
最近,在我经常阅读的一个技术博客中,我看到了一篇有关历史上最畅销视频游戏的文章。列表中的第一名是经典,极易上瘾的俄罗斯方块。好吧,很久以前,在一个遥远的星系中,我是一名高技能的俄罗斯方块玩家。18岁那年,我在家乡的一家迪斯科酒吧里当DJ。有一台俄罗斯方块游戏机,我花了很多小时在上面玩。很多晚上,每次我上床睡觉并闭上眼睛时,我都看到砖块掉落了。从那以后开始下雨了,但我仍然相信俄罗斯方块是有史以来最好的电子游戏之一。在2000年,我使用Visual Basic 6.0为Planet Source Code网站开发了Tetris ActiveX控件。通过这种控制,我在“ Planet Source Code”每月竞赛中获得了一些奖项(某些软件包,我不太记得)。您仍然可以在此处查看页面(并下载ActiveX控件及其源代码)。现在我认为是时候编写.Net版本了,所以本文向您介绍TetrisBox类:一个Vb.net类,对于在.Net Winforms环境中创建高度可自定义的Tetris游戏非常有用。


TetrisBox类继承自System.Windows.Forms.Pictu reBox控件,因为它基本上是一个绘图表面。所有绘图工作都是在覆盖的OnPaint方法中完成的。由于PictureBox继承,它具有图形用户界面,可以放置在任何Windows窗体或用户控件上。在内部,该框代表棋盘游戏,并按逻辑划分为多个单元。单元格的数量由“ 列”属性定义,每个单元格的大小由CellSize定义属性,它使用像素。因此,例如,具有20行,10列且CellSize为25的板的宽度为241像素,高度为481像素(这是因为相邻的单元格共享边框)。当游戏运行时,控件首先绘制其背景(可以是纯色,渐变或图片),然后绘制每个单元格。每个单元的状态使用不同的结构保存在内存中。当游戏开始时,棋盘是空的(所有单元都是空的),但是随着方块的下降,单元的状态可能会有所不同。每次需要重新粉刷木板时,都会完成所有绘画工作:玩家移动下落块或由于时间间隔下落块下落时。确实,此类中的繁重工作是控制每个下降块,其在游戏板上的位置以及控制每个块的运动和旋转。现在,我将告诉您我对此做了什么。我确信这可以是解决此问题的其他方法,甚至我敢肯定其中许多方法可以比我的更好。下表中列出了7种不同类型的块: 如您所见,最大的块是红色的块(尽管在TetrisBox类中,您可以自定义每种块类型的颜色),它的宽度为4个单元(或较高) )。因此,我决定在4x4的单元矩阵中表示每个块,如下所示:



每种块类型在4x4矩阵中都有自己的可能位置数。例如,类型1块具有2个可能的位置,而类型2块仅具有1个位置,类型3块具有直到4个可能位置。在每个块的初始化代码中,我使用字符串列表数组定义可能的位置。字符串中的每个字符代表4x4矩阵中的一列;列表内的每个4个字符的字符串表示4x4矩阵中的一行,而数组内的每个字符串的列表表示该块的一个可能位置。您可以在此图中更好地看到它: 因此,用户可以对下降块进行4种不同的移动:


  • 向左移动:将块1的列向左移动。
  • 向右移动:将块1的列向右移动。
  • 旋转:更改4x4块矩阵内的块位置。
  • 放下:将块放下1行。

每当玩家尝试执行上述任何动作时,游戏逻辑都会确保该块的填充单元(在4x4矩阵中为“ 1”的单元)保持在棋盘限制内,并且不与现有的固定单元重叠。固定单元格是棋盘游戏中不为空的单元格。当一个方块掉落到其最终位置并因此无法移动时,该下落方块中的已填充单元将转换为游戏板上的固定单元。


游戏开始时,启动计时器以一定的间隔将下降的块下降1行。在.Net Framework中,至少有3种不同的Timer类,如您在MSDN上所见。我之所以选择System.Timers.Timer类,是因为其节拍器准确,并且可以在UI线程上而不是在自己的线程上引发Elapsed事件,这对于响应Elapsed事件来更改UI很有用。





  • BackgroundStyle:获取或设置控件的背景样式(可以是纯色,渐变或图片)。如果是图片,则图片会拉伸到控件大小,并且必须加载到BackgroundImage属性中。如果要纯色,则必须使用BackColor属性。
  • Block1ColorBlock7Color:获取或设置每种块类型的颜色。
  • LeftKeyRightKeyRotateKeyDropKey:获取或设置用于每个移动的键,因此您可以自定义用于播放的键。如果您制作2人游戏,这将非常有用:他们可以使用相同的键盘来玩,每个键盘都有自己的播放键。
  • RamdomBlockColor:获取或设置在出现随机块时使用的颜色(请参阅难度)。
  • UncompleteRowColor:获取或设置当出现不完整的行时用于单元格的颜色(请参阅难度)。
  • TimerInterval:获取或设置计时器间隔(游戏速度)。间隔越短,速度越高。
  • GradientColor1GradientColor2GradientDirection:获取或设置渐变背景的属性。
  • 行数:获取或设置游戏板上的行数。
  • 列数:获取或设置游戏板上的列数。
  • CellSize:获取或设置像元大小(以像素为单位)。
  • StartGame:开始一个新游戏(启用了计时器,因此方块开始掉落)。
  • StopGame:停止正在运行的游戏。
  • 暂停:暂停正在运行的游戏。
  • 恢复:恢复暂停的游戏。
  • IsRunning:如果游戏正在运行(即使已暂停),则返回True。
  • IsPaused:如果正在运行的游戏暂停,则返回True。
  • AddRandomBlock:将空闲板单元转换为固定单元,始终在基线之上或在现有固定单元之上(请参阅Difficulties)。
  • AddUncompleteLine:在游戏板的底部添加一条未完成的新行,将板上的所有固定单元格向上移动1行(请参阅Difficulties)。
  • FreeRowsFromTop:返回从游戏板顶部到第一行具有固定单元格的完全空闲(无固定单元格)的行数。您可以使用此值来奖励玩家(空闲行数越多,赢得的积分越多)。
  • FullRows:每次玩家放下一个方块并执行从一到四整行(他必须得到奖励!)时,都会触发。在e参数中,您可以检查NumberOfRows属性以查看一次完成了多少行。
  • GameOver:当一个方块到达游戏板顶部时触发。
  • 开始:在游戏即将开始时触发(因为调用StartGame方法)。
  • NewBlock:每次创建新块并开始下降时都会触发。在e参数中,您可以检查BlockType属性(用于存储刚创建的块的块类型)和NextBlockType属性(用于存储下一个块的块类型,一旦将刚创建的块放到最终块中,该块将掉落)位置)。


Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.Windows.Forms Public Class TetrisBox '********************************************************************************************** '*** This is my TetrisBox class made for an Experts Exchange article *** '*** Feel free to modify and use at your convenience! *** '*** Visit my profile on Experts Exchange for more articles and solutions: *** '*** http://www.experts-exchange.com/members/RolandDeschain.html *** '********************************************************************************************** '*** Version *** '*** Released on 08/19/2014 *** '********************************************************************************************** 'As this class is, basically, a Tetris drawing surface, I thought that it would be logical to inherit it from the PictureBox class Inherits System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox #Region "Public Enumerations" 'This enum is for the background style. You can choose between 3 background styles: Public Enum BackgroundStyles SolidColor 'Draw the background as a solid, unique color (use BackColor property) Gradient 'Draw the background as a gradient (use GradientColor1, GradientColor2 and GradientDirection properties) Picture 'Draw the background as a picture (use the BackgroundImage property, it will be stretched to the control size) End Enum #End Region #Region "Private Classes" Private Class Block 'This class represents a falling block in Tetris game. There are 7 different blocks, as you Tetris gamers sure know. Private _type As Integer 'Stores the block type. In the Experts Exchange article you'll find a guide matching _type value with each associated block type. Public Property Color As Color 'Each block type has a distinctive color. Private _rotationsNumber As Integer 'Each block type has a concrete number of possible positions (rotations) in board. Private _rotations As Dictionary(Of Integer, List(Of String)) = New Dictionary(Of Integer, List(Of String)) 'Stores the block definition for each rotation inside a 4x4 matrix Private _currentRotation As Integer = 1 'The current position of the block Public Property X As Integer = 0 'The current column inside board Public Property Y As Integer = 0 'The current row inside board Public Sub OffsetRotation() 'Sets the block to the next possible rotation, in response to the user pressing the rotate key _currentRotation = 1 If (_currentRotation > _rotationsNumber) Then _currentRotation = 1 End Sub Public Function FilledCell(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Boolean 'Returns True if the specified x,y position is filled inside the 4x4 matrix Return Me.CurrentMatrix()(y).Substring(x, 1).Equals("1") End Function Public ReadOnly Property CurrentMatrix As List(Of String) Get 'Returns the 4x4 matrix corresponding to the current rotation of the block Return _rotations(_currentRotation) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property NextRotationMatrix As List(Of String) Get 'Returns the 4x4 matrix corresponding to the next rotation of the block Dim nextRotation As Integer = _currentRotation 1 If (nextRotation > _rotationsNumber) Then nextRotation = 1 Return _rotations(nextRotation) End Get End Property Public ReadOnly Property Type As Integer Get 'Returns the block's type Return _type End Get End Property Public Sub New(ByVal blockType As Integer) 'Initializes the class. Depending on the block type it will initialize with its own values _type = blockType Select Case _type Case 1 Call InitializeBlock(New List(Of String) From {"0100", "0100", "0100", "0100"}, New List(Of String) From {"0000", "1111", "0000", "0000"}) Case 2 Call InitializeBlock(New List(Of String) From {"0110", "0110", "0000", "0000"}) Case 3 Call InitializeBlock(New List(Of String) From {"0100", "1110", "0000", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"0100", "0110", "0100", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"1110", "0100", "0000", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"0100", "1100", "0100", "0000"}) Case 4 Call InitializeBlock(New List(Of String) From {"0010", "0110", "0100", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"0110", "0011", "0000", "0000"}) Case 5 Call InitializeBlock(New List(Of String) From {"0100", "0110", "0010", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"0011", "0110", "0000", "0000"}) Case 6 Call InitializeBlock(New List(Of String) From {"0100", "0100", "0110", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"0111", "0100", "0000", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"0110", "0010", "0010", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"0001", "0111", "0000", "0000"}) Case 7 Call InitializeBlock(New List(Of String) From {"0010", "0010", "0110", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"0100", "0111", "0000", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"0110", "0100", "0100", "0000"}, New List(Of String) From {"0111", "0001", "0000", "0000"}) End Select End Sub Private Sub InitializeBlock(ByVal ParamArray rotations() As List(Of String)) 'Initializes a new block 'Set the number of possible rotations _rotationsNumber = rotations.Length 'Set the 4x4 matrix of each possible rotation For k As Integer = 0 To rotations.Length - 1 _rotations.Add(k 1, rotations(k)) Next End Sub End Class Private Class Cell 'This class represents a single cell (defined by its row and column) inside the game board Public Property Row As Integer = 0 'Defines the cell row Public Property Column As Integer = 0 'Defines the cell column Public Property Fixed As Boolean = False 'When a block drops in the board to its ultimate position (and therefore it cannot be moved anymore), the board cells corresponding to the block filled cells become Fixed Public Property Color As Color 'The color in which this cell must be painted in the board Public Sub New(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal column As Integer) 'Instantiates a new Cell object passing its row and column Me.Row = row Me.Column = column End Sub End Class Private Class CellPoint 'Really this class is very close to the System.Drawing.Point class, but I've overwritten its ToString function to return the row and column into a string 'that is helpful to me because it's the Key in the cells collection of the board. Public Property Row As Integer = 0 'Represents the row Public Property Column As Integer = 0 'Represents the column Public Sub New(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal column As Integer) 'Instantiates a new CellPoint object passing its row and column Me.Row = row Me.Column = column End Sub Public Overrides Function ToString() As String 'Returns a string that can be used as a Key in the cells collection of the board Return Me.Row.ToString "," Me.Column.ToString End Function End Class Private Class KeyboardHook 'This class is to globally capture keystrokes. 'Credits to sim0n for this: http://sim0n.wordpress.com/2009/03/28/vbnet-keyboard-hook-class/ 'although I've modified this slightly to implement the IDisposable interface Implements IDisposable <DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _ Private Overloads Shared Function SetWindowsHookEx(ByVal idHook As Integer, ByVal HookProc As HookProc, ByVal hInstance As IntPtr, ByVal wParam As Integer) As Integer End Function <DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _ Private Overloads Shared Function CallNextHookEx(ByVal idHook As Integer, ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer End Function <DllImport("User32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall)> _ Private Overloads Shared Function UnhookWindowsHookEx(ByVal idHook As Integer) As Boolean End Function <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _ Private Structure KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT Public vkCode As UInt32 Public scanCode As UInt32 Public flags As KBDLLHOOKSTRUCTFlags Public time As UInt32 Public dwExtraInfo As UIntPtr End Structure <Flags()> _ Private Enum KBDLLHOOKSTRUCTFlags As UInt32 LLKHF_EXTENDED = &H1 LLKHF_INJECTED = &H10 LLKHF_ALTDOWN = &H20 LLKHF_UP = &H80 End Enum Public Event KeyDown(ByVal Key As Keys) Public Event KeyUp(ByVal Key As Keys) Private Const WH_KEYBOARD_LL As Integer = 13 Private Const HC_ACTION As Integer = 0 Private Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100 Private Const WM_KEYUP = &H101 Private Const WM_SYSKEYDOWN = &H104 Private Const WM_SYSKEYUP = &H105 Private Delegate Function HookProc(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer Private hookDelegate As HookProc = New HookProc(AddressOf KeyboardProc) Private hookID As IntPtr = IntPtr.Zero Private Function KeyboardProc(ByVal nCode As Integer, ByVal wParam As IntPtr, ByVal lParam As IntPtr) As Integer If (nCode = HC_ACTION) Then Dim struct As KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT Select Case wParam Case WM_KEYDOWN, WM_SYSKEYDOWN RaiseEvent KeyDown(CType(CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, struct.GetType()), KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT).vkCode, Keys)) Case WM_KEYUP, WM_SYSKEYUP RaiseEvent KeyUp(CType(CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, struct.GetType()), KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT).vkCode, Keys)) End Select End If Return CallNextHookEx(IntPtr.Zero, nCode, wParam, lParam) End Function Public Sub New() hookID = SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL, hookDelegate, IntPtr.Zero, 0) If hookID = IntPtr.Zero Then Throw New Exception("Could not set keyboard hook") End If End Sub #Region "IDisposable Support" Private disposedValue As Boolean ' IDisposable Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean) If Not Me.disposedValue Then If disposing Then End If If Not hookID = IntPtr.Zero Then UnhookWindowsHookEx(hookID) End If End If Me.disposedValue = True End Sub Protected Overrides Sub Finalize() Dispose(False) MyBase.Finalize() End Sub Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose Dispose(True) GC.SuppressFinalize(Me) End Sub #End Region End Class Private Class Board 'This class represents the game board. Many of the game logic is implemented here. Public Property Rows As Integer = 0 'Defines the number of rows Public Property Columns As Integer = 0 'Defines the number of columns Public Property Cells As Dictionary(Of String, Cell) 'Single-cell collection Public Property FallingBlock As Block = Nothing 'The current falling block, if there's any Public Property Block1Color As Color = Color.Red 'Allows to customize the color of the type 1 blocks Public Property Block2Color As Color = Color.Blue 'Allows to customize the color of the type 2 blocks Public Property Block3Color As Color = Color.Green 'Allows to customize the color of the type 3 blocks Public Property Block4Color As Color = Color.Aqua 'Allows to customize the color of the type 4 blocks Public Property Block5Color As Color = Color.Brown 'Allows to customize the color of the type 5 blocks Public Property Block6Color As Color = Color.Yellow 'Allows to customize the color of the type 6 blocks Public Property Block7Color As Color = Color.Purple 'Allows to customize the color of the type 7 blocks Private _nextBlock As Integer = 0 'The next block that will fall after the current that is falling Public Event FullRows(sender As Object, e As FullRowsEventArgs) 'Fires when the user completes any number of full rows. The completed rows will disappear. Public Event GameOver(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) 'Fires when a block reaches the top of the game board. Public Event GotNewBlock(sender As Object, e As NewBlockEventArgs) 'Fires every time a new block is created. This is useful for adding difficulties every certain number of blocks. Public Sub New(ByVal rows As Integer, ByVal columns As Integer) 'Instantiates a new Board class passing its rows and columns number 'Set the number of rows Me.Rows = rows 'Set the number of columns Me.Columns = columns 'Initialize the Cell collection Me.Cells = New Dictionary(Of String, Cell) For row As Integer = 0 To Me.Rows - 1 For column As Integer = 0 To Me.Columns - 1 Me.Cells.Add(row.ToString "," column.ToString, New Cell(row, column)) Next Next End Sub Private Function GetRandomNumber(ByVal lowerbound As Integer, ByVal upperbound As Integer) As Integer 'To get an integer random number inside a known interval, as seen on MSDN Return CInt(Math.Floor((upperbound - lowerbound 1) * Rnd())) lowerbound End Function Public Function Rotate() As Boolean 'Tries to rotate the current falling block, returning True if the rotation has been done If CanRotate() Then Me.FallingBlock.OffsetRotation() Return True Else Return False End If End Function Private Function CanRotate() As Boolean 'Ensures that the current falling block can rotate. It can rotate if, once rotated, keeps inside board margins and doesn't overlap with existing fixed cells. If Me.FallingBlock IsNot Nothing Then 'Get the 4x4 matrix corresponding to the next rotation of the block Dim nextRotation As List(Of String) = Me.FallingBlock.NextRotationMatrix 'Check each filled cell of the block. It must be inside board margins and not overlap with fixed cells. For row As Integer = 0 To 3 For column As Integer = 0 To 3 If nextRotation(row).Substring(column, 1).Equals("1") Then 'This is a filled cell. 'Translate its coordinates to board-coordinates. Dim pt As CellPoint = BlockToBoard(New CellPoint(row, column)) 'Check if the cell is inside board margins and doesn't overlap with fixed cells. If (pt.Column < 0) OrElse (pt.Column >= Me.Columns) OrElse (pt.Row < 0) OrElse (pt.Row >= Me.Rows) OrElse Me.Cells(New CellPoint(pt.Row, pt.Column).ToString).Fixed Then Return False End If End If Next Next Return True Else Return False End If End Function Public Function MoveLeft() As Boolean 'Tries to move the current block 1 column to the left, returning True if it has been moved If CanMoveLeft() Then Me.FallingBlock.X -= 1 Return True Else Return False End If End Function Private Function CanMoveLeft() As Boolean 'Ensures that the current falling block can move to the left. It can move if, once moved, keeps inside board margins and doesn't overlap with existing fixed cells. If Me.FallingBlock IsNot Nothing Then 'Check each filled cell of the block. It must be inside board margins and not overlap with fixed cells. For row As Integer = 0 To 3 For column As Integer = 0 To 3 If Me.FallingBlock.FilledCell(column, row) Then 'This is a filled cell. 'Translate its coordinates to board-coordinates. Dim pt As CellPoint = BlockToBoard(New CellPoint(row, column)) 'Check if the cell is inside board margins and doesn't overlap with fixed cells. If pt.Column.Equals(0) OrElse Me.Cells(New CellPoint(pt.Row, pt.Column - 1).ToString).Fixed Then Return False End If End If Next Next Return True Else Return False End If End Function Private Function CanMoveRight() As Boolean 'Ensures that the current falling block can move to the right. It can move if, once moved, keeps inside board margins and doesn't overlap with existing fixed cells. If Me.FallingBlock IsNot Nothing Then 'Check each filled cell of the block. It must be inside board margins and not overlap with fixed cells. For row As Integer = 0 To 3 For column As Integer = 3 To 0 Step -1 If Me.FallingBlock.FilledCell(column, row) Then 'This is a filled cell. 'Translate its coordinates to board-coordinates. Dim pt As CellPoint = BlockToBoard(New CellPoint(row, column)) 'Check if the cell is inside board margins and doesn't overlap with fixed cells. If pt.Column.Equals(Me.Columns - 1) OrElse Me.Cells(New CellPoint(pt.Row, pt.Column 1).ToString).Fixed Then Return False End If End If Next Next Return True Else Return False End If End Function Public Function MoveRight() As Boolean 'Tries to move the current block 1 column to the right, returning True if it has been moved If CanMoveRight() Then Me.FallingBlock.X = 1 Return True Else Return False End If End Function Public Sub NewBlock() 'Creates a new block. If _nextBlock.Equals(0) Then 'This is the first block requested, so get its block type randomly Me.FallingBlock = New Block(GetRandomNumber(1, 7)) Else 'This is not the first block, so use the _nextBlock variable Me.FallingBlock = New Block(_nextBlock) End If 'Set the block color Select Case Me.FallingBlock.Type Case 1 Me.FallingBlock.Color = Me.Block1Color Case 2 Me.FallingBlock.Color = Me.Block2Color Case 3 Me.FallingBlock.Color = Me.Block3Color Case 4 Me.FallingBlock.Color = Me.Block4Color Case 5 Me.FallingBlock.Color = Me.Block5Color Case 6 Me.FallingBlock.Color = Me.Block6Color Case 7 Me.FallingBlock.Color = Me.Block7Color End Select 'Select the next block to fall (after the one just chosen) _nextBlock = GetRandomNumber(1, 7) 'Position the new block inside the board Me.FallingBlock.X = (Me.Columns - 4) / 2 Me.FallingBlock.Y = 0 'Notify user that a new block has been created RaiseEvent GotNewBlock(Me, New NewBlockEventArgs(Me.FallingBlock.Type, _nextBlock)) End Sub Public Sub CheckBlock() 'Checks game logic with the falling block. Concretely, checks that: '1) The falling block has reached the top of the board (it overlaps with existing fixed cells) '2) The falling block has reached its ultimate position and, therefore, it cannot be moved anymore (for example, it has been dropped to the bottom of the board) If Me.FallingBlock IsNot Nothing Then 'Let's see if the falling block overlaps with existing fixed cells. If so, the game is over Dim overlapBlock As Boolean = False 'Check each existing filled cell on the current falling block For row As Integer = 0 To 3 For column As Integer = 0 To 3 If Me.FallingBlock.FilledCell(column, row) Then 'This is a filled cell 'Translate its coordinates to board-coordinates Dim pt As CellPoint = BlockToBoard(New CellPoint(row, column)) If Me.Cells(pt.ToString).Fixed Then overlapBlock = True Exit For End If End If Next If overlapBlock Then Exit For Next If overlapBlock Then 'An overlap exists. This is game over! RaiseEvent GameOver(Me, New System.EventArgs) Else 'Now check if the current falling block has been dropped to its ultimate position. If so, transform each filled cell of the block into a fixed cell on the board. Dim fixBlock As Boolean = False For column As Integer = 0 To 3 For row As Integer = 3 To 0 Step -1 If Me.FallingBlock.FilledCell(column, row) Then Dim pt As CellPoint = BlockToBoard(New CellPoint(row, column)) 'If the falling block has a filled cell just over the board's bottom, or just over a fixed cell in the next line, it must be fixed If pt.Row.Equals(Me.Rows - 1) OrElse Me.Cells(New CellPoint(pt.Row 1, pt.Column).ToString).Fixed Then fixBlock = True End If Exit For End If Next If fixBlock Then Exit For Next If fixBlock Then 'Transform each filled cell on the block into a fixed cell on the board For row As Integer = 0 To 3 For column As Integer = 0 To 3 If Me.FallingBlock.FilledCell(column, row) Then Dim pt As CellPoint = BlockToBoard(New CellPoint(row, column)) Me.Cells(pt.ToString).Fixed = True Me.Cells(pt.ToString).Color = Me.FallingBlock.Color End If Next Next Me.FallingBlock = Nothing 'As a block has been dropped and fixed, check if the player has completed full rows Call CheckFullRows() End If End If End If End Sub Private Sub CheckFullRows() 'Checks if the player has completed full rows (this is the main Tetris objective!) Dim fullRows As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer) 'Check each row from bottom to top For row As Integer = Me.Rows - 1 To 0 Step -1 Dim fullRow As Boolean = True 'Check if all columns are fixed in the row For column As Integer = 0 To Me.Columns - 1 If (Not Me.Cells(row.ToString "," column.ToString).Fixed) Then fullRow = False Exit For End If Next 'The row is full filled If fullRow Then fullRows.Add(row) Next If fullRows.Count > 0 Then 'Delete the full rows For Each row As Integer In fullRows Call DeleteRow(row) Next 'Notify the user (you should probably reward the player) RaiseEvent FullRows(Me, New FullRowsEventArgs(fullRows.Count)) End If End Sub Private Sub DeleteRow(ByVal row As Integer) 'Delete a row 'To delete a row, drop-down the entire board over the deleted row and clear the first row For r As Integer = row To 1 Step -1 For col As Integer = 0 To Me.Columns - 1 Me.Cells(r.ToString "," col.ToString).Fixed = Me.Cells((r - 1).ToString "," col.ToString).Fixed Me.Cells(r.ToString "," col.ToString).Color = Me.Cells((r - 1).ToString "," col.ToString).Color Next Next 'Clear the first row For col As Integer = 0 To Me.Columns - 1 Me.Cells("0," col.ToString).Fixed = False Next End Sub Private Function BlockToBoard(ByVal p As CellPoint) As CellPoint 'Translate a block coordinate into a board coordinate Return New CellPoint(p.Row Me.FallingBlock.Y, p.Column Me.FallingBlock.X) End Function Private Function BoardToBlock(ByVal p As CellPoint) As CellPoint 'Translate a board coordinate into a block coordinate Return New CellPoint(p.Row - Me.FallingBlock.Y, p.Column - Me.FallingBlock.X) End Function Public Function GetCellColor(ByVal p As CellPoint) As Color 'Returns the color in which a cell must be painted. Defaults to Transparent, which means that the cell is empty. Dim output As Color = Color.Transparent If Me.Cells(p.Row.ToString "," p.Column.ToString).Fixed Then 'If the cell if fixed in the board, return its fixed color output = Me.Cells(p.Row.ToString "," p.Column.ToString).Color Else 'If the cell is inside the 4x4 matrix of the falling block... If (Me.FallingBlock IsNot Nothing) AndAlso CellIsInsideBlock(p.Row, p.Column) Then 'Translate to block coordinates Dim pt As CellPoint = BoardToBlock(p) 'If If Me.FallingBlock.FilledCell(pt.Column, pt.Row) Then output = Me.FallingBlock.Color End If 'If Me.FallingBlock.CurrentMatrix(pt.Row).Substring(pt.Column, 1).Equals("1") Then 'End If End If End If Return output End Function Private Function CellIsInsideBlock(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal column As Integer) As Boolean 'Returns true if the row,column coordinate (board system) is inside the current falling block 4x4 matrix Return (row >= Me.FallingBlock.Y) AndAlso (row <= (Me.FallingBlock.Y 3)) AndAlso (column >= Me.FallingBlock.X) AndAlso (column <= (Me.FallingBlock.X 3)) End Function End Class #End Region #Region "Public Classes" Public Class FullRowsEventArgs 'Argument for the FullRows event. Inherits System.EventArgs 'Contains the number of rows filled at once, from 1 to 4. In the classic Tetris game, the more rows you filled at once, the more points are you rewarded with. Public Property NumberOfRows As Integer = 0 Public Sub New(ByVal numberOfRows As Integer) Me.NumberOfRows = numberOfRows End Sub End Class Public Class NewBlockEventArgs 'Argument for the NewBlock event. Inherits System.EventArgs 'This property notifies about the falling block type Public Property BlockType As Integer = 0 'This property notifies about the next falling block type Public Property NextBlockType As Integer = 0 Public Sub New(ByVal blockType As Integer, ByVal nextBlockType As Integer) Me.BlockType = blockType Me.NextBlockType = nextBlockType End Sub End Class #End Region #Region "Public Events" 'Fires when the player completes entire rows Public Event FullRows(sender As Object, e As FullRowsEventArgs) 'Fires when a block reaches the top of the board and, therefore, overlaps with existing fixed cells Public Event GameOver(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) 'Fires when the game is about to start Public Event Starting(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) 'Fires every time a new block is created Public Event NewBlock(sender As Object, e As NewBlockEventArgs) #End Region #Region "Private Variables" Private _rows As Integer = 20 'Number of board rows. Internal storage for Rows property. Private _columns As Integer = 10 'Number of board columns. Internal storage for Columns property. Private _cellSize As Integer = 25 'Cell size (in pixels). Internal storage for CellSize property. [Board width = Columns x CellSize] [Board height = Rows x CellSize] Private _backgroundStyle As BackgroundStyles = BackgroundStyles.SolidColor 'Background style. Internal storage for BackgroundStyle property. Private _gradientColor1 As Color = Color.SteelBlue 'First gradient color. Internal storage for GradientColor1 property. Private _gradientColor2 As Color = Color.Black 'Second gradient color. Internal storage for GradientColor2 property. Private _gradientDirection As Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode = Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode.Vertical 'Gradient direction. Internal storage for GradientDirection property. Private _timer As System.Timers.Timer = Nothing 'Timer used to drop the falling block 1 row automatically. Private _board As Board 'The board. Private _running As Boolean = False 'Stores a value indicating whether the game is running or not Private _pause As Boolean = False 'Stores a value indicating whether the game is paused or not Private WithEvents _hook As KeyboardHook = Nothing 'Hook to catch keystrokes #End Region #Region "Constructor" Public Sub New() 'Set DoubleBuffered to true to avoid screen-flickering. Me.DoubleBuffered = True 'Instantiate the Timer and set a default interval of 1000 ms. _timer = New Timers.Timer(1000) 'Set the SynchronizingObject of the timer (if not, the Elapsed event fires into its own subprocess and it's impossible to update the UI) _timer.SynchronizingObject = Me 'Add a handler to the Elapsed event AddHandler _timer.Elapsed, AddressOf TimerElapsed End Sub #End Region #Region "Public Auto-Implemented Properties" Public Property RandomBlockColor As Color = Color.LightYellow 'The color of random-generated blocks (difficulty) Public Property UncompleteRowColor As Color = Color.LightYellow 'The color of umcomplete rows (difficulty) Public Property LeftKey As Keys = Keys.Left 'Allows to customize the Left key for the game (defaults to the left direction key) Public Property RightKey As Keys = Keys.Right 'Allows to customize the Right key for the game (defaults to the right direction key) Public Property RotateKey As Keys = Keys.Up 'Allows to customize the Rotate key for the game (defaults to the up direction key) Public Property DropKey As Keys = Keys.Down 'Allows to customize the Drop key for the game (defaults to the down direction key) Public Property Block1Color As Color = Color.Red 'Allows to customize the color of the type 1 blocks Public Property Block2Color As Color = Color.Blue 'Allows to customize the color of the type 2 blocks Public Property Block3Color As Color = Color.Green 'Allows to customize the color of the type 3 blocks Public Property Block4Color As Color = Color.Aqua 'Allows to customize the color of the type 4 blocks Public Property Block5Color As Color = Color.Brown 'Allows to customize the color of the type 5 blocks Public Property Block6Color As Color = Color.Yellow 'Allows to customize the color of the type 6 blocks Public Property Block7Color As Color = Color.Purple 'Allows to customize the color of the type 7 blocks #End Region #Region "Public Properties" 'Gets or sets the Timer interval (game speed). The shorter interval, the higher speed. Public Property TimerInterval As Integer Get Return _timer.Interval End Get Set(value As Integer) _timer.Interval = value End Set End Property 'Gets or sets the first color of the gradient when BackgroundStyle = Gradient Public Property GradientColor1 As Color Get Return _gradientColor1 End Get Set(value As Color) _gradientColor1 = value If Me.BackgroundStyle = BackgroundStyles.Gradient Then Me.Invalidate() End Set End Property 'Gets or sets the second color of the gradient when BackgroundStyle = Gradient Public Property GradientColor2 As Color Get Return _gradientColor2 End Get Set(value As Color) _gradientColor2 = value If Me.BackgroundStyle = BackgroundStyles.Gradient Then Me.Invalidate() End Set End Property 'Gets or sets the direction of the gradient when BackgroundStyle = Gradient Public Property GradientDirection As Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode Get Return _gradientDirection End Get Set(value As Drawing2D.LinearGradientMode) _gradientDirection = value If Me.BackgroundStyle = BackgroundStyles.Gradient Then Me.Invalidate() End Set End Property 'Gets or sets the background style Public Property BackgroundStyle As BackgroundStyles Get Return _backgroundStyle End Get Set(value As BackgroundStyles) _backgroundStyle = value Me.Invalidate() End Set End Property 'Gets or sets the number of rows in the game board Public Property Rows As Integer Get Return _rows End Get Set(value As Integer) _rows = value Me.Invalidate() End Set End Property 'Gets or sets the number of columns in the game board Public Property Columns As Integer Get Return _columns End Get Set(value As Integer) _columns = value Me.Invalidate() End Set End Property 'Gets or sets the cell size (in pixels) Public Property CellSize As Integer Get Return _cellSize End Get Set(value As Integer) _cellSize = value Me.Invalidate() End Set End Property #End Region #Region "OnPaint" Protected Overrides Sub OnPaint(e As PaintEventArgs) 'First, set the control's size Me.Width = (Me.Columns * Me.CellSize) - (Me.Columns - 1) Me.Height = (Me.Rows * Me.CellSize) - (Me.Rows - 1) 'Draw the background Select Case Me.BackgroundStyle Case BackgroundStyles.SolidColor 'Draws a single color e.Graphics.Clear(Me.BackColor) Case BackgroundStyles.Gradient 'Draws a gradient Using b As Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush = New Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(Me.DisplayRectangle, Me.GradientColor1, Me.GradientColor2, Me.GradientDirection) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, Me.DisplayRectangle) End Using Case BackgroundStyles.Picture 'Draws a picture if BackgroundImage is set; if not, draws a single color If Me.BackgroundImage IsNot Nothing Then e.Graphics.DrawImage(Me.BackgroundImage, 0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height) Else e.Graphics.Clear(Me.BackColor) End If End Select 'Paint cells If _board IsNot Nothing Then For row As Integer = 0 To Me.Rows - 1 For column As Integer = 0 To Me.Columns - 1 'Get the cell color Dim c As Color = _board.GetCellColor(New CellPoint(row, column)) If c <> Color.Transparent Then 'Draw the cell background Using b As SolidBrush = New SolidBrush(c) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(b, New Rectangle(column * (Me.CellSize - 1), row * (Me.CellSize - 1), Me.CellSize - 1, Me.CellSize - 1)) End Using 'Draw the cell border e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, New Rectangle(column * (Me.CellSize - 1), row * (Me.CellSize - 1), Me.CellSize - 1, Me.CellSize - 1)) End If Next Next End If End Sub #End Region #Region "Public Methods And Functions" Public Sub StartGame() 'Starts a game If (Not Me.IsRunning) AndAlso (Not Me.IsPaused) Then 'Initialize the ramdom number generator Randomize() 'Initialize the game board _board = New Board(Me.Rows, Me.Columns) With _board .Block1Color = Me.Block1Color .Block2Color = Me.Block2Color .Block3Color = Me.Block3Color .Block4Color = Me.Block4Color .Block5Color = Me.Block5Color .Block6Color = Me.Block6Color .Block7Color = Me.Block7Color End With 'Add handlers to catch board events AddHandler _board.FullRows, AddressOf CatchFullRows AddHandler _board.GameOver, AddressOf CatchGameOver AddHandler _board.GotNewBlock, AddressOf CatchNewBlock 'Set that the game is running _running = True 'Initialize the keyboard hook _hook = New KeyboardHook() 'Notify user RaiseEvent Starting(Me, New System.EventArgs) 'Start the timer _timer.Start() End If End Sub Public Sub StopGame() 'Stops a running game If Me.IsRunning() Then 'Stop the timer _timer.Stop() 'Not running _running = False 'Not paused _pause = False 'Dispose the keyboard hook _hook.Dispose() _hook = Nothing End If End Sub Public Function FreeRowsFromTop() As Integer 'In classic Tetris game, the game was not continuous, but the player should be playing among different screens, each one with its one goal. For example, the first 'screen was an initial empty board and the player must play until he completes 5 full rows. In this game system, when a new screen was achieved, the game rewarded 'the player not only for the full rows completed, but also for the completely free rows from the top of the board until the first not-completely free row. So you 'can use this function to get the number of free rows from board's top. Dim freeRows As Integer = 0 If _board IsNot Nothing Then For row As Integer = 0 To Me.Rows - 1 Dim freeRow As Boolean = True For column As Integer = 0 To Me.Columns - 1 If _board.Cells(row.ToString "," column.ToString).Fixed Then freeRow = False Exit For End If Next If freeRow Then freeRows = 1 Else Exit For End If Next End If Return freeRows End Function Public Sub AddRandomBlock() 'Adds a random block to the board. The block is always positioned over the board's bottom or a existing fixed cell. 'Choose the column Dim whichColumn As Integer Do whichColumn = GetRandomNumber(0, Me.Columns - 1) Loop Until (Not _board.Cells("0," whichColumn.ToString).Fixed) 'Check for a fixed cell in the column to position the random block over it. For row As Integer = Me.Rows - 1 To 0 Step -1 If (Not _board.Cells(row.ToString "," whichColumn.ToString).Fixed) Then _board.Cells(row.ToString "," whichColumn.ToString).Fixed = True _board.Cells(row.ToString "," whichColumn.ToString).Color = Me.RandomBlockColor Me.Invalidate() Exit For End If Next End Sub Public Sub AddUncompleteRow() 'Adds an uncomplete row at the bottom of the board, moving up the rest of the cells. This can cause a game over. Dim forceGameOver As Boolean = False 'If there's a fixed cell in first row, moving up the entire board will cause a game over If ThereIsSomethingInFirstRow() Then forceGameOver = True End If 'Move all the board up 1 row For row As Integer = 0 To Me.Rows - 2 For column As Integer = 0 To Me.Columns - 1 _board.Cells(row.ToString "," column.ToString).Fixed = _board.Cells((row 1).ToString "," column.ToString).Fixed _board.Cells(row.ToString "," column.ToString).Color = _board.Cells((row 1).ToString "," column.ToString).Color Next Next 'Choose the empty column Dim emptyColumn As Integer = GetRandomNumber(0, Me.Columns - 1) 'Draw the uncomplete row For column As Integer = 0 To Me.Columns - 1 If column.Equals(emptyColumn) Then _board.Cells((Me.Rows - 1).ToString "," column.ToString).Fixed = False Else _board.Cells((Me.Rows - 1).ToString "," column.ToString).Fixed = True _board.Cells((Me.Rows - 1).ToString "," column.ToString).Color = Me.UncompleteRowColor End If Next 'Redraw Me.Invalidate() End Sub Public Function IsRunning() As Boolean 'Returns True if a game is running Return _running End Function Public Function IsPaused() As Boolean 'Returns True if a game is paused Return _pause End Function Public Sub Pause() 'Pauses a running game If Me.IsRunning AndAlso (Not Me.IsPaused) Then _pause = True End If End Sub Public Sub [Resume]() If Me.IsPaused Then _pause = False End If End Sub #End Region #Region "Private Methods And Functions" 'Timer elapsed event Private Sub TimerElapsed(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) If (Not Me.IsPaused) Then 'Redraw the board and check the current falling block Call RedrawAndCheckBlock() If _board.FallingBlock Is Nothing Then 'If there's not a falling block, create new one Call _board.NewBlock() Call RedrawAndCheckBlock() Else 'Drop the falling block 1 line _board.FallingBlock.Y = 1 End If End If End Sub 'Redraws the board and checks the falling block Private Sub RedrawAndCheckBlock() Me.Invalidate() Call _board.CheckBlock() End Sub 'Catches keystrokes Private Sub _hook_KeyDown(Key As Keys) Handles _hook.KeyDown If (Not Me.IsPaused) Then If Key = Me.LeftKey Then If _board.MoveLeft() Then Call RedrawAndCheckBlock() ElseIf Key = Me.RightKey Then If _board.MoveRight() Then Call RedrawAndCheckBlock() ElseIf Key = Me.DropKey Then 'If the user presses the Drop key, force a 1-line drop Call TimerElapsed(Nothing, Nothing) ElseIf Key = Me.RotateKey Then If _board.Rotate() Then Call RedrawAndCheckBlock() End If End If End Sub 'The board notifies that the player has completed full rows. Notify and redraw board. Private Sub CatchFullRows(sender As Object, e As FullRowsEventArgs) RaiseEvent FullRows(Me, e) Me.Invalidate() End Sub 'The board notifies that the game is over. Private Sub CatchGameOver(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) 'Stop the game Call StopGame() 'Notify the user RaiseEvent GameOver(Me, e) End Sub 'The board notifies that a new block has been created. Notify. Private Sub CatchNewBlock(sender As Object, e As NewBlockEventArgs) RaiseEvent NewBlock(sender, e) End Sub 'Checks if there is a fixed cell in the first row Private Function ThereIsSomethingInFirstRow() As Boolean Dim output As Boolean = False For column = 0 To Me.Columns - 1 If _board.Cells("0," column.ToString).Fixed Then output = True Exit For End If Next Return output End Function Private Function GetRandomNumber(ByVal lowerbound As Integer, ByVal upperbound As Integer) As Integer 'Get a random integer number as seen on MSDN Return CInt(Math.Floor((upperbound - lowerbound 1) * Rnd())) lowerbound End Function #End Region End Class



