
老妇和医生(Old women and doctors)



​An old woman with eye disease asked a doctor to treat her and negotiated the treatment fee. Every time the doctor came to give her medicine, he always stole some furniture with her eyes closed. The old woman's illness was finally cured, but her house was almost stolen. The doctor asked the old woman for the agreed treatment fee. The old woman refused to pay, so she was taken to the judge. She said that she had promised to pay the doctor for the treatment on the condition that her eye disease was cured, but after treatment, her eyes were worse than before. "I used to see everything in my house, but now I can't see it," she said.

Moral: greedy people always unknowingly leave their criminal evidence.

女人和酒鬼丈夫(Women and alcoholic husbands)



Once upon a time, there was a woman whose husband liked to drink too much. She wanted to help her husband get rid of the bad habit, so she came up with a way. Once, her husband was drunk and unconscious like a dead man, so she carried him out, put him in the grave, and then went home. When her husband was about to wake up, she came to the cemetery and knocked on the door of the tomb. The man in the tomb asked, "who's knocking at the door?" she replied, "I'm sending food to the dead." he said, "Hey, my good friend, please don't send food. You'd better send something to drink first. It's really hard for me to have nothing to drink." the woman beat her chest and feet and said sadly: "Oh, how unfortunate I am! I tried my best, but it didn't work at all. Husband, instead of improving, you have become Ben Gali. Your hobby has become a bad habit."

Moral: people can't indulge in bad hobbies. Even if you don't mean to, habits become natural. It's not easy to get rid of them.

寡妇和母鸡(Widows and hens)



​A widow keeps a hen. The hen lays an egg every day. She thought that if she fed more barley to the chicken, she would lay two eggs a day. So she fed it like this every day. As a result, the hen grew fatter and fatter and didn't lay an egg every day.Moral: some people want to get more benefits because of greed, and as a result, they even lose the existing ones.女巫(witch)有个女巫声称自己能念咒语,使众神息怒。她经常四处招摇撞骗,因此得到了不少酬​金。但后来有人控告她破坏神道,把她抓到法庭,判处了死刑。有人见到女巫被押赴刑场​时,对她说:“喂,女人,你不是自称能平息神灵的忿怒吗,现在怎么连凡人的忿怒也不能平息了呢?”


A witch claimed that she could recite a spell to calm the gods. She often swaggered around and got a lot of money. But then someone accused her of undermining Shinto, took her to court and sentenced her to death. When someone saw the witch being taken to the execution ground, he said to her, "Hey, woman, don't you claim to be able to quell the wrath of gods? Why can't you even quell the wrath of mortals now?"

Moral: some people claim that they can do big things, but they can't do little things.

小牛与公牛(Calf and bull)



There was a bull working in the field. When the calf saw that he was suffering, he deeply sympathized with him. You see, it's too hard for you to do so much work. Just when the calf was compassionate, the solemn and pious sacrificial team of human beings came. People unloaded the yoke of the bull, then caught the calf and prepared to kill it as a sacrificial gift. Seeing this, the bull smiled and said to the calf, calf, it is precisely because people intend to use you as a sacrifice that they didn't let you do any work!

Moral: Idling around and doing nothing, actually I'm in danger and don't know it.



