
Global analysis finds increase most sharp among age group, prompting concerns about impact on health ,下面我们就来说一说关于安卓屏幕使用时间?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



Global analysis finds increase most sharp among age group, prompting concerns about impact on health


Screen time during the Covid pandemic increased the most among primary schoolchildren, by an extra hour and 20 minutes a day on average, according to the first global review of research.


The sharp rise in screen time was associated with poorer diets in children, poor eye health, deteriorating mental health including anxiety, and behavioural problems such as aggression, irritability and increased frequency of temper tantrums, researchers said.


The findings have prompted calls for action to curb the harmful impact on the health of millions of children.


The biggest daily increase in screen time was among those aged between 6 and 10. But "significant" increases were seen among all age groups including adults, according to Anglia Ruskin University, which led the global analysis of studies.


"This review found that all age groups increased their total screen time," the researchers wrote. "Primary-aged children reported largest increases, followed by adults, adolescents, and young children. Leisure screen time also increased in all age groups, with primary-aged children reporting the largest increases, followed by adults, young children and adolescents."


"This study is the first of its kind to look systematically at peer-reviewed research papers on increases in screen time during the pandemic and its impact," said Prof Shahina Pardhan, the senior author and director of the Vision and Eye Research Institute at Anglia Ruskin University.

“对于那些有关疫情期间屏幕使用时间增加及其影响的同行评审研究论文,本研究进行了首次系统性的综述,”安格里亚鲁斯金大学视觉与眼科研究所主任、资深作者沙希娜·帕丹(Shahina Pardhan)教授表示。

She said: "By bringing together numerous studies, we get a much more accurate picture of screen time among the population and its associated health repercussions. As with any study of this type, there are degrees of variability between the research looked at."


"However, the overall picture provides clear evidence that screen time should be reduced wherever possible to minimise potential negative outcomes. These include adverse dietary behaviours, sleep, mental health and eye health effects."


"It is also important that non-sedentary activities are promoted to mitigate the risks of increased screen time."


Researchers analysed 89 studies from countries including the UK, US, Australia, France, Chile and Israel. The analysis focused on increases in screen time before and during the pandemic, in detail, covering a total sample size of more than 200,000 people.


As well as harmful effects on children, the research further identified links between more screen time and negative outcomes for adults. These included adverse effects on diet, eye health and mental health, such as anxiety, depression and loneliness, and on general health, including fatigue, decreased physical activity and weight gain.




