
有一种文化, 它起源于中国,拥有数千年的历史,是中华民族独具特色的传统吉祥文化 有一种情愫, 它凝结着华夏儿女独特的情怀,充满了吉祥和祝福。 有一种信仰, 它是全世界华人的图腾信仰,更是精神寄托。 它就是生肖文化!它是我国民俗文化中的一枝奇葩, 更是中华民族文化屹立于世界文化之林的独特标识。



英文名称:Perfect Zodiac Commemorative set










稀,稀有的发行数量,唯一的身份证明; 这样的高规格藏品,才是市场上的强势藏品,才是真正能够成为保值升值的藏品!


国学泰斗——范曾大师倾情创作,并授权出品。 范曾大师是当代中国集诗书画、文史哲、儒释道于一身的文化大家,对当代 中国画的发展厥功至伟,更是开创了 “新古典主义”艺术的先河。逢农历戊 戌狗年来临之际,范曾大师倾情创作《十全十美》图册,并以白银为载体将 其呈现,将国画的艺术魅力与贵金属的高贵奢华融为一体,使之成为一款具 有深厚文化内涵的艺术臻品,寓意新年阖家欢乐、万事兴旺。《十全十 美-戊戌年生肖纪念银条套装》以小见大,祈愿华夏神州大地国泰民安,繁 荣富强,范曾大师近几年书画作品市场表现强势: 2015年北京九歌秋拍,徐悲鸿、范曾《六朝诗意图》成交价4577万元, 2011年北京歌德春拍,范曾《灵泉道风图》以1840万元成交。 范曾《载歌行》成交价1800万元。




藏之吉祥安康福绵绵送之富贵圆满喜连连 《十全十美,戊戌年生肖纪念银条套装》完美诠释了传统文化中的吉祥寓 意和生肖内涵,把新春贺岁的喜庆气氛展现无遗,在收藏的同时,为您带来 —份吉祥的祝福,是宜藏、宜送、宜传家的贺岁臻品!



英文翻译:There is a culture, it originated in China, with thousands of years of history, is the Chinese nation's unique traditional auspicious culture has a sincere feeling, it condenses the Chinese people's unique feelings, is full of good luck and blessings. There is a belief, it is the world's Chinese totem belief, is the spiritual sustenance. It is the zodiac culture! It is a wonderful flower in Chinese folk culture, but also a unique symbol of Chinese national culture standing in the forest of world culture.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Perfect Zodiac Commemorative set

English name: Perfect Zodiac Commemorative set

Category: Miscellaneous

Product phase: extremely beautiful product

Specification: 1 set

Zodiac collection as an eternal theme, has always been popular with the collector, the deeply concern 'yuanmingyuan zodiac beast beast to scored the qianlong emperor favorite' white jade Chinese zodiac furnishing articles, from nearly eighty million worth of xu beihong page (zodiac) to 80 edition of the "Chinese zodiac monkey stamps' has emerged a large number of Chinese zodiac culture collection amateur, even the bank issued every year in zodiac commemorative bank notes, in the case of hedging can taste the pleasure of appreciation.

What is the "high, fine, thin" strong zodiac cultural products?

Height refers to the origin of the product. Produced by national authoritative enterprises and created by world-class cultural masters;

Fine, leading the world's level of technology, excellence in the production concept;

Rare, rare issue number, unique identification; Such high standard collection, is the strong collection on the market, is really able to become the value of appreciation of the collection!

Sinology master - Fan Zeng love creation, and authorized production. Master Fan Zeng is a cultural master in contemporary China who combines poetry, calligraphy and painting, literature, history, philosophy, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. He has made great contributions to the development of contemporary Chinese painting and created a precedent of "neoclassicism" art. At the approaching of the Year of the Dog of the Hundred Days of the Lunar calendar, Master Fan Zeng created the picture album Of Perfectness, and presented it with silver as the carrier, integrating the artistic charm of Traditional Chinese painting with the nobility and luxury of precious metals, making it an artistic acme with profound cultural connotation, implying the happiness of family and prosperity in the New Year. "Beauty is ten - year zodiac commemorative silver bar set" movement of view and wish China throughout the peaceful country and safe people of numerous rich, Fan Zeng master painting and calligraphy works in recent years, the market performance strength: Beijing nine songs autumn 2015, xu beihong, Fan Zeng clinch a deal valence is 45.77 million yuan, "the six dynasties poetry figure" Goethe in 2011 Beijing spring, Fan Zeng hippocrene way wind figure to 18.4 million yuan. Fan Zeng's Song Line sold for 18 million yuan.

Blessings of auspicious well-being and continuing to send the riches and honor complete xi repeatedly the perfect, the reform in Chinese zodiac commemorative silver bar set "the auspicious implies perfect interpretation of traditional culture meaning and connotation of the Chinese zodiac, show the New Year New Year festive atmosphere, at the same time of collection, to bring you an auspicious blessings, is should be hidden, and well send, appropriate family heirloom hesui gourmet!

As the saying goes, gone with golden age collection, the collection with zodiac as the theme, and the Chinese zodiac is the essence of Chinese culture, we each have their own zodiac, in order to carry forward the Chinese culture, to reach the realm of culture and rejuvenating the country, first of all have to make the international love our culture, and Chinese zodiac culture is a great breakthrough, the collection, theme is significant, circulation, attach all kinds of certificates, or to collect more worry, this collection is in perfect, belongs to the most beautiful products, are to be collected by Tibetan friend, unable to get on the market, as the saying goes content with rare for expensive, this set of perfect zodiac commemorative set, has a very high collection value.


