

一 .简介


Sophie, a 14-year-old girl, keeps receiving some very unusual letters. The world is like a mystery unfolding in her eyes. Under the guidance of a mysterious teacher, she uses the girl’s natural insight and acquired knowledge to try to solve these mysteries. however.

The truth is far weirder and weirder than she thought. "Sophie's World" is a novel about the history of Western philosophy through a philosophical tutor imparting philosophical knowledge to a girl named Sophie, revealing the development of the history of Western philosophy.

二 .原文赏析


Throughout the history of philosophy, philosophers have always wanted to explore human nature. But Sartre believes that people do not have a constant "nature."

Therefore, it is useless to pursue the "consciousness" of a broad range of life. In other words, we are destined to create this meaning ourselves. We are like actors who were put on stage before memorizing their lines. There is no script and no prompter whispers to us what we should do. We must decide for ourselves how to live.


In fact, we are the little white rabbit that was pulled out of the hat. The only difference between us and the little white rabbit is that the little white rabbit does not understand that it has participated in a magic show.

We are the opposite. We feel that we are part of something mysterious, and we want to understand the mystery.


The best way to explore philosophy is to ask some philosophical questions, such as: How was this world created? Is there a certain will or meaning behind it? Is there still life after death? How can we answer these questions?

Most importantly, how should we live? For thousands of years, people have kept asking these questions. As far as we know, there is no culture that does not care about issues such as "who are people" and "where does the world come from".





