
#学问分享官# 西方人喜好饲养猫﹑狗之类的宠物,甚至视猫﹑狗为家庭成员之一日常生活中,人们也时常以猫﹑狗为话题谈论一些事情,久而久之,英语中便出现了许多含“猫”“狗”的成语﹑谚语或俗语最常见的有如“It’s raining cats and dogs”,当然不是说“天上下着猫和狗”,而是相当于“It’s raining heavily.”或It’s pouring.”下面的短文中含有许多由“猫”或“狗”组成的成语或谚语如读者有兴趣,不妨一读,看能否理解其含义:In the modern business world, it’s dog eat dog. When the commercial secrets of Jones’ company were revealed to his opponent, Jones’ business went to the dogs and now all the workers in Jones’ company were leading a dog’s life.On the other hand Marshal, Jones’ opponent, who was very proud of his victory over Jones, looked like th754448e cat that ate the canary. He often boasted to his staff: “ You know there’s more than one way to skin a cat.”A journalist heard of this leakage of commercial secrets and went to Marshal to ask about it. But Marshal did not have a word to throw at a dog. Having asked him many times, the journalist lost patience and shouted: “What’s the matter—cat got your tongue? ”.This time arrogant Marshal spoke slowly but in a threatening way: “Ask me to let the cat out of the bag, eh? Curiosity killed the cat—better let sleeping dogs lie.”在这篇短文中,作者刻意将含有“猫”“狗”的各种成语或谚语有机地穿插起来,看似一种文字游戏,却表达了一个完整的故事毫无疑问,如果不能正确理解这类词语的真正含义,就不可能完全读懂这个故事现将短文中含“猫”“狗”的成语或谚语逐一解释如下:dog eat dog 尽管有点象汉语中的“狗咬狗”,但此处指残酷而激烈的竞争,如“through dog -eat- dog competition”go to the dogs 老式英语,表示遭受损失或走向灭落,如“The team went to the dogs when its best players got hurt.”(球队最好的队员受伤后,球队一蹶不振)lead a dog’s life “过着狗一般的生活”,表示处境艰难,相当于“lead a hard life”look like the cat that ate the canary 猫能吃到金丝雀自然是件惬意的事,成语采用修辞中的明喻,比喻人因取得某种成功而沾沾自喜there’s more than one way to skin a cat 给猫剥皮当然是件恐怖的事,谁也不会热衷于去探究剥猫的方法到底有多少种这句谚语的意思为:取得成功的方法有多种多样not have a word to through at a dog 因孤僻或高傲而不愿与别人说话连狗都懒得搭理一下,可见其保持沉默的程度cat got your tongue?也可为:“Has the cat got your tongue?” “猫抓住你的舌头了吗?”言下之意为:“你为什么一言不发?”(Why don’t you say anything?)let the cat out of the bag 此句成语据说源于这么一个典故:有一贵族愿花高价求购一只珍贵的丝毛狗,找遍市场未能如愿,一宠物贩子听说后,抓一白猫置于袋中,谎称是丝毛狗,正当快要成交时,贵族仆人无意中把猫从袋中放出,因而露馅这句成语即表示泄露秘密Curiosity killed the cat 在西方人眼中,猫是一种好奇心强又爱管闲事的动物,却又因这种习性吃尽了苦头这句成语采用夸张的手法表示:过于寻根究底去打探别人的事往往会自找苦吃 10.let sleeping dogs lie 睡狗勿惹,即不要惹事生非 当然,英语中相类似的词语还远不止以上这些,最常见的还有如:see which way the cat jumps 或 wait for the cat to jump 静观动向再做决定;play cat and mouse with 欲擒故纵;A cat can look at a king 猫也有权看国王(小人物也该有自己的权利)a dog’s dinner / breakfast (弄得)一团糟;Every dog has his day 凡人皆有得意日;He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick 欲加之罪,何患无辞;Love me ,love my dog 爱屋及乌等等所有这些都说明宠物或动物与人类社会语言的发展是密不可分的,下面我们就来说一说关于猫和兔子的英语?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



#学问分享官# 西方人喜好饲养猫﹑狗之类的宠物,甚至视猫﹑狗为家庭成员之一。日常生活中,人们也时常以猫﹑狗为话题谈论一些事情,久而久之,英语中便出现了许多含“猫”“狗”的成语﹑谚语或俗语。最常见的有如“It’s raining cats and dogs”,当然不是说“天上下着猫和狗”,而是相当于“It’s raining heavily.”或It’s pouring.”下面的短文中含有许多由“猫”或“狗”组成的成语或谚语。如读者有兴趣,不妨一读,看能否理解其含义:In the modern business world, it’s dog eat dog. When the commercial secrets of Jones’ company were revealed to his opponent, Jones’ business went to the dogs and now all the workers in Jones’ company were leading a dog’s life.On the other hand Marshal, Jones’ opponent, who was very proud of his victory over Jones, looked like th754448e cat that ate the canary. He often boasted to his staff: “ You know there’s more than one way to skin a cat.”A journalist heard of this leakage of commercial secrets and went to Marshal to ask about it. But Marshal did not have a word to throw at a dog. Having asked him many times, the journalist lost patience and shouted: “What’s the matter—cat got your tongue? ”.This time arrogant Marshal spoke slowly but in a threatening way: “Ask me to let the cat out of the bag, eh? Curiosity killed the cat—better let sleeping dogs lie.”在这篇短文中,作者刻意将含有“猫”“狗”的各种成语或谚语有机地穿插起来,看似一种文字游戏,却表达了一个完整的故事。毫无疑问,如果不能正确理解这类词语的真正含义,就不可能完全读懂这个故事。现将短文中含“猫”“狗”的成语或谚语逐一解释如下:dog eat dog 尽管有点象汉语中的“狗咬狗”,但此处指残酷而激烈的竞争,如“through dog -eat- dog competition”go to the dogs 老式英语,表示遭受损失或走向灭落,如“The team went to the dogs when its best players got hurt.”(球队最好的队员受伤后,球队一蹶不振)。lead a dog’s life “过着狗一般的生活”,表示处境艰难,相当于“lead a hard life”。look like the cat that ate the canary 猫能吃到金丝雀自然是件惬意的事,成语采用修辞中的明喻,比喻人因取得某种成功而沾沾自喜。there’s more than one way to skin a cat 给猫剥皮当然是件恐怖的事,谁也不会热衷于去探究剥猫的方法到底有多少种。这句谚语的意思为:取得成功的方法有多种多样。not have a word to through at a dog 因孤僻或高傲而不愿与别人说话。连狗都懒得搭理一下,可见其保持沉默的程度。cat got your tongue?也可为:“Has the cat got your tongue?” “猫抓住你的舌头了吗?”言下之意为:“你为什么一言不发?”(Why don’t you say anything?)let the cat out of the bag 此句成语据说源于这么一个典故:有一贵族愿花高价求购一只珍贵的丝毛狗,找遍市场未能如愿,一宠物贩子听说后,抓一白猫置于袋中,谎称是丝毛狗,正当快要成交时,贵族仆人无意中把猫从袋中放出,因而露馅。这句成语即表示泄露秘密。Curiosity killed the cat 在西方人眼中,猫是一种好奇心强又爱管闲事的动物,却又因这种习性吃尽了苦头。这句成语采用夸张的手法表示:过于寻根究底去打探别人的事往往会自找苦吃。 10.let sleeping dogs lie 睡狗勿惹,即不要惹事生非。 当然,英语中相类似的词语还远不止以上这些,最常见的还有如:see which way the cat jumps 或 wait for the cat to jump 静观动向再做决定;play cat and mouse with 欲擒故纵;A cat can look at a king 猫也有权看国王(小人物也该有自己的权利)a dog’s dinner / breakfast (弄得)一团糟;Every dog has his day 凡人皆有得意日;He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick 欲加之罪,何患无辞;Love me ,love my dog 爱屋及乌等等。所有这些都说明宠物或动物与人类社会语言的发展是密不可分的。


