



Useful Expressions to Use at Restaurant


Booking a Table in A Restaurant


What you say:


  • I booked a table for two for…(7 pm)
  • It’s under the name of…
  • A table for two pleases
  • May we sit at this table?

What the restaurant staff say:


  • What can I do for you?
  • Can I help you?
  • Do you have a reservation?
  • Have you booked a table?
  • How many are you?
  • Would you like to wait in the bar?
  • We’re full booked at the moment. Could you come back a bit later?
  • Or Your table isn’t quite ready yet.
  • If you wait, there’ll be a table for you free in a minute.
  • Smoking, or non-smoking?
  • Of course. please come this way.
  • Would you follow me, please?
ordering / Asking about The Menu


What the restaurant staff say:


  • Hi, I’m Sue, I’ll be your server for tonight.
  • Can I take your order, sir/madam?
  • Are you ready to order? (We’re not ready yet)
  • Can I take your order?
  • Are you ready to order yet?
  • What would you like to start with?
  • What would you like for a starter?
  • What do you want for the main course?
  • How would you like your steak? (rare, medium, well done)
  • Do you want a salad with it?
  • What kind of dressing?
  • The burgers are very good.
  • Sorry, the hamburgers are off.
  • Do you want vegetables with it?
  • Why don’t you try the pizza?
  • It’ll take about 20 minutes.
  • Would you like…(chips) with that?
  • What would you like for dessert?
  • Do you want a dessert?
  • What would you like to drink with your meal?
  • What would you like to drink?
  • Anything to drink?
  • Would you like any wine with that?
  • Can I get you a drink while you’re waiting?
  • Red or white?
  • Would you like any coffee?

What you can say:


  • Could you bring us the menu, please?
  • The menu, please.
  • What’s on the menu?
  • Do you have a set menu?
  • What’s …exactly?
  • Is this served with..(salad)?
  • Does this have any…(Seafood) in it?
  • What do you recommend?
  • I’ll have…
  • I’d like…
  • Can I have…
  • We’d like to order…
  • Could you bring us the salt/pepper/ketchup/vinegar, please?
  • I’ll have the soup as a starter.
  • I’ll have the steak for the main course.
  • I’ll have it rare/ medium rare/ medium/ well done, please.
  • That’s all, thank you.

If there are problems with the order, the waiter can say:


  • I don’t think we have anymore…(steak) left. I’ll check with the kitchen.
  • I’m sorry, but the king prawn soup is finished.
Getting the Bill


What you say:


  • Could I have the bill, please?
  • Can we have the bill please?
  • Could we get the bill?
  • Could we pay please?
Paying at A Restaurant


What you hear:


  • Are you paying together?
  • Did you enjoy your meal?

When you want to pay, you can say:


  • Could I have the check, please?
  • Can I have the check, please?
  • We’ll take the check.

Sometimes, you may also want to say:


  • Do you accept credit cards?
  • Can we have separate checks?
  • We’re going to split the bill.

