
Hello, I'm Oli. Welcome to Oxford Online English. In this lesson, you can learn about the IELTS speaking exam.,下面我们就来说一说关于雅思口语考试的标准是什么?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



Hello, I'm Oli. Welcome to Oxford Online English. In this lesson, you can learn about the IELTS speaking exam.


You can see how the exam works, and how your score is decided. In another lesson, we gave you some advice for the speaking exam.


However, I've helped a lot of students prepare for IELTS, and most people don't seem to have a clear idea of how the exam works, and in particular, how the examiners work out your score.

Understanding the exam and the scoring system can help you to prepare for the exam more effectively.



The IELTS speaking test has three sections, and lasts around 11-14 minutes in total. The test is the same whether you are taking general IELTS or academic IELTS.


The exam is supposed to be like a real-life conversation—the examiners want to see if you can communicate in a natural way. Your exam will be recorded, and examiners use the recording to determine your score.


First, let's look at the three sections of the speaking test. Part one is the introduction.


During part one, the examiner will welcome you and ask you some simple questions about yourself.

Some common topics which the examiner might ask you about are: your job, your hometown, hobbies and interests, simple things like this.



Of course, there are other possibilities. However, the questions in part one should be quite simple.


Part one lasts around four or five minutes. Next is part two, the long turn.


In part two, the examiner will give you a topic. You have one minute to prepare a speech on the topic.


Let's look at a sample question: "Describe an important choice you had to make in your life. You should say: • When you had this choice • What you had to choose between • Whether you made a good choice • And explain how you felt when you were making this choice."


You can make notes during your preparation time, although you only have one minute, so don't try to write too much—just write short notes if you write anything.

You need to speak for between one and two minutes in part two.



If you speak for longer, the examiner will interrupt you, but this doesn't really matter. You need to talk for at least one minute.


If you talk for less than one minute, it might affect your score.

After you finish speaking, the examiner will ask you one or two basic questions about what you said, just to ask for more detail about some of the points which you made.



Next is part three, which is the open discussion. The examiner will ask you more complex and open-ended questions.


The topic is generally related to the topic from part two, although the examiner can take the conversation in a different direction.

The examiner wants to see if you can give longer, more detailed answers, and also talk about abstract or unfamiliar topics.



The examiner will take part in the conversation, so it will be more like a dialogue than a simple question-and-answer format. Of course, you should try to talk as much as possible, and also give long, detailed answers if you can.


Part three lasts four or five minutes, and then that's the end of your exam. Next, let's look at the scoring system.


You probably know that IELTS is scored from zero to nine, where zero means you just didn't turn up for the exam, and nine means you sound like a native speaker; there's no difference.

However, your speaking score is actually made of four parts.



The four parts are fluency and coherence, vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.

For each part, assuming you open your mouth at least once during the speaking test, you get a score from one to nine.



The four scores are then averaged to make your final score for the speaking test.

For example, if you get 5 for fluency/coherence, 6 for vocabulary, 6 for grammar, and 5 for pronunciation, then your overall score would be 5.5 ( (5 5 6 6)/4) .


例如,如果你的流利/连贯是5分,词汇6分,语法6分,发音5分,那么你的总分就是5.5 ( (5 5 6 6)/4) .

Let's look now at what the examiners are looking for and how they decide these four scores. For fluency and coherence, the examiners are looking for the following things.


The ability to speak fluently, without stopping to think or speaking slowly, or pausing or anything like that.

The ability to give longer answers without difficulty - that means answers which are several sentences long, and which are more complex; expressing your meaning clearly; answering the questions which the examiner asks, and giving relevant answers - that means answering the question in a way that shows that you've understood the question.



Finally, using connecting words and phrases to link your sentences together.

For vocabulary, they're looking for: the ability to choose words correctly - meaning using words in a way which shows that you understand exactly what the words mean; using less common and idiomatic vocabulary accurately is important if you want to get a higher score, say band 7.0 and up.



Finally, being able to explain words and ideas which you don't know is also important. Not knowing a word is not necessarily a problem, if you can explain it in another way.


For grammar: using a mix of simple and complex sentence structures correctly - so that means using shorter sentences and longer sentences, using obviously simple sentences with one part, or complex sentences with many parts.

Also, of course speaking accurately, without language mistakes.



In IELTS, they also make a difference between language mistakes which make understanding difficult, which are not so serious, and language mistakes which make understanding difficult, which are more serious. For pronunciation, the scoring system is also quite simple.



First and most importantly: speaking clearly - if your pronunciation is clear, or not, that's a big part of your score.

They also look at how you use features of native English speech (things like weak forms, linking, intonation and so on) .



The more features you use, and the more accurately you use them, the higher the score you can get.

You can see the full mark scheme here, with detailed descriptions for each level, if you want to look at it and learn more about it.



Finally, let's do some examples to see how this might work in practice. So, first of all we have student A.


Student A has a really good knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. He thinks very carefully before he speaks to make sure each sentence is accurate and perfect, with no mistakes.


Because of this, he speaks quite slowly, with long pauses between each sentence. His pronunciation is clear, but he has a heavy accent which makes him difficult to understand sometimes.


So what kind of score might he get for the speaking test? Probably, he would get around 4 for fluency and coherence, because he can't speak without pausing.


You can't get higher than 3 or 4 for fluency if you pause too much.

His grammar and vocabulary are accurate, so he would probably get 6 or maybe 7.



It would be difficult to get a higher score because his lack of fluency would prevent him from speaking a lot.

If it takes you a long time to produce every sentence, then you won't produce so many sentences, especially because the exam's quite short, so that makes it hard to get higher scores in other areas if your fluency isn't good.



For pronunciation, it's mostly clear, but not always clear; he would probably get 5. So overall, he would probably get around 5.0 or 5.5.


He might be disappointed, because he knows his grammar and vocabulary are very good. However, without speaking fluently, it's harder to get a higher score.


Let's do one more example. Now we have Student B. She's very confident in her speaking; she can speak fluently.


Giving longer answers is no problem. She makes a lot of grammar and vocabulary mistakes, but her meaning is almost always clear and easy to understand.


Her pronunciation is generally clear, with a light accent. She makes a few mistakes, but she's very easy to understand, again.


So, what score would she get?

For fluency and coherence, she would probably get 6 or 7, because she can speak fluently (and) she can give longer answers without any problems.



For vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, she probably get around 6, because although she makes mistakes, her meaning is easy to understand. So overall, she would get around 6.0.


She would need to improve her grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation skills to get 7.

Because although you can get 6.0 while making quite a lot of mistakes, you can't make very many mistakes if you want to get 7.0.



Understanding the exam and the scoring system can really help you to prepare for the test. Next, I suggest you watch this lesson, if you haven't already, to get some useful advice for the speaking test.


OK, that's the end of the lesson.

Thank you very much for watching. If you want to read the full text of this lesson, you can see it on our website here, but that's all for today.


Thanks again. I'll see you next time. Bye Bye!



