
Karl:Oh,can you grab me your wedding ring?I wanna get it cleaned before the ceremony.


Susan:Uh,is that really necessary?I mean,do we have to do the whole ring thing?


Karl:Of course we do.It's gotta look believable.


Susan:Yeah,okay.Well,I'll just grab something out of my jewelry box.


Karl:Susan,that ring was my grandmother's.One day it's gonna be Julie's.Where is it?


Susan:I don't know...exactly.


Karl:That was a family heirloom.I trusted you with it.


Susan:Well,I trusted you not to cheat on me and break my heart.


Karl:Oh,my god. Oh,my god.What--what did you do with it?


Susan:I threw it out my car window somewhere on route 7.


Karl:What?! When?


Susan:The night you abandoned me.




Susan:Karl,you are so not allowed to get angry.I mean,I might've been the one to throw away the wedding ring,but you threw away the whole marriage.There was plenty of bad behavior that went on back then,so just get off your high horse.We're on the same page now,so we should just focus on that.


Mary Alice Voiceover:Yes,Susan Mayer believed the punishment should fit the crime.


Susan:Karl,I think there might be snakes in here.


Karl:We're not leaving here until you find that ring.


Mary Alice Voiceover:But for that matter,so did Karl.


  • grab sb. sth.把东西拿给某人
  • grab”这个单词有抢占,抓住,拿,吃,喝的意思。在口语中经常使用,含有快速拿,吃......的含义。
  • Grab a seat and make yourself at home.随便找个地方坐,别客气。
  • Let's grab a sandwich and go to see the film.让我们赶快吃个三明治就去看电影吧。
  • He grabbed my collar and pulled me towards him.他抓住我的领子把我拉到他面前。
  • When I gave him the chance, he grabbed it at once.我给他这一机会,他立刻抓住不放
  • get it cleaned(get sth. done复合宾语结构)拿去清洗
  • heirloom['erluːm] n. 传家宝;〈法律〉动产继承物
  • cheat on sb.欺骗某人,对某人不忠
  • high horse 表示 趾高气扬、自以为很了不起
  • Get off your high horse表示别摆架子/别一本正经的。
  • on the same page达成共识,意见一致
  • focus on集中注意力做好某事
  • the punishment should fit the crime 罪有应得


  • Karl:Oh,can you grab me your wedding ring?I wanna get it cleaned before the ceremony.
  • Susan:Uh,is that really necessary?I mean,do we have to do the whole ring thing?
  • Karl:Of course we do.It's gotta look believable.
  • Susan:Yeah,okay.Well,I'll just grab something out of my jewelry box.
  • Karl:Susan,that ring was my grandmother's.One day it's gonna be Julie's.Where is it?
  • Susan:I don't know...exactly.
  • Karl:That was a family heirloom.I trusted you with it.
  • Susan:Well,I trusted you not to cheat on me and break my heart.
  • Karl:Oh,my god. Oh,my god.What--what did you do with it?
  • Susan:I threw it out my car window somewhere on route 7.
  • Karl:What?! When?
  • Susan:The night you abandoned me.
  • Karl:Suz--
  • Susan:Karl,you are so not allowed to get angry.I mean,I might've been the one to throw away the wedding ring,but you threw away the whole marriage.There was plenty of bad behavior that went on back then,so just get off your high horse.We're on the same page now,so we should just focus on that.
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:Yes,Susan Mayer believed the punishment should fit the crime.
  • Susan:Karl,I think there might be snakes in here.
  • Karl:We're not leaving here until you find that ring.
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:But for that matter,so did Karl.

卡尔:你能把结婚戒指给我吗?我想在婚礼前送去洗洗。 苏珊:有那个必要吗?互换戒指就免了吧。 卡尔:当然需要了,看起来才可信。 苏珊:好的,我会从首饰盒里拿一枚的。 卡尔:苏珊,那是我祖母的戒指,将来要传给朱莉的,它在哪里? 苏珊:我不知道,真的。 卡尔:那可是传家宝,我信任你才把它交给你。 苏珊:我还信任你不会背叛我,伤害我呢。 卡尔:我的天,我的天,你那它怎么啦? 苏珊:我开到第七车道上,把它扔出窗外了。 卡尔:什么,何时? 苏珊:你抛弃我的那天晚上。 卡尔:苏珊 苏珊:卡尔,你没权利生气的。我只是扔掉了结婚戒指,你却放弃了整个婚姻。你过去有很多不齿的行为,所以别这么一本正经的。我们现在在同一条船上,把这件事做好就行了。 玛丽.艾莉丝:是的,苏珊.梅尔相信罪有应得。 苏珊:卡尔,这里好像有蛇。 卡尔:你找不到戒指就别想走。 玛丽.艾莉丝:不过话说回来,卡尔也好不到哪去。


