

Two French politicians have called for the English language to be scrapped as one of the official languages of the EU after the UK voted to leave the bloc. French mayor Robert Ménard, the mayor of the southern French town of Béziers, said that English no longer has "any legitimacy" in Brussels.两位法国官员要求在英国推出欧盟之后废除曾为欧盟官方语言的英语。法国南部城市贝济耶的市长罗伯特称:英语在布鲁塞尔已经不再具有“法律效应”。

The call for English to be ditched as one of the 24 'official languages' was also echoed by Jean-Luc Melenchon, the leader of France's far-left Left Party.将英语从24门“官方语言”中剔除的要求得到了法国极左政党领导人让-吕克·梅朗雄的响应。

On Thursday 23 June the UK decided to leave the 28-nation bloc and even if English is considered the universal language of business it may still be dropped by the organisation as an official means of communication.6月23日(周四),英国决定退出拥有28个成员国的欧盟组织,尽管英语是世界通用的商务语言,但是欧盟仍然极有可能取消其作为官方交流工具的地位。

Unlike most other EU nations the French have a strained relationship with the English language. In 1994 French advertisers were forced to only use their national language in an attempt to stem the influx of English words.与其他大多数的欧盟成员国不同,法国与英语这门语言关系紧张。1994年法国广告商被强制要求仅能使用法语,以此来抵制英语词汇的大量涌入。

He adding that even the Irish would have no problem if the English language disappears from EU officialdom as their main language is Gaelic — not English. Up until now the EU uses 24 official and working languages, with English being the most dominant in communications between officials.梅朗雄补充道,如果欧盟不再使用英语,即使是对爱尔兰人来说也不会造成任何困扰,因为其主要语言是盖尔语——而不是英语。目前欧盟有24种官方及工作语言,而英语是官方交中最占主导地位的语言。



