
兰桂姬 不仅仅只是语言


1. An audiobook subscription订阅有声读物

One or book enthusiasts who don’t have time to read or podcast lovers.送给一个没有时间阅读书籍的爱好者或热爱播客的父亲。

2. A monthly book service - delivered to your home月度的订书服务-送书到门

If you have the kind of dad who could never accept the preposterous idea of technology replacing real books, don't despair. There are plenty of monthly book subscriptions tailored to any interest, from mystery novels, to sports books or travel guides.如果你有那种永远无法接受科技取代真书的荒谬想法的爸爸,不要绝望。有大量适合任何兴趣的月度图书订阅,从神秘小说到体育书籍或旅游指南,都有。

3. The gift of language 语言类相关的礼物

There are many gift options for people interested in learning a new language online. Duolingo is probably one of the most famous language-learning apps out there: it’s free, but that version comes with frustrating restrictions such as a limited number of mistakes allowed. So as a gift, why not offer a subscription to Duolingo premium?对于有兴趣在线学习一门新语言的人来说,有很多礼物可供选择。 Duolingo 可能是最著名的语言学习应用程序之一:它是免费的,但该版本带有令人沮丧的限制,例如允许的错误数量有限。所以作为礼物,为什么不提供订阅 Duolingo 高级版呢?

4. A film subscription or gift card电影订阅或礼品卡

For film lovers with a passion for art-house cinema, the streaming platform Mubi is a great place to find all those films you won’t find in the catalogues of Netflix or Amazon Prime.对于对艺术影院充满热情的电影爱好者来说,流媒体平台 Mubi 是查找所有在 Netflix 或 Amazon Prime 目录中找不到的电影的好地方。


If your dad prefers the magic of the big screen, many cinemas offer gift vouchers for a number of screenings or even unlimited films for a fixed time period.如果您的父亲更喜欢大银幕的魔力,许多电影院会提供用于多次放映的礼券,甚至在固定时间段内提供无限电影。

5. Learn from the best 学无止境

Why not consider offering your dad another reason to act like the fountain of all knowledge.为什么不考虑给父亲一个学习更多知识的途径呢?

Would he appreciate a chess lesson from the youngest world chess champion Garry Kasparov? Or a cooking class from celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay? What about learning the 'art of negotiation' from former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss?他会欣赏最年轻的国际象棋世界冠军加里·卡斯帕罗夫(Garry Kasparov)的国际象棋课吗?还是名厨 Gordon Ramsay 的烹饪课?从前 FBI 人质 Chris Voss 那里学习“谈判的艺术”怎么样?

6. Visiting local heritage 参观当地的名胜古迹

For art and history fans, a museum pass might be a great gift idea. Many museums offer one, often including free entries to new exhibitions and other perks.对于艺术和历史爱好者来说,博物馆通行证可能是个不错的礼物主意。许多博物馆可提供通常包括免费进入新展览和其他福利。

7. Wine tasting, at home在家品酒

There are so many different wine subscription services now, you're biggest problem will be choosing one.现在有这么多不同的葡萄酒订阅服务,你最大的问题将是选择一个。

Most services offer several subscription levels, depending how much you want to spend and many even offer little bonuses like educational content about the wine and what to pair it with or information about the producers.大多数服务提供多个订阅级别,具体取决于您想要花费多少,许多服务甚至提供很少的奖金,例如有关葡萄酒的教育内容以及与之配对的内容或有关生产商的信息。

来源:Father's day: Six last-minute present ideas for culture-loving dads | Euronews


