
Turkic Identity in Mongol and Post-MongolCentral Asia and the Qipchaq Steppe


作者:Joo-Yup Lee




DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190277727.013.443










Türk, Turk, Turkic, Mongol, Jochi, Chaghatay, Uzbek, Qazaq, Tatar, Nomad, Tajik, Chinggisid, Timurid, CentralAsia, Inner Asia




The Turkic identity that first emergedwith the rise of the Türk empire in the mid-6th century did not encompass allTurkic-speaking nomads in the Inner Asian world. The Türks, who founded thefirst Turkic nomadic empire, reserved the term Türk for themselves. In turn,the Uighurs and the (Yenisei) Qirghiz, who succeeded the Türks in the Mongoliansteppes, did not identify themselves as Türk. As a result, after the finalcollapse of the Türk empire in the mid-8th century, Turkic identity did notsurvive among non-Türk groups in the Mongolian steppes.


Turk became a much broader identity in the Islamic world. Muslim writers spread the term Turk(plural Atrāk), virtually using it as a synonym for Inner Asiannomads including both Turkic- and non–Turkic-speaking groups. Accordingly, whenthe Mongols entered the Islamic world, Muslim writers in general identifiedthem as Turks. The Muslim view of the Turks as Inner Asian nomads was adoptedby the Mongols of the Ilkhanate and the Mongol successors in Central Asia(Timurids, Moghuls, and Shibanid Uzbeks), who viewed themselves as the mostprominent branch of the Turks. (The designation Central Asia is used here forthe interior region stretching from the Caspian Sea in the west to Xinjiang, Chinain the east. Inner Asia denotes the steppe regions.)


Essentially, their Turkic identity was anon-Tajik, Inner Asian nomadic identity, not a non-Mongol, Türk-relatedidentity. Importantly, it encompassed Mongol identity. In the histories anddocuments produced in the Ilkhanate and the Mongol successor states in Central Asia,Turk in the phrase “Turk and Tajik” and various Chinggisid and Timuridgenealogies primarily denoted the Mongols.


However, a Central Asian type of Turkicidentity was non-existent in the Qipchaq Steppe during the Mongol andpost-Mongol period. Apparently, the term Turk had not been used as aself-appellation among such non-Türk groups of the Qipchaq Steppe as theQipchaqs. Likewise, the Mongol successors of the Qipchaq Steppe (Uzbeks,Qazaqs, and Tatars) did not self-identify as Turks. However, like their CentralAsian counterparts, they identified themselves as Mongol descendants.



I. The Origin and Spread of TurkicIdentity


Turkic identity first emerged as theself-identity of the Türks, who were the founders of the Türk empire (551–745CE). After their fall, Turkic identity disappeared in the Mongolian steppessince the Uighurs and Qirghiz, who succeeded the Türks, did not identify themselveswith the latter. Nevertheless, medieval Muslim writers spread the term Turk (pluralAtrāk), using it virtually as a synonym for Inner Asian nomads, irrespective oftheir linguistic affiliation.


1.1 The Rise and Disappearance of Türk Identity

1.1 对突厥汗国认同的兴起和消逝

A Turkic identity first emerged when theTürks led by Bumin (r. 551–552) founded the first Turkic nomadic empire in theMongolian steppes in the mid-6th century. Until their final collapse in themid-8th century, the Türks reserved the name Türk for themselves and didnot employ it for other Turkic-speaking groups that they subdued such as the ToquzOghuz (Tiele in Chinese histories) and the (Yenisei) Qirghiz as can be seen inthe usage of Türk in the Orkhon inscriptions. This means that the Turkicidentity of the Türks did not encompass all Turkic-speaking nomads under theirrule.


After the collapse of the Türks, the name Türkwas not adopted as a self-appellation by the Turkic-speaking peoples whosucceeded them, the Uighurs (a Toquz Oghuz group) and the Qirghiz. In theirroyal inscriptions, the Uighurs call themselves Uighur (Uyγur) andapply Türk (Türük) only to the Türks, whom they depict as theirenemies. For instance, in the Taryat (Terkhin) inscription, the Uighur khanMoyun Čor (r. 747–759) states: “At my age of twenty eight, in the Year of theSerpent, I disturbed and destroyed the realm of the Türks (Türük eli).” Hiswords recorded in the Moyun Čor (Šine-Usu) inscription also illustrate theseparateness of the Uighurs and the Türks: “I heard that Özmiš Tegin had becomeqan (of the Türüks). In the Sheep Year (743 AD), I marched (with myarmy) . . . I seized (Özmiš Qaγan) . . . Thereafter the Türük people has ceasedto exist.” Similarly, the Qirghiz do not use Türk as theirself-designation in their inscriptions, found in the upper Yenisei region. Forinstance, the Süji inscription, or epitaph, reads as follows: “I [was]appointed in the Uygur lands of the Yaglaqar khans . . . I am a son of the Qirgiz,the Boyla Qutlug judge.”


Accordingly, medieval Chinese historiansalso reserved the name Türk (Tujue in Chinese) for the Türks.They did not identify such Turkic-speaking groups as the Tiele, the Uighurs,and the Qirghiz with the Türks in the official dynastic histories. Forinstance, the Jiu Tangshu [Old Tang history] records that “after theTujue became powerful, the Tiele gradually became dispersed and small.”Likewise, whereas the Shatuo, an offshoot of the Chuyue of the Western Türks,are referred to as “a separate tribe of the Western Tujue” in the XinTangshu [New Tang history], the Uighurs and the Qirghiz are never called Tujuein the Chinese histories.

与此相一致的是,古代中原的史学家们使用的“突厥”一词也只用来指代(阿史那系)突厥汗国。在中原王朝的官修史中,铁勒,回鹘,黠戛斯等使用突厥语族语言的部落联盟并不被称作“突厥”。例如,《旧唐书》中记载道:“自突厥强盛,铁勒诸郡分散,众渐寡弱。” 类似地,只有从西突厥汗国处月部中析出的沙陀部在《新唐书》中被描述为“西突厥别部”,而回鹘和黠戛斯则从来没有在任何汉文古籍里被称作“突厥”。

Türk identity may have been preservedamong the direct descendants of the Türks for centuries following the collapseof the Türk empire in the mid-8th century. For instance, the Khazars, whoprobably branched off from the Western Türks,may have claimed descent from the Ashina clan, the ruling dynasty of the Türks.However, their “Türk”identity may have disappeared by the mid-10th century. In his letter to Ḥasdai b. Shaprūṭ (d. c. 975), theJewish courtier of the Caliph of Cordoba, the 10th-century Khazar ruler Joseph claimeddescent from Khazar, the seventh son of Togarmah, son of Japheth, following thebiblical tradition, not the Türk tradition. The Qarluq (Geluolu歌邏祿)and the Türgesh (Tuqishi突騎施), who had belonged tothe Western Türk tribal confederation centered in the Kazakh steppes, may alsohave retained a Türk identity. When the Qarakhanid philologist Maḥmūdal-Kāshgharī(fl. c. 1075) uses the term Turk in a narrow sense in his DīwānLuġāt at-Turk,he reserves it for the Qarakhanids, who were made up of the Qarluq and theChigil, among others. However, it is not clear if the Qarakhanids indeedretained a “Türk”identity. Kāshgharīprobably had no memory of the Türks. Kāshgharī does not mention the Türks in his work at all, even when hedescribes the Ötükän, which was their homeland. He simply writes that it is the“nameof a place in the deserts of Tatār,near Uighur. ”As to the ancestors of the Turkic groups, Kāshgharīonly mentions “Turk,son of Japheth, son of Noah,” and Alp Er Tonga, whom he identifieswith Afrāsiyāb, the Turanian hero of the Shāh-nāma,without mentioning any historical Türk figure.


By the turn of the second millennium CE, it appears that the memory of the Türks had been obliterated in the Turkicworld. The Seljuqs, an offshoot of the Oghuz, a Turkic nomadic group thatinhabited the Aral Sea and Caspian Sea steppes during the 9th and 10thcenturies CE, did not possess any memory of the Türks. The Seljuqs may haveconsidered Oghuz Khan, the legendary ancestor of the Oghuz Turkic tribes, to betheir progenitor. However, the Oghuz tradition did not preserve any real memoryof the Türks. Some Seljuq court historians, including Ibn Ḥassūl(d. 1058), viewed Afrāsiyābas the ancestor of the Seljuqs. The Ghaznavids, who began their career as themilitary slaves of the Persian Samanids, even discarded their steppe roots.Unlike the Qarakhanids and Seljuqs, they sought to legitimize themselvesfollowing the Persian imperial tradition. Their later court historians linkedthem to Yazdagird III, the last Sasanian ruler.


In sum, the various Turkic-speaking groupsin pre-Mongol Inner Asia did not share a Türk identity. They also did notcommonly share other kinds of “Turkic”identity including the Oghuz or Afrāsiyābidentity.



