


1. College students should learn tocompromise. But some of them onlyexpect people to change for them, not way around.

A. another B. the other C. other D.any other

[答案] B

2. According to Rocket News 24, more than a few others expressed hope that they too, could find a gem they chomp down on the seafood snack,losing a tooth or two not with standing .

A. when B. the next time

C. next time D. the instant

[答案] B

[解析]句意:根据日本趣味网Rocket News 24报道,很多人表示希望自己能是下一个在这款海鲜零食里吃到珍珠的幸运儿 即使可能要磕掉一两颗牙齿。not with standing意为:纵然,即使。选择状语从句关系词的一个依据是,看前后句子之间的关系。the next time意为:下一次,名词短语作连词,引导时间状语从句。the instant作连词,意为:一,...... 就....


3. 一Who can believe that Carl,ashyman, should have fought with hisboss?

---Well, if one means trouble,just can't behelped.

A. that B. this C. which D. it

[答案] D




it (just) can't be helped为固定句型结构,常用于表示”没有办法,无可奈何,无法控制,无法避免”之意。

4. Would you like to go to the concert this evening? I'm sorry it's at a suchshort but| was only given thetickets today.

A. attention B.notice

C. coincidence D. concern

[答案] B




attention注意, 专心; notice通知, 预告, at a such shortnotice中的notice在此表示”提前通知的时间”,所以at a such short notice的意思是“提前通知的时间如此之短; coincidence 巧合(的事); concern担心,忧虑。根据语境可知选B项。

5. After further education in the USA,his knowledge and were finally recognized by his employer.

A.competence B.consciousness

C. conservation D. convenience

[答案] A

[解祈]句意:在美国深造以后,他的知识和能力最终得到了他的雇主的认可。knowledge与"competence能力”搭配符合题意。consciousness知觉, 觉悟,意识,观念,感觉; conservation保持,环境保护; convenience方便,便利。据语境可知选A项。

6. The patient's family has expressedtheir to the press in letters forthe money raised.

A.purpose B.apologies

C.gratitude D. sympathy

[答案] C

[解祈]句意:病人家属在信中为收到的捐款向媒体表达了感激之情。purpose目的; apology 道歉; gratitude 感激,感谢; sympathy同情。据语境可知选B项。

7. Finding information in today's worldis easy. The is how you cantell whether the information you get isuseful or not.

A. knowledge B.ability

C. competition D. challenge

[答案] D


8. We usually go to Italy for ourholiday, but we thought we would go toFrance this year,_______ a change.

A.in case of B. in terms of

C. by way of D.by reason of

[答案] C

[解祈]句意:我们通常都是去意大利度假,但是我们想改变一下方式,今年到法国去(度假)。in case of以防,万一; interms of 就,... ...来说,从。.....的角度; byway of 路经(某处),途经, 作为,当作,bywayofachange通过改变的方式; by reason of因为,由于。根据语境可知选C项。

9. large-scale construction ofroads and highways, there is still muchroom for improvement because of theever-increasing number of cars theseyears.

A. In spite of B. Regardless of

C. By means of D. On account of

[答案] A


尽管大规模的修建公路和高速公路,因为近几年小汽车数量的不断增加,改进的空间仍旧很大。in spite of尽管, 不管; regardless of不管,不顾; by means of用某方法; on accountof由于..... regardless of和in spite of虽然在翻译时都译为“不管,不顾”,但两者在用法上仍然有差别。regardless of重点强调对regardless of之后的内容不予考虑; inspite of强调转折,通常是取“尽管”之意。例如: Regardless of the warnings fromthe family, the young man went to lraq.不顾家人的警告,年轻人去了伊拉克。Inspite of the hard life he wasliving, heremained positive abouteverything.尽管生活艰辛(不管生活有多艰辛),他仍然对所有一切都很乐观。故选A项。

10. The young children have beenmaking good comments on thecartoon film, but__ ___the box officereceipts, it is still far fromsatisfactory.

A. in place of B.in terms of

C. in line with D. in favor of

[答案] B

[解祈]句意:孩子们对这部卡通片评价不错,但就票房而言,还是不尽如人意。in place of代替; in terms of就......而言; in line with和.....致; in favor of赞成。 故选B。

11. The Internet Plus will bring about the fourth industrial revolution form anufacturing 一-一一-一一 the conventional business models.

A. in charge of B.in contrast to

C. in defense of D. in proportion to

[答案] B

12. It is important to know what colours look good your skin before you buy clothes.

A. for B.upon C.against D. with

[答案] C

[解祈]句意:在购买衣服前, 重要的是了解什么样的颜色衬你的肤色看上去才好看。此处要用介词against表示“....村托下,以...为背景”。故选C。


13. In spite of the positive image, the company is being accused of illegal actions and it will probably not survive in the country.

A.aggressive B.universal

C. ridiculous D. previous

[答案] D

[解祈]句意:尽管有先前的正面形象,这家公司因为一些违法行为正在受到指控,而且有可能无法在这个国家生存下去。aggressive侵 略性的; universal 普遍的; ridiculous可笑的,荒缪的; previous先前的。根据语境可知选D项。

14. My good performance in the jobinterview left me about myfuture and about what l can do here.

A. optimistic

B. sensitive

C. puzzled

D. embarrassed

[答案] A

[解祈]句意:我在求职面试中的良好表现使我对未来和在这) L我所能做的一切感到乐观。optimistic 乐观的; sensitive敏感的; puzzled困惑的 茫然的; embarrassed尴尬的。故选A。

15. There are many sayings in Englishurging uS to be For example,"Don't put all your eggs in one basket,'and "Don't count your chickens beforethey are hatched."

A. ambitious


C. merciful

D. punctual

[答案] B

[解祈]句意:在英语中有许多促使我们做事要谨慎的谚语。例如,“不要把鸡蛋放到一个篮子里”及“小鸡孵出之后才算数”。ambitious有雄心的, 野心勃勃的; cautious谨 慎的; merciful 仁慈的,宽容的; punctual守时的。 故选B。

16. Some celebrities were criticizedfor their attitude towards drugs and accused ofthinking they were“above the law" .

A. informal

B. casual

C. positive

D. immoral

[答案] B

[解祈]句意:一些名人因为他们对毒品的随意的态度而受到了批评,他们被指责认为自己可以“凌驾于法律之上”。informal非正式的; casual 随意的; positive积极的,肯定的; immoral不道德的。故选B。

17. To protect our conditions of existence, we should develop possible

forms to replace plasticbags,such as paper or disposable clothing bags.

A. primary

B. alternative


D. unique

[答案] B

18. I'm afraid I'm not to helpwith the talent show, for | am busywith my own project.

A. reliable

B. convenient

C. available

D. accessible

[答案] C

(解祈]句意:恐怕我没空帮你进行才艺表演,因为我忙着自己的课题。reliable可靠的,方便的; convenient方便的,主语一般是事物; available可得到的, 有空的; accessible 可进入的,能接近的。故选C。

19. Every spring the apple tree in mygarden blossoms SO that theair becomes filled with the sweet ofapple.

A. automatically

B. abundantly

C. apparently

D. approximately

[答案] B

(解祈]句意:每年春天我花园里的苹果树就开出许多的花以至于空气中都弥漫着苹果的芳香。automatically自动地; abundantly 丰富地 大 量地; apparently表面 上地; approximately大约。故选B。

20. It's clever of her to make this dress larger so as to allow forshrinking when it is washed.

A. mainly


C. reasonably

D. purposely

[答案] D

(解祈]句意:她真够聪明的,考虑到衣服洗涤时会缩水,故意把衣服做得大了一点。purposely故意地;mainly主要地; largely主要地, 在很大程度上; reasonably合理地。故选D。


21. HTC Corp will smart phone-based virtual reality goggles as part ofits broader efforts to diversify in thenear future.

A. release


C. subscribe

D. command

[答案] A

22. →Hi, Mum. What areyou doing ?You looks SO busy. Need my help?

→No,honey. I'm decorating theChristmas tree. It seems toquicker every year.

A. come back

B. come over

C. come around

D. come out

[答案] C

[解祈]通过情景对话,了解此对话发生在圣诞节前夕,妈妈正忙于装饰圣诞树。说明圣诞节快要来临(comearound)了。故符合题意的选项为C项。 come back回来; come over表示从一地到另一地; come out出来、出版或开花。句意:一-嘿,妈妈,你在干什么?你看上去很忙呢。需要我帮忙吧? --不用啦,宝贝。我正在装饰圣诞树。一年一度的圣诞节眼看马.上就要到了。

23. l wanted to ___this problem with him over the phone, but it was like banging my head against a brick wall.

A. set down

B.appeal to

C. sort out

D. turn up[答案] C

[解祈] set down记下; appeal to吸引; sort out分类,解决; turn up出现。句意:我曾想跟他通个电话把这个问题给解决了,但结果徒劳无功。故选C。

24. You must what Joseph tells you, for he is good at makinggood stories.

A. discount


C. deposit

D. dominate[答案] A

[解祈]句意:你一定不要相信约瑟夫告诉你的话,因为他太会编故事啦! discount打折扣,不相信; defend 防守, 辩护;deposit储蓄,寄存; dominate支配,控制。故选A。

25. l used to like black sausage but when l found out how it is made it ( ) me right( ).

A. put; through

B.put; up

C. put; off

D. put; down

[答案] C

[解祈]句意:我以前很喜欢吃黑香肠,但是当我发现了它是如何制作的时候,我便对它感到厌烦了。put through接通; put up举起,修建,张贴,.留.... 住宿; put off推迟,使不高兴,引起反感; put down放下,写下来,镇压,责难。故选C。

26. There wasn't time to finish all thegames last night and SO some have had to be_______ until next week

A. carried over B.taken over

C. got overD. turned over

[答案] A

[解祈]句意:昨晚的时间不够,没有结束所有的比赛,所以有些比赛只好推迟到下周举行。carry over延后; take over接收,接管; get over克服,干完(不太爱干的事); turn over移交。根据语境可知选A项。

27. If you yourself to alunpleasant situation or fact, youaccept it because you realize that youcannot change it.A. commitB.transferC. applyD.resign[答案] D

28. It is claimed that hundreds ofpeople who were desperate to attendthe concert were from thestadium because it was full last night. A. put downB.hung upC. taken overD. turned away(答案] D

[解祈]句意:据说昨晚有数千名渴望,听音乐会的人被挡在体育馆外,因为体育馆已经座无虚席了。put down放下,记下; hang up挂断电话; take over接管,接收; turn away不准...入内。故选D。

29. Evidence obtained fromobservation and experiment is oftenused to_. a scientific theory.

A. confirm B.claim

C.conclude D. calculate

[答案] A

[解祈] confirm证实,论证; claim声称,断言; conclude得 出结论; calculate计算,估计。 句意: 由观察和实验得出的证据通常被用来论证一个科学理论。故选A。

30. If you do fall out of the boat, yourlife jacket will help you to untilwe can find you out.

A. stay up B.come up

C. make up D. stand up

[答案] A

[解祈]句意:如果你从船上掉下去的话,你的救生衣会帮你不下沉,直到我们找到你。 stay up 不倒, 不沉, 熬夜; come up走过来; make up编造,组成; stand up起立。故选A。



