调整好作息时间英语的表达 碎片时间学英语

2. I make my bed immediately after gettingup in the morning.So I wouldn't crawl back,下面我们就来说一说关于调整好作息时间英语的表达 碎片时间学英语?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

调整好作息时间英语的表达 碎片时间学英语

调整好作息时间英语的表达 碎片时间学英语

  1. I wake up around 6 am. Then I get up at 6:30 am.我早上大约6点醒来。然后6点半起床。

2. I make my bed immediately after getting

up in the morning.So I wouldn't crawl back

into it.我早上起床后立刻就把被子叠好,这样我就不会再钻回被窝。

  1. What's the point of making the bed anyway. Since you're going to sleep again at night.叠被子有什么用呢,反正早上都还要再睡的。
  1. The first thing I do in the morning is head to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.我早上起来做的第一件事就是去卫生间刷牙洗脸。
  1. I go for a run every morning. 我每天早晨都去跑步。


wake up 醒来

get up 起床

immediately 立刻,马上

make bed 铺床

crawl 爬行

point 观点,见解;目的,意图

bathroom 卫生间

wash face 洗脸

brush teeth 刷牙


