

cede 英 [siːd] 美 [siːd] vt. 放弃;割让(领土)

考点1: vt.(根据条约)放弃,割让: to surrender possession of, especially by treaty

e.g. cede the island to America把岛屿割让给了美国

: relinquish, render, yield, renounce, resign, turn in, turn over, step aside (from), give up, hand over, lay down

: possess拥有

tentative 英 [ˈtentətɪv] 美 [ˈtentətɪv] adj. 试验性的,暂定的;踌躇的 n. 假设,试验

考点1: adj.暂时性的,尝试的: not fully worked out or developed

e.g. Our plans are only tentative at this point and will depend on whether you can come. 我们的计划只是暂时性的,具体还要看你能否前来。

: ad interim, impermanent, interim, provisional, provisionary, provisory, short-term, temporary, trial

: final 最终的;ceaseless, endless, eternal, immortal, permanent, perpetual, undying永久性的

stonewall 英 [ˈstəʊnwɔːl] 美 [ˈstoʊnwɔːl] v. 拖延,阻碍;防守挡击 n. 拖延,阻碍;防守挡击

考点1: v.拒绝(合作),阻挠: to be uncooperative, obstructive, or evasive

e.g. lobbying efforts to stonewall passage of the legislation 意在阻止法律通过的游说行动

: blockade, filibuster, hinder, impede, obstruct

: collaborate, cooperate 合作

swear 英 [sweər] 美 [swer] vt. 发誓;咒骂 vi. 发誓,宣誓;诅咒 n. 宣誓;诅咒

考点1: vi.咒骂: to use profane or obscene language: curse

e.g. no one is allowed to swear in this house 这个房间里禁止说脏话

: blaspheme, curse, cuss

: accolade 赞美

考点2: v.宣誓: to promise or pledge with a solemn oath; vow

e.g. He swore his oath of allegiance to the queen.他宣誓效忠女王

: attest, depose, covenant, pledge, vow

contradict 英 [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt] 美 [ˌkɑːntrəˈdɪkt] vt. 反驳;否定;与…矛盾;与…抵触 vi. 反驳;否认;发生矛盾

考点1: vt.否认,反驳;相矛盾: to assert the contrary of; to imply the opposite or a denial of

e.g. contradict a rumor反驳谣言;Your actions contradict your words.你的行为和你说的话自相矛盾。

: deny, disaffirm, disavow, disclaim, disconfirm, disown, gainsay, negate, negative, refute, reject, repudiate

: acknowledge, admit, avow, concede, confirm 承认

: contradictory adj.矛盾的,相反的


