

英语词组和句子 10 Useful Expressions and Sentences 10

1. The novelty of her new job soon wore off. 新工作带给她的新鲜感逐渐消失了。

2. 温和的冬天 mild winter

3. Exports must go down to balance decreased imports. 必须减少出口以便和下降的进口保持平衡。

3. 生态平衡 balance of nature

4. She does her work with tremendous vigor. 她工作起来干劲十足。

5. 他们相互拥抱亲吻。 They hugged and kissed.

6. This course embraces several different aspects of psychology. 这门课程涉及心理学的几个不同方面。

7. first and foremost 首先

8. information from external sources 外部信息来源

9. We will not tolerate any external interference in our affairs. 我们不会容忍任何其他国家干涉我们的内政。

10. 人口密集地区 an area with a dense population

11. hold sb in great / high esteem 非常尊重某人

12. 认为……不屑一顾 hold in contempt

13. constant rain in spring 春雨连绵

14. at odds with 与……不和

15. lack of courtesy 缺乏礼貌

16. Statistics is a branch of mathematics. 统计学是数学的一个分支。

17. win the contract to construct the bridge 赢得建造大桥的合同

18. collect specimens of all kinds of rocks and minerals 采集各种岩石和矿物的标本

19. in transit 在运输中

20. samples of new shampoo 新洗发液的样品(试用品)



