

当我们要表示“神圣不可侵犯的人或物”时,可以用a sacred cow来表达。比如:If anything is a sacred cow in the office, it's the desktop computer.如果办公室里有什么东西是神圣不可侵犯的,那就是台式电脑。Years ago he was a sacred cow in this field.许多年以前,他在这个领域里是个神圣不可侵犯的人物。


calf love可以表示“童年时的恋爱;少年时代的恋爱”。这种初恋或早恋多指少男少女之间短暂的爱情。比如:There is a common phenomenon should be noticed, calf love.

有一个现象值得关注,那就是早恋。Now at forty and with three children, she still, sometimes, recalls her calf love at the age of 14.如今她四十岁了,有三个孩子,但她仍然时常想起自己十四岁时的初恋。

当今社会,一些人“见钱眼开;崇拜金钱;追求物质利益”,我们可以用worship the golden calf表达。比如:She always worships the golden calf without considering other factors.她总是追求物质利益,从不考虑其他的。


如果我们想要表示某件事“无限期地;永远不可能地”时,可以用till the cows come home。比如:If we wait for her, we'll be here till the cows come home.如果我们等她的话,不知道要等到什么时候。You can sit there till the cows come home, but the boss will never see you without an appointment.你坐在那儿等到天黑也没有用,没有预约,老板是不会见你的。

当我们表示“设宴欢迎,热烈地款待”某人时,可以用treat,但用短语kill the fatted calf也很好。比如:Sorry this meal isn't much, John. We didn't have time to kill the fatted calf.约翰,很抱歉,饭菜不多,我们来不及设宴欢迎你。


a bull in a china shop可以表示“鲁养闯祸的人”。比如:David broke my expensive vase when walking by. He is really like a bull in a china shop.戴维经过时把我昂贵的花瓶打碎了,他真是个鲁莽的人。The new housemaid is like a bull in a china shop.新来的女佣是个毛手毛脚的人。

shoot the bull可以用来表示“吹牛,说大话;闲聊,空谈”。比如:They sat around shooting the bull until late at night.他们围坐着一直闲聊到深夜。

在表达“不畏艰险;挺身面对危险,毅然处理难局”时可以用take the bull by the horns。比如:You need to take the bull by the horns.你需要勇敢地面对困难。Today I'm going to take the bull by the horns and tell him he's fired.今天我打算虎口拔牙,单刀直入地对他说他被解雇了。


