



1.abuse n. 与 v.

(1)n. 辱骂、咒骂

(2)n. 滥用、妄用 abuse of (power/privileges) 滥用(权力/特权)

eg. What she did with an abuse of her position as a manager?

(3)v. (对某人或就某人,某事)辱骂、诋毁

(4)v. 滥用、妄用 abuse one's power

eg. Government officials shouldn't abuse their power.

(5)v. 粗心处置或使用、虐待

2.ban n .与 v.


ban sth. 取缔、查禁某物 ban sb. from doing sth. 禁止某人做某事

(2)n. 禁令、禁止(多与介词on连用)

a ban on sth. 对……的禁令 impose a ban (on……) 颁布/(对……的)禁令

lift the ban on /against sth. 对……开禁

place/put under a ban 禁止…… eg. Smoking is put under a ban here.


keep……from doing sth.

= prevent……(from) doing sth.

= stop……(from) doing sth. 阻止……做某事

forbid sb. to do sth.

=forbid sb. from doing sth. 禁止……做某事

3.addicted adj. 有瘾的、上瘾的、对……痴迷的、入迷的

be addicted to doing sth. 专心做某事

addict n. 吸毒上瘾的人、对……着迷的人

addict oneself to sth. = become/be addicted to sth. 沉溺于某物

addiction n. 瘾、沉溺 addictive adj. 使人上瘾的

4.be/become accustomed to=be/become/get used to (常用于口语)


eg. Tom is accustomed to the weather in England.


accustomed adj. 习惯的 accustom vt. 使习惯于

accustom sb./oneself to (doing)…... 使某人/自己习惯于(做)某事

eg. He quickly accustomed himself to the new life.

5.quit vt. 停止、戒掉 v. 离开、辞职

quit—quit (quitted)—quit (quitted) eg. They have to quit Shanghai in a few days.

quit doing sth. 停止做某事 quit sth. 戒掉某物 quit school 退学 quit one's job 离职

quit of sb./sth. 摆脱某人/某物 quit it out 住嘴 quit oneself of fear 消除恐惧

6.desperate adj. 不顾一切的、渴望的(作表语)、凶暴的、犯法的(作定语)

be desperate for…… 极度渴望……

eg. The man lost in the desert was desperate for water.

be desperate to do sth. 极度渴望做某事

拓展:desperately adv. 令人绝望的 desperation n. 绝望 in desperation 绝望地

7.ashamed adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的

be ashamed that 从句 对……感到羞耻

be ashamed to be/to do sth. 对……/做某事感到羞耻

be ashamed of sth./doing sth. 对某事/做某事感到羞耻

eg. She was ashamed of her behavior at the party.

辨析: ashamed与shameful

ashamed:用来修饰人,多作表语 eg. I'm ashamed of your conduct.

shameful:用来指事物或行为,多作定语 eg. It's a shameful thing to tell a lie.

8.in spite of 不管不顾、虽然、尽管

= despite = regardless of(短语介词,接名词、代词、动名词,不能接从句,引导让步状语)

eg. In spite of the heavy traffic, he managed to come on time.

9. risk n./vt.


the risk of……/that…… …..的危险

a risk to…… 对……来说是危险人/物 at risk有危险、冒风险

take/run risks/a risk 冒险 take/run the risk of doing sth. 冒着做……的危险

eg. I won't take run the risk of being late for school.

10.辨析 for example namely such as

(1)for example 用于举例说明,可以用于句首,句中,句末,往往用逗号把"for example"和被列举事物隔开

eg. For example, John has the same opinion.


follow one's example 以……为榜样

give/set a good example to sb. 为某人树立一个好榜样

(2)such as 用于不完全列举,形式为 "名词 such as 被列举的事物"和"such 名词 as 被列举事物"

eg. I like drinks such as tea and soda.

(3)namely 用于完全列举,名词前使用具体数字说明,并把事物一一列出

eg. Only one person can do the job, namely you.

11.make sure of 查明、确保 make sure that… 确保……、弄清……(常用于一般现在时表将来)

辨析:make sure be sure be certain

(1)make sure 确保、没法保证(后常跟that从句或of短语)

eg. Made sure (that) no one finds out about this.

(2)be sure

sb. be sure of/about sth./that… 某人对…..确信

sb. be sure to do sth. 某人一定会做某事

(3) be certain 用法同be sure, 主要用于 "It is……that……"

eg. It's certain that he will agree.

12.prejudice n.与v.

(1)n. 偏见、成见

(2)v. 使某人抱有偏见、影响某人

prejudice sb. against sb./sth. 使某人对某人/某物有偏见

prejudice sb. in favour of sb./sth. 使某人偏爱某人/某物

in/to the prejudice of sb. 对某人某物不利/有损于某人某物

without prejudice to sth. 无损于某物/对某事没有不利

13.judge vt.与vi. 评判 n. 审判员、裁判员

judge sb./sth. to be … 断定……是…… as far as I can judge 在我看来/依我看

Judging by/from 根据……判断

judge sb./sth. by/from/on… 根据……判断某人/某物

eg. Teachers tend to be judged by their student's exam grades.

judgment n. 看法、评判、判断力

in one's judgment 在某人看来 eg. In my judgment, we should do it.

make a judgment of/on/about 对……下判断/作评价

eg. It's difficult for us to make a judgment on the situation.

14.embarrass v. 使尴尬、使焦灼(常用于被动语态)

embarrass sb. 使某人尴尬

embarrassment n. 局促不安 to one's embarrassment 使人尴尬的是

embarrassed adj. 尴尬的,害羞的,窘迫的 be embarrassed to do sth. 做某事感到尴尬

be embarrassed at/about... 对……感到尴尬

eg. I was embarrassed about/at his unexpected question.

15. 几组同义词辨析

(1)concerned concerning

① concerned adj.关心的、挂念的

eg. I'm concerned about her health.

② concerning 关于,比"about"正式

eg. Concerning your new job, I'm pleased to help you.

(2)choose select pick

① choose 挑选、选择(最普遍) eg. I want to choose a nice present for you.

② select 精选、挑选(指在同类的许多事物中按照一定的标准或要求,仔细辨别后选最合适的)

eg. We select some good ones for seeds.

③ pick 挑选(指挑剔和苛刻地选择,多指挑选有形的东西)

eg. Will you help me pick these apples?

(3)way manner method fashion

① way方法、方式(最普通) in this way 用这种方法

② manner 方法、样式,比"way"正式,意义广泛,

常用复数形式 "manners" have/no manners 有/无礼貌

eg. His manner of walking is funny.

③ method 方法、方式、模式,通常指合乎逻辑、系统的方法

eg. This method of teaching is new.

④ fashion 样式、方式,比"way"正式 eg. We can do it after his fashion.

(4)ride drive

① ride 指乘车无目的的兜风 ② drive着重指驶向一定方向,自己开车

(5)fit suit match

① fit 常表示大小,形状合适,引申为"吻合"

② suit 常表示颜色、衣着、发型、时间、气候、条件、地位等适合某人,作及物动词

③ match 常表示物与物在色调、形状、性质、设计等方面搭配协调,可作及物与不及物

(6)believe believe in trust trust in

① believe sb. 指相信某人所说的话

② believe in sb./sth. 指信任某人或对某种理论的信仰

③ trust sb.=believe in sb. 指信任某人

④ trust in sb.=depend on sb. 指依赖,依靠某人


1. find it adj. to do sth.

eg. He finds it difficult to give it up.

2. I do hope so.(do表强调)

2. It's adj. (for sb.) to do sth.

3. It's adj. that从句

eg. It's amazing that he won the first place.



