
Let’s forget about the formal applications of English for one day and take a walk on the wild side of bad words.,下面我们就来说一说关于就是任性给Bitch正名?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



Let’s forget about the formal applications of English for one day and take a walk on the wild side of bad words.


Today we’re going to talk about the word BITCH, which, without a doubt, is all over the place in the English language in all its elaborate


BITCH. It’s a powerful word, it can be used as a noun, verb or adjective, and it’s almost universallyplayfulsexualviolentoffensiveneutralempower

“BITCH”是一个强大的词,它可以用作名词,也可以用作动词或形容词,它几乎受到了所有英语为非母语的人误解。它可以是好玩的,与性别有关的,或者暴力的。它也可以是无礼的,中立的,甚至能够用在女人身上。但是在99%的例子中,“Bitch” 不能够翻译成“妓女”。维基百科说:

The word “bitch”, literally meaning a female dog, is a common slang term in the English language, especially used as a denigratingbelligerentunreasonableintrusiveaggressive


Let’s dive in. Here is how BITCH is used:


Bitch Almost Never Means “Prostitute”:

Bitch 基本上从来没有“妓女”的意思:

Accept that the translation of “son of a bitch” is misleading and does not represent how native speakers use the word bitch in other situations. Even in “son of a bitch,”I would venture

人们常常接受的“son of a bitch” 的翻译(“婊子养的”)是容易让人误解的,并且它不能够完全代表母语为英语的人在其它情况下是如何使用bitch这个单词的。即使是“son of a bitch”这句话,我敢说这种表达按照同样的方式翻译成西班牙语或是葡萄牙语(“hijo de puta/ filho de puta”),也并不能让我想到bitch指的是母亲或是妇女。

The only exception to this is in American gansterderogative


Bitch Literally Means Female Dog. There’s nothing really to explain here. It’s quiteliteral


Calling a Woman a Bitch (3 different meanings):

称一个女人为 Bitch(3种不同意思):

1.An annoying/ unpleasant woman:It’s definitely not polite to call a woman a bitch, but in most cases, it’s not as bad as “whore.” For example: (a) He didn’t leave a tip at the restaurant because he said that his waitress WAS A BITCH. (b) I don’t know what’s wrong with her. She’s BEING A BITCH.

一个烦人的/让人不愉快的女人:称一个女人为bitch绝对是不礼貌的,但是在很多情况下,它并没有“whore(妓女)”那么恶劣。例如:(a)他没有给餐馆小费,因为他说他的女服务员WAS A BITCH(是个烦人的女人)。(b)我不知道她怎么了。她就是BEING A BITCH(让人不愉快)。

Note: “She is a bitch” (permanent

注意:“She is a bitch.”(永久的,现在时)比说“she is being a bitch”(临时状态,进行时) 更加无礼。同样地,称一个女人是个bitch是很不友好的,所以注意你的言辞。

2.A Prostitute:Rap music seems to be the only context where “bitch” means “prostitute.” Rap music’s use of “bitch” is acontroversialinappropriate

妓女:说唱音乐即Rap似乎是唯一使用“bitch” 表示“妓女”的语境。说唱音乐中“bitch” 的使用是个有争议的、复杂的问题,这个我不打算立刻探究清楚。在我个人看来,一般来说,说唱音乐里这种用法展示了完全不恰当的对待女人的态度,任何人都不应该模仿。看看著名歌手Dr. Dre和Snoop Dogg提出的“unified bitch theory ”。

3.An Empowered Woman:An emerging feminist definition that is becoming more common these days: “In a feminist context, it can indicate a strong orassertive

一个有权利的女人:这是一个新兴的女权主义的定义,最近也变的越来越常见了:“在一篇关于女权主义的文章中,它能够表示一个强势或者自信的女人,这个女人可能会让男人感到威胁。”看看流行的Meredith Brooks的歌曲,“bitch”,这首歌的歌词很好的诠释了这个意思。

称一个男人为bitch,这个通常是开玩笑的,但是也略微有些冒犯的意思。它表示这个男人是屈从的,他做的每件事都是为别人做的,并且放弃了自己的尊严。你通常使用的是所有格形容词。例如:我做的一切都是为了我的老板。我工作了的朋友告诉我,我是我老板的奴隶。有时候人们说“he’s being a little bitch”来表示他非常让人不快,很难打交道。

2014-11-27 | 莫砚


