

Peninsula City News reported on May 30 that the recent drama “Dear translator” starring Huang Xuan and Yang Mi ushered in the opener ratings, with the view figures of major media ranking first.


The play is adapted from the popular Internet novel “Translator”, which is the so-called “IP drama.” Currently, the drama has presented the reputation of polarization, with many thumbs up from many people as well as some teasing from other viewers, especially from the fans of the original novel, since the adapted screenplay have a lot of dissatisfaction. In the Huairou Professional Writers Forums held in Beijing not long ago, the screenwriter Wang Hailin solemnly said, “Do not change IP”, which spoke out the voices of many writers.

该剧改编自热门网络小说《翻译官》,也就是所谓的“IP剧”。目前, 该片的口碑呈现两极分化趋势。喜欢者居多,但吐槽声也不绝于耳,尤其是原著粉,对剧本改编有诸多不满。不久前在北京怀柔举行的专业编剧论坛上, 编剧汪海林郑重表示“不要再改IP了”, 说出很多编剧的心声。

The drama “Dear translator,” adapted from the popular Internet novel “Translator”, tells the story that Cioffi, a master of the French Language Department, grows into a senior translator under the guidance of the translation genius Cheng Jiayang. They two become the intimate lovers from the joy enemies during the process.


The original novel has a high popularity among the online readers, which is a popular IP possessing a large number of fans as well as a drama rarely focusing on the translation. The audience ratings have gained across the board since it was broadcast on May 24, causing a hot discussion and uneven comments among the audience.

原著小说在网络上有很高的人气, 是有超高粉丝基础的大IP,也是少有的聚焦翻译这一职业的作品。《亲爱的翻译官》自5月24日播出以来,一路收视飘红,引发观众热议, 但口碑参差不齐。

As an excellent actor in in the new generation, Huang Xuan continues to caught people’s eyes. Yang Mi’s performance in the play also won some praise for her enhanced acting skills. The theme of professional translator have also rarely appeared in the TV market, acquiring many good reputations from some audience. However, more and more vocal critics are also heard at the same time. It is said that the play is “the first drama which devotedly depicts the translation industry”, trying to show audience the “precise principle, cruel elimination system and training methods” in translation circle. However, many people have complained that it is not that rigorous in production and the plot.

作为新生代优秀演员,黄轩的人气继续飙升,而杨幂在该剧中的表现也获赞演技提升。再加上翻译官题材较为新鲜 ,喜欢该剧的人众多。但同时,批评之声也不在少数。之前片方称该剧是“国内首部讲述翻译行业的电视剧”, 并试图向观众展示“翻译界严苛精准的原则、残酷的淘汰制度和训练手法”。但剧集播出至今, “不严谨”成为被观众诟病的最大槽点。

Some netizens said that the plot seemed to be a love story under the banner of the translation and workplace. Huang Xuan acts more like a indifferent and offensive CEO instead of a translation genius. Yang Mi, known as a straight A student, seems more like a silly and woolly-minded girl.

有网友称,该剧以“翻译”作为噱头,剧情却像是打着职场的旗号谈恋爱: 号称翻译天才的黄轩更像高冷毒舌的霸道总裁,号称学霸的杨幂似乎更像迷迷糊糊的傻白甜女主。

Now more and more production companies have chosen to make a combination of popular IP and popular actors. However, the master works such as “Legend of Zhen Huan” and “Nirvana in Fire” are extremely rare. The majority of IP dramas finally end with dissatisfaction and teasing from people. It is not a bad thing to depict the story in the manner of TV drama or movie, but the unsuccessful IP dramas has overflown the market that lot of people has began to worry about “destroying the original” before the shooting began.


Professional writers appeal to refuse to change IP


In the Huairou Professional Writers Forums held in Beijing not long ago, the scriptwriter WangHailin, whose works include “Legend of Chu and Han” and “Medicine Man Xi Laile”, said solemnly: “Do not change the IP anymore.”


Wang Hailin believes that IP cannot revitalize the soap opera market if the investors only focus on the popularity rather than devote themselves to the recreation of the plots. He called on writers to adhere to the original instead of imitating the inferior IP dramas. However, the reverse of the market environment is a long- term project. There are many IP drama on their way to meeting with the audience.



