
How the royal ladies used jewelry to pay poignant tribute to the queen



Sights: The Royal Family, dignitaries from Commonwealth nations and other countries attended the state funeral for Queen Elizabeth II in London on Monday.


Princess Charlotte, the Princess of Wales and the Duchess of Sussex each expressed a sweet tribute to Queen Elizabeth II during her funeral Monday morning by wearing outfits that paid homage to the late monarch.

七岁的夏洛特第一次戴上了帽子,这是向她曾祖母展示的成长姿态。她身穿黑色长外套、黑色紧身衣和黑色鞋子,与母亲凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)的装束相得益彰。她还用一枚马蹄形的小钻石胸针向女王致敬,这无疑是对女王众所周知的对马匹的热爱的致敬。

Charlotte, seven years old, wore a hat for the first time, marking a grown-up gesture to her great-grandmother. She matched her mother, Kate Middleton, by dressing in a long black coat, black tights and black shoes. She also honoured the Queen with a small diamond brooch affixed to her coat in the shape of a horseshoe, which is certainly a tribute to the queen’s well-known love of horses.


Princess Charlotte of Wales during the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey on Monday.

上图:威尔士的夏洛特公主周一在英国伦敦威斯敏斯特大教堂参加伊丽莎白二世女王国葬期间。 来源:萨米尔·侯赛因 / 通过盖蒂图片社进行有线图像


Kensington Palace confirmed the pin Princess Charlotte wore was a gift from her great-grandmother herself.

夏洛特的母亲凯特·米德尔顿(Kate Middleton)与女儿一起向已故的婆婆致敬,她戴着一条四股珍珠项链,上面有一个钻石扣,最初是伊丽莎白女王拥有的。

Charlotte’s mother, Kate Middleton, joined her daughter in honouring her late grandmother-in-law by wearing a four-strand pearl necklace with a diamond clasp that was originally owned by Queen Elizabeth.


It’s the third time the Princess of Wales has chosen to wear the sentimental piece — she first wore it to the queen and Prince Philip’s 70th wedding anniversary in 2017, and again at Prince Philip’s funeral in 2021.


Prince George of Wales, Catherine, Princess of Wales, and Princess Charlotte of Wales during the State Funeral

上图:威尔士乔治王子,凯瑟琳,威尔士王妃和威尔士夏洛特公主周一在英格兰伦敦威斯敏斯特大教堂举行的伊丽莎白二世女王国葬期间。 萨米尔·侯赛因 / 通过盖蒂图片社进行有线图像


The queen was known to love pearls and could often be seen wearing her signature three strands of pearls at many outings and public events. She was even seen wearing them in her last-ever portrait, which was released on the eve of her funeral.


The final portrait of Queen Elizabeth II was released a day before her state funeral on Monday. The Royal Family

上图:英国女王伊丽莎白二世的最后一幅肖像在周一国葬前一天发布。 皇室家族/推特

苏塞克斯公爵夫人梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)也为周一的庄严场合选择了珍珠。她佩戴的珍珠耳环是女王2018年的礼物,是公爵夫人在她第一次也是唯一一次与她联合露面时佩戴的。

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, also chose pearls for Monday’s solemn occasion. The pearl earrings she wore were a 2018 gift from the queen, which were worn by the Duchess during her first and only joint appearance with her.


Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, during the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey on Monday in London.

上图:苏塞克斯公爵夫人梅根周一在英国伦敦威斯敏斯特大教堂参加伊丽莎白二世女王国葬期间。 萨米尔·侯赛因 / 通过盖蒂图片社进行有线图像


Markle has been seen wearing her pearl earrings at several events over the past nine days.


Since the queen’s death on Sept. 8, the Royal Family has been seen paying tribute to their beloved matriarch many times, and have often worn small mementos and jewelry with their mourning outfits as a gesture of remembrance.


Middleton was spotted wearing the queen’s beloved three-strand pearl necklace to a reception for the governors-general of the Commonwealth nations over the weekend.


Catherine, Princess of Wales, during a lunch held for governors-general of the Commonwealth nations at Buckingham

上图:威尔士王妃凯特周一在英国伦敦白金汉宫为英联邦国家总督举行的午餐会上。 盖蒂图片社


Great Britain and the world said goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II on Monday during a state funeral for the 96-year-old British monarch that drew not only leaders, but everyday people from around the globe.

资料来源 Michelle Butterfield Global News全球新闻

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