

How much would you pay for a truly one-of-a-kind pair of jeans featuring an abstract pattern of scratches and bite arks designed by lions at a Japanese zoo? Only ten pairs will be available this year, so you’d better be ready to break the piggy bank.日本一家动物园的狮子们设计了一款牛仔裤,上面布满了由它们的抓痕和咬痕组成的抽象图案,你愿意为这款独一无二的牛仔裤出价多少?今年只会限量发售十条动物园牛仔裤,所以你最好现在就准备好自己的小金库。

Zoo Jeans are part of a revitalization campaign for Japn’s Tohoku region, and were originally thought up at Sendai City’s Tohoku Gakuin University. The first pairs were originally launched in 2014, when lions, tigers and bears were given a series of toys wrapped in denim and allowed to literally leave their mark on the fabric. The toys were then retrieved and the denim was passed over to jeans makers who made sure the placement of claw and bite marks on the pants was just right. Although very pricey, Zoo Jeans proved extremely popular, so this year, the Tohoku Gakuin University is selling another 10 pairs designed by lions, via online auction.动物园牛仔裤隶属于日本东北部的一项振兴运动,最初是由仙台市的东北学院大学提出。第一款动物园牛仔裤于2014年发售,其制作过程是将一些包裹着牛仔布料的玩偶丢给狮子、老虎和熊,然后任它们随心所欲地在牛仔布上留下自己的印记。这些玩偶随后被回收,牛仔布料则交给牛仔裤制造商,他们负责确定抓痕和咬痕在牛仔裤上的合适分布位置。虽然这款牛仔裤价格十分昂贵,但它还是吸引了许多人争先恐后的购买。所以今年东北学院大学将在网络拍卖平台上额外出售10条由狮子设计的动物园牛仔裤。


The two resident designers for 2016-edition Zoo Jeans are Curtis, a 19-year-old male lion, and O’Neal, a 16-year-old female. On June 25th, they had their favorite playthings wrapped in denim and left to work their magic on them. The material was then sent to Momotaro and Japan Blue, two of the country’s top jeans manufacturers to create 10 unique pairs of jeans out of it.2016版动物园牛仔裤的设计师是19岁的雄狮柯蒂斯和16岁的雌狮奥尼尔。6月25日,工作人员把它们最爱的玩具包上牛仔布再丢给它们,任它们在玩具上“大显身手”。布料随后交予日本最顶尖的两家牛仔裤制造商桃太郎和正蓝屋,他们会用这些布料制造10条独一无二的的牛仔裤。


This year’s Zoo Jeans will be sold online on August 1st, with auctions starting at 98,000 yen (US$957.55), plus tax, per pair. Proceeds will be donated to Yagiyama Zoological Park to be used for their animal environment preservation activities.今年,动物园牛仔裤将于8月1日在网络拍卖平台上开售,起拍价是每条税后98000日元(合956.55美元)。所得收入会捐赠给八木山动物公园用于园内动物环境保护活动。



