
How do you become confident if you are a very shy person?特别胆小的人怎么变自信?,下面我们就来说一说关于一个美国人的学习笔记?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



How do you become confident if you are a very shy person?


I really desired confidence and was ready to give anything to have it- it all starts with this burning desire to want to be something more. I was going to be confident no matter what or I die trying!


① desire 作动词用表示渴望,想要;作名词用也表示渴望,愿望

近义词组:long for/ yearn for/ be thirsty for/ be eager for

② burning adj. 燃烧的;强烈的;发热的

③ no matter what此处引导的是让步的成分,翻译成无论如何


I read lots of books on self-confidence and motivation alone- I have a lot of knowledge now that all came together from a large amount of books. When you combine the ideas from a wide range of authors, you get something better.


① a lot of knowledge 很多知识,一定要注意 knowledge 是不可数的,不能加s

② knowledge now that all came 此处that引导的是定语从句,修饰前面的knowledge,在句中作主语

③ a large amount of 大量的,很多的;a wide range of 大范围的,许多各种不同的


I stayed away from them- you know them right? All those negative people who see the world as a prison, those who only spreads epic awfulness everywhere, all those who always make you feel uncomfortable and undervalued. In short, I ran away from them. I changed where I lived and my life got better….


① stay away from = keep away from = ran away from 远离

② see sth as = regard sth as= consider… sth as 把…看作

③ epic adj. 史诗般的;漫长而艰难的;宏大的,壮丽的 awfulness n. 可怕

epic awfulness 此处感觉语境翻译成负能量,表示不好的方面

④ undervalued adj. 贬值的;估值偏低的;估价过低的


I got support- I had my uncle family who helped me through it and several friends I met at seminars and workshops.


① through it 此处表示度过苦难

② seminar n. 讨论会,研讨班


I made my decisions final- the thing with shyness is that you make decisions to act and then you break it. Meanwhile, each time you break this little commitments, your self esteem drops. What I did was to make my decisions final. I don't say I want to approach a girl and back out. No. I made sure I was forced to act every time.


① final adj. 表示最后的,最终的,在此处作decisions的补语

② commitment n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务 self esteem n.自尊 drop v.降落,减少

③ approach n.方法,方式;接近; v. 走进;与……接洽;处理;临近

④ be forced to do 被迫做某事


I acted it out like Hollywood- It's really true that if you just start smiling and walking like a superman like I did then,you'd get superconfident in no time. I remember how I suddenly start speaking slowly, walking deliberately and always having that cool smile on. I'll maintain eye contact with everyone and spread out. With time I became addicted tothis confidence acting. It became part of me.


① act out 把…付诸行动; superconfident adj.超级自信的

② deliberately adv. 故意地;缓慢而谨慎地

③ maintain eye contact with everyone 和每个人保持眼神接触

④ become addicted to 沉溺于


I started living with purpose- I realize I've really been on a high self esteem lately because of the control I bring to my life. I live everything in my life to purpose. Simply because I have goals in every aspect of my life and I've made the agreement to do my best in every situation. I've been sleeping better and my self love and self respect as been higher than ever. I don't blame myself for any mistakes because I know I did my best. I'm always glad with myself. This is the holy grail of self confidence and self esteem for me.


① be on 非常实用的一个词组,表示上映;演出;在进行

② blame v 谴责,责备

③ the holy grail 神圣的杯子;梦寐以求的东西


So now I am feeling so happy. That's where confidence lies!


