
transfer 转机 (不同的航班转机,航班号不同,需要在某一机场转乘另一架飞机)

transit 过境中转 (同一架飞机,因需要补充油料,或更换机组人员等原因而停经某一机场)

transit passenger 过境旅客

transit lounge 转机候机室

transit counter 转机柜台

transfer desk 转机柜台

arrival 抵达

immigration desk 入境柜台

immigration counter 入境柜台

stopover 中途停留

transit visa 过境签证

arrival lobby 入境大厅

disembarkation card 入境申请表

resident 居民

non-resident 非居民

baggage claim 行李提领处

declare 申报(应纳税的物品)

baggage inspection 行李检查

personal belongings 私人物品

prohibited items 违禁品

liquor 酒

shuttle bus 摆渡车

terminal 航站楼


You can wait in the transit lounge. 你可以在转机候机室等待。

Transit passengers, please wait here.过境旅客,请在这里等候。

You need to go to the transfer desk. 你需要去转机柜台。

I'll wait for you in the arrival lobby. 我会在入境大厅等你。

There is a limit on the amount of liquor. (携带的)酒量有限制。

I have a six-hour stopover. 我有两小时的过境停留时间。

Did you fill out the disembarkation card? 你填写入境申请表了吗?

Do you have anything to declare? 你有什么东西需要申报吗?

Do you have any of these prohibited items? 你有这些违禁品吗?

I’m in transit to Melbourne. 我要转机到墨尔本。

There is no direct flight from Beijing to Cairo, you need a connecting flight. 从北京到开罗没有直航 ,你需要转机。



