

have a whale of a time:to enjoy something very much 玩儿的非常痛快,过的非常愉悦

We had a whale of a time on holiday.

Come out to our party this weekend, you're sure to have a whale of a good time!

Kids of all ages will have a whale of a time at the water park.

pigs might fly:that will never happen!根本不可能的事情, 无稽之谈…

"I'll have finished it by tomorrow." "And pigs might fly!"

A: "If we could just get Democrats and Republicans to agree on a tax reform bill, we could bring the deficit down in no time." B: "Yeah, and pigs might fly!"

‘You might get into the football team if you practise hard.’ ‘Yes, and pigs might fly!’


get off your high horse:stop behaving in a superior manner! 别再自以为是…

Sam is never going to make friends here until he gets off his high horse and stops acting like he knows more than all of us.

You're just an intern, so get off your high horse and do this filing, like I asked you to.

Would you get off your high horse and talk to me?

to be in the doghouse:to be in trouble 惹祸,惹麻烦…

I'll be in the doghouse if I come into work late again this week.

You've been in the doghouse with Maria ever since you forgot her birthday.

I'm really in the doghouse with my boss. I was late for an appointment.


hold your horses:wait! be patient! 停下来想想,且慢,别急…

Whoa, hold your horses, kids. We're going to sing before we start eating cake.

Hold your horses a minute, will you, and just take another look at this document.

Just hold your horses, Bill! Let's think about this for a moment.



