱的人群。

James insisted the Cavs needed to go bigger and broke from the huddle shaking his head in disagreement.詹姆斯不住地摇头表示反对,他坚持认为骑士应该换上大个球员,打破场上的混乱局面。

The track led them to a huddle of barns and outbuildings.那条路把他们带到了一片杂乱拥挤的谷仓和库房。

At the BeiBei plant, women huddle over a conveyor belt in frigid temperatures, gluing rubber sneakers together.在贝贝公司,妇女拥挤在寒冷的传送带周围粘橡胶旅游鞋。

用作动词 (v.)

用作及物动词S ~ pron./n.

The house is very small and cannot huddle all of us.房子太小了,挤不下我们所有的人。

The enemy huddled all the people.敌人让所有的群众都挤在一起。

It is very cold outside, you'd better huddle the little cats.外面很冷,你最好把小猫都聚在一起。


英 ['kɔːpjələnt] 美 ['kɔːrpjələnt]

adj. 肥胖的

Sitting behind the window was a corpulent woman with a face of steel.那窗口后面坐着一个面如镔铁的胖妇女。


英 [ɪɡ'zɜːʃn] 美 [ɪɡ'zɜːrʃn]

n. 努力;发挥;运用

I will check the result of your exertion in the evening.每天晚上,我要检查你努力的结果。

The young monkey, with great exertion, somehow clings to its mother.小猴子会不知何故地用极大的努力去依靠它的母亲。


At his age physical exertion was dangerous.以他的年龄过度消耗体力是危险的。


Try to avoid physical exertion.尽量避免过度消耗体力。

He finds tennis demanding too much exertion.他发现打网球很费体力。


He was so tired after all his exertions, he slept like a baby.一番辛苦后他累极了,睡得像个婴儿。

She succeeded by the exertion of all her skill.


I felt that I had been amply repaid for my exertions.我感到我的努力得到了充分的回报。

He reaped a reward from exertions.他的努力得到了报偿。

They failed in spite of their exertions.他们做了许多努力仍然失败了。

Nowadays I seem tired with the least exertion.现在我好像稍一用力就感到疲劳。

Nothing is gained without exertions.凡事不花力气就不会成功。

~ to- v

It took a great deal of exertion to push the car up the hill.把汽车推上山需要花很大的气力。

~ of v -ing

She was hot and breathless from the exertion of cycling uphill.由于用力骑车爬坡,她浑身发热, 喘不过气来。

We were sweating profusely from the exertion of moving the furniture.我们搬动家具大费气力,累得大汗淋漓。


英 [ɡʌʃ] 美 [ɡʌʃ]

v. 迸出;涌出;滔滔不绝地说

n. 涌出

用作动词 (v.)

Oil gushed out from the broken pipe.油从断裂的管道中涌出。

A fountain of water gush from the break fire hydrant.从损坏的消防栓里喷出水来。

In a moment more, the crowd began to gush forth from the doors of the church.过了一会儿,人群便开始从教堂的大门蜂拥而出。

His words gushed out.他的话滔滔不绝。

Her words gush forth when she meets her mother .见到母亲时,她的话滔滔不绝。

用作名词 (n.)

From the cellar grating floated up the flabby gush of porter.隔着地窖的格子窗飘出走了气的黑啤酒味儿。

If you got a deep cut in your arm, there's usually a gush of blood.如果你的胳膊被割了很深的口子,通常会有血涌出。


英 [ˌtændʒə'riːn] 美 ['tændʒəriːn]

n. 橘子;橘子树

Give me a segment of a tangerine to taste.给我一瓣柑橘尝一尝。

Dried tangerine peel can be used as (Chinese) medicine.陈皮可以入药。

Cut a branch from a good tangerine.从一棵好橘子树上切下一截树枝。


英 [ɡeɪz] 美 [ɡeɪz]

vi. 凝视

n. 凝视

用作不及物动词 (vi.)

She sat gazing out of the window.她坐着凝视着窗外。

He gaze ruefully in the mirror at his greying lock.他凝视著镜中自己日见花白的头发,感慨岁月不待人。

She gazed at me in disbelief when I told her the news.我告诉她这消息时,她以怀疑的目光注视著我。

用作名词 (n.)

Your intent gaze made her uncomfortable.你的注目凝视使她感到不自在。

Her steady gaze did not waver.她目不转睛地注视著。


英 [ˌtrɪvi'æləti] 美 [ˌtrɪvi'æləti]

n. 琐事;平凡;轻浮

Don't waste your time on such triviality.不要把你的时间浪费在这些琐事上。





