

特朗普政府当地时间周五颁布公告称,政府正计划拒绝那些无法在美国支付医疗保险或医疗费用的移民的签证申请 ,新规定将于11月3日生效 。


图 via whitehouse.gov


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In a late-night proclamation signed by President Trump, the White House said the government will only accept immigrant visa petitions made abroad if the applicants demonstrate that they will have the ability to secure health insurance within a month of their arrival in the U.S. If that's not possible, then petitioners would need to prove they have the financial resources to pay "reasonably foreseeable medical costs" — a standard not defined in the order.


The order claims U.S. hospitals and health care providers are not being reimbursed for treating those who are uninsured. "The costs associated with this care are passed on to the American people in the form of higher taxes, higher premiums, and higher fees for medical services," the proclamation reads.


According to the order, the new requirement will not apply to people who already hold immigrant visas, asylum seekers, refugees, children of U.S. citizens living overseas or holders of special visas for Iraqi and Afghan nationals who helped U.S. forces in those countries.


U.S. chipmakers quietly lobby to ease Huawei ban (via CBS News)

此外,这项新规还将影响到美国公民的配偶和父母 。

It would apply to the spouses and parents of US citizens. That could have an impact on families who are trying to bring their parents to the US.


The Trump administration is trying to move away from a family-based immigration system and into a merit-based system, and Friday’s proclamation is another effort to limit immigrant access to public programs.


US immigrants will be denied entry if they can't afford health care(via The Guardian)

对此,奥巴马执政时期的前白宫官员认为,这届政府宣称的,移民正在消耗纳税人的资源是一个错误的观念 。而其他移民专家表示,新规定是特朗普政府发起的全面改革美国合法移民体系 的最新尝试。

"This administration is just fixated on the erroneous notion that immigrants are zapping taxpayer resources," Doug Rand, a former White House official under President Obama, told CBS News. "So, they are kind of looking under every rock they possible can for any way to exclude people who aren't wealthy."


Rand, who co-founded Boundless Immigration after leaving the Obama administration, called the change "very sweeping" in nature, saying it would apply to many of the approximately half a million people who typically apply to immigrate to the U.S. every year.


Other immigration experts said the new requirement represents the latest effort in a larger campaign by the administration to overhaul the nation's legal immigration system.


"The administration is on-the-record wanting to cut legal immigration, and particularly wanting to cut legal immigration of lower-skilled, lower-paid immigrants who are probably less likely to have health insurance coverage," said Randy Capps, director of U.S. programs research at the nonpartisan think tank the Migration Policy Institute.


U.S. chipmakers quietly lobby to ease Huawei ban (via CBS News)

新规在网上引发了激烈的争论,一些人指出,许多美国公民自己也负担不起医疗费用 。


Oh Please... Millions of Americans don't have healthcare nor the ability to afford it because trump & the repugnantCons have “denied” them.



Does @realDonaldTrump plan to exile Americans who cannot pay for #healthcare? Just asking for a friend.


另一些人指出,此举可能会给保险公司带来意外之财 ,可能会刺激成千上万的移民购买短期“垃圾”保险,以遵守新规。


Trump's new requirement that legal migrants have health insurance to get a visa is great news for private insurers selling wildly profitable "short-term" junk insurance plans -- "short-term" now means up to a year -- that don't actually pay for health care.



These "short-term" health "insurance" plans have a million loopholes, so they spend maybe about $0.10 of a dollar on actual care. Migrants will buy them because they're cheap and easy to get, but be financially destroyed if they actually wind up sick.


许多人也在社交媒体上为这一规定欢呼,尽管许多持支持态度的评论者提到了非法移民,不过显然他们误解了该新规所涵盖的范围 。


Nobody should be coming to America just to get free stuff. Illegals should not get any benefits of any kind. They should not get help. And they should live in fear of being caught. Citizens, permanent residents and legal immigrants should have benefits not illegals.



This law doesn't target illegals, it targets the poor coming through legal channels by denying their visas off of their financial situation.



整合:Du Qiongfang

资料:CBS News, The Guardian, Twitter

图/题图:whitehouse.gov, Getty Images, Twitter


