





The center's founder, Xu Zhe, heads a team of nine that takes responsibility for rescuing cats in Chengdu and in nearby Chongqing. Chengdu is located in a basin and is notorious for its muggy and overcast climate, but in the cat rescue center, outside the city's third ring road, the atmosphere is one of supreme comfort. Several tabby cats stretch out on a chair with their round faces lost in sleep; other cats meow and swipe their tail gently at your feet; some lie meekly in volunteers' arms, dozing but somehow seeming alert. Here, newborn kittens and their mothers live safely in isolated rooms with ample food and clean water, waiting for adopters.


Xu's internet stray cat adoption and rescue service, Living with Cats, has 10 millions of followers across the country. Beginning in April 2019, Xu filmed instances of rescuing stray cats, edited them into videos and uploaded them to the video website Bilibili. He was awarded one of the site's top 100 content creators last year. His rescue work predates that, starting in early 2016.


Relying on the rewards and subsidies of video platforms, Living with Cats receives a fee every month. This is a drop in the bucket that barely covers operating costs, and the time and effort that Xu and his team pour into their work do not equate to the figures you find in a healthy bank statement. The ultimate reward for those who work is knowing they are saving cats' lives. More than 300 cats were rescued in 2019, and more than 200 were put out for adoption, Xu says.


Those who admire what Xu is doing have nicknamed him the Cat Fighter, and the reason for that is clear from the many exploits he has had plucking cats from peril and even the jaws of death. These include: saving a dying cat trapped in a 10-meter deep elevator well; retrieving a tabby cat from a sewer after it had not eaten for almost a week; plucking to safety a stray cat trapped in a tree 20 meters high.


Injuries while rescuing cats are common, he says, and that of course includes being scratched or bitten by cats.


In addition to physical scars, Xu and those who work with him also face emotional challenges. Some people take a dim view of what they are doing and even refer to cat and dog lovers in a sneering way, he says. Xu draws on a saying common on the internet according to which "You may be unable to love them, but please do not harm them."


"It is a very complicated issue," he says. "Right now it's the concept of pet raising we are changing, and laws are needed to protect small animals. Promoting adoption rather than purchase is also something we devote ourselves to."

“这是很复杂的事,” 他说道。现在我们养宠物的观念变了,也亟需相关立法来保护小动物。同时,我们也致力于推动领养代替购买。”

Here, 300 yuan ($47) is the minimum charge, the paid adoption including three free vaccine shots. Xu insists on the charge, saying he believes that it helps ensure that anyone wanting to truly care for a cat will be made conscious of the minimum they will need to spend on their companion every month.


All that then remains is, as in the aftermath of a marriage ceremony, to live up to the promise to accompany the cat for a lifetime.



1. notorious [nəʊˈtɔːriəs],(adj):臭名昭著的;声名狼藉的

2. muggy [ˈmʌɡi],(adj):闷热的;闷热潮湿的

3. overcast [ˌəʊvəˈkɑːst],(n,adj):阴天;[气象学]阴;遮盖物(尤指云、雾等);郁闷;忧愁;沮丧;[采矿]风桥;阴天;[气象学]阴;遮盖物(尤指云、雾等);郁闷;忧愁;沮丧;[采矿]风桥

4. predate [ˌpriːˈdeɪt],(v):早于;(在日期上)先于

5. equate [iˈkweɪt],(v):相等;同等看待;使等同

6. pluck [plʌk],(v,n):摘;拔;拔掉,退去(死禽的毛);弹,弹拨(乐器的弦);解救;抢夺;胆识;胆量;意志

7. peril [ˈperəl],(n,v):危险;严重危险;祸害;险情;置…于危险中;危及

8. aftermath [ˈɑːftəmæθ],(n):(战争、事故、不快事情的)后果,创伤





