




School Education

enrich their knowledge and broaden/expand their view丰富知识扩展视野

cooperation, communication, organizational and social skills合作、沟通、组织和社交技能

adapt to the society适应社会

brain storming头脑风暴

give full play to their imagination充分发挥他们的想象力

intense competition in the job/labor market工作/劳动力市场的激烈竞争

life long learning终身学习

play an important role in 在...发挥重要作用

pay close attention to/ attach emphasis to 密切关注、重视

lay a solid foundation for为...奠定坚实的基础

Systematic education help students lay a solid foundation for the future development.

rote memorization死记硬背

exam-oriented education应试教育

hands-on experience实际动手体验

put knowledge into practice 学以致用

active and capable next generations思维活跃的有能力的下一代

heated discussion or debate热烈的讨论或辩论

develop independent and critical thinking培养独立和批判性思维

motivate their interest激发他们的兴趣

gain/get inspiration获得灵感

after tedious hours of study沉闷乏味的一天的学习之后

develop inner quality and artistic taste培养内在素质和艺术品位

release pressure/reduce stress/lighten the burden释放压力/减轻压力/减轻负担

come up with/figure out/work out a better solution 想出一个更好的解决办法

all-round development/develop in an all-round way全面发展

study efficiency学习效率

colorful childhood 多彩的童年

healthy growth健康成长

harmonious relationships和谐关系

get on with different people与不同的人相处

prepare students for the future career development使学生为将来的职业发展做好准备


improve efficiency提高效率


overall quality 综合素质

classical works经典作品


resist temptations抵制诱惑

be addicted to computer games沉迷于电脑游戏

judgement ability判断能力

ability to tell the right from wrong明辨是非的能力

try one’s best尽力而为

get motivated 被激励、获得动力

top students 尖子生

eminent/famous professor著名教授

ever-changing and complex situations瞬息万变的复杂的情况

well-educated 受过良好教育的

advanced technology先进技术

online courses网络课程

multimedia tools多媒体工具

emotional and financial support情感和财务支持

Family Education

a positive outlook on life积极的人生观

world view世界观

all-round development全面发展

be spoiled 被宠坏

weak-minded 意志薄弱的


lack self-control ability缺乏自我控制能力

learn lessons from the mistakes 从错误中吸取教训

have a deep understanding about... 对…有深刻的了解

be very strict with... 对…很严厉

shout at 对大喊大叫

be harmful to their healthy growth对健康成长不利

rich experience丰富经验

focus on/concentrate on study 集中精力学习

stay up late 熬夜

develop a good habit养成良好习惯

take responsibility承担责任


weak-minded意志薄弱的 strong-willed意志坚强的

open-minded 思想开明的 close-minded 思想保守的

civic-minded 有公民意识的

health-conscious 有健康意识的

environmentally conscious有环保意识的

They have become increasingly health-conscious.


Family & Life Issues

fast-paced, stressful life节奏快、压力大的生活

suffer from sub-health state

slow-paced, peaceful life 平静的生活

create a harmonious family atmosphere营造和谐的家庭氛围

intense competition 激烈竞争

physical and mental health身心健康

modern life style现代生活方式

keep/stay away from ailments/illness/sickness/diseases 远离疾病

healthy growth健康成长

parent-child relationship 亲子关系

advanced education and medical treatment 发达的教育与医疗

traffic jam/congestion 交通堵塞

work overtime 加班

from rags to riches/start from scratch 白手起家

financial and emotional support 财务和情感支持

study abroad出国留学

start your own business 创业

mutual support and understanding 相互支持与理解

get motivated 获得动力

weekly/monthly tests/exams 周考/月考

performance targets 业绩目标

living pressure 生活压力

housing price 住宅价格

sub-health state 亚健康状态

heavy haze 严重的雾霾

oily food 油腻食物

drink alcohol 喝酒

resist the temptations 抵制诱惑

white collars白领

a burning desire for purchase 强烈的购物欲

Government & Social Issues

increase/lighten the burden on the government 增加/减轻政府的负担


beautify the environment美化环境

the gap between the rich and poor 贫富悬殊

social conflicts 社会矛盾

under fierce competition in job markets and society在就业市场和社会的激烈竞争下

rocketing housing price飞涨的房价

complex interpersonal relationships 复杂的人际关系

knowledge driven economy 知识经济

keep pace with the times与时俱进

rich spiritual life丰富的精神生活

living standards 生活水平

the quality of life 生活质量

practice Taichi and Peking opera in the park 在公园练习太极和京剧

fly kites放风筝

proficient/competent personnel in different fields 不同领域的人才

the national revival 民族复兴

profitable organizations盈利组织

social security 社会治安、社会保障

advanced transportation 发达的交通

cut down spending削减开支

set a good example 树立好榜样

charity 慈善

make concerted efforts 共同努力

ordinary people普通人

interdependent 相互依赖

get along/on with others 与他人相处

well-educated 受过良好教育的

weekly and monthly tests 周考月考

fast-paced, stressful life节奏快、压力大的生活

harmonious social environment和谐的社会环境

after tedious hours of work在沉闷乏味的一天的工作之后

creative and capable young generation有创造力和能力的年轻一代

sense of belonging 归属感

in the workplace在职场

keep a clear mind/keep mind sharp and alert保持清醒的头脑

Leisure Activities

outdoor activities户外活动

hiking, boating, rafting, diving, parachuting徒步旅行、划船、漂流、潜水、跳伞

widely-spread cultural products广泛传播的文化产品

enrich life experience and broaden/expand horizons/views 丰富生活阅历,扩展视野

exhibition展览 exhibit/display展示

anti-Japanese war museum 抗日战争博物馆

museums in the memory of natural disasters 纪念自然灾害的博物馆

the historical sites 历史遗迹

the heavy pressure and frustrations in the workplace职场中的沉重压力与挫折

keep a balance between tension and relaxation 劳逸结合

achieve the high efficiency实现高效率

enjoyable vacation愉快的假期

local snacks当地小吃

convenient transportation交通便利

ensure safety确保安全

indulge in沉溺于

negative impacts/effects/on负面影响/影响


release pressure 释放压力

after the tedious hours of work or study在沉闷乏味的一天的工作或学习之后

fast-paced, stressful life节奏很快、压力很大的生活

lead the public opinion引导舆论

keep healthy/keep fit保持健康

Happiness & Success

harmonious relationship和谐关系

social recognition 社会认可


constant endeavor不断的努力 enthusiasm热情 confidence信心

troubles, frustrations and pressures烦恼、挫折和压力

get motivated 被激励、获得动力

try one’s best 尽力而为

financial strength财务实力

judge a person by his working ability用工作能力判断一个人

intensely competitive society竞争激烈的社会

native village or town 家乡

get into troubles 陷入困境

unforgettable experience难忘的经历

optimistic乐观的 positive attitude积极态度

lay a solid foundation for 为...打下坚实的基础

The devil is in the details. 细节决定成败。

lofty ideals 崇高理想 pragmatic goals 务实目标

Dream big and reach high. 心有多大,未来就有多广阔。


the minute labor division 精细的劳动力分工

win out 胜出

take a shortcut 走捷径

take a long perspective 把目光放长远

make a breakthrough 取得突破

following the footsteps of others 跟随别人的脚步

original ideas 独创性观念

Personal Relationship

judge people on their appearance 以貌取人

plain dressing style朴素的穿衣风格

fancy clothing 花哨的衣着 fashionable 时尚的

charming personality 有魅力的性格

historical books史书

science fictions 科幻小说

action movies动作片


educational level 教育水平

taste 品位

greed and jealousy贪婪与嫉妒

farm work 农活

rely on each other 相互依赖

warm-hearted 热心的

lack of competition and relaxed lifestyle缺乏竞争和放松的生活方式

sense of humor幽默感

playful attitude嬉戏的态度

close cooperation密切合作

a happy atmosphere快乐的气氛

out of blows friendship grows不打不相识

buddies好友 bosom friends 密友 soulmate 知己

a friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情

friends circle朋友圈

common ground共同点

maintain the friendship保持友谊


core competitiveness 核心竞争力

seize opportunities 抓住机遇

investment returns 投资回报


active atmosphere 活跃的氛围

public recognition 公众认可

heavy living pressure 沉重的生活压力

huge living costs 巨大的生活成本

enhance living standards 提高生活水平

ideal/enthusiasm/aspiration 理想/热情/渴望

adapt to new environment 适应新环境

Do in Rome what the Romans do. 入乡随俗

permanent job 固定工作

ever-changing modern society 瞬息万变的现代社会

go bankrupt 破产

laid-off workers 下岗职工

free flow of talents 人才自由流动

talents in different fields 不同领域的人才

win out in the intense competition 在激烈的竞争中取胜

improve/sharpen the professional skills 提高专业技能

job-hopping 跳槽

accumulate social experience 积累社会经验

stand the test of harsh reality 经受严酷现实的考验


set a good example/role model 树立良好榜样

sense of integrity正直感

adapt to the ever-changing and complex conditions


follow the previous standards or examples blindly


make timely adaptation及时调整

on the winning side立于不败之地

communication skills沟通技巧

conflicts, interactions and cooperation冲突、互动与合作

perseverance, ingenuity, creativity, enterprising spirit


broadest consensus 最广泛共识

admit mistakes 承认错误


keep a clear mind 保持清醒的头脑

turn a blind eye/ deaf ear to the reality对现实视而不见/ 充耳不闻

inborn leaders天生的领袖

knowledge in different fields/areas 不同领域的知识

offset some defects/shortcoming/draw backs/weak points 弥补缺点

full participation充分参与

make common efforts for greater success共同努力争取更大的成功

sense of belonging归属感

haste makes waste欲速则不达

a clearer mind in the time of emergency在紧急时刻头脑清醒

multitasking skills同时完成多任务技能

Media & Advertising

foreign and domestic movies国内外电影



box office champions票房冠军



open minded思想开放的

good table manners良好的餐桌礼仪

violent scenes暴力场面

cultivate their ability to tell right from wrong


in-depth and comprehensive information


people’s mindset人们的心态

editorials 社论 public opinion 舆论

post-sales service售后服务

go bankrupt破产

target marketing目标营销


air pollution and global warming 空气污染与全球变暖

water contamination水污染

make common/concerted efforts共同努力

car emissions汽车排放

at the cost of environment以环境为代价

consume natural resources 消耗自然资源

melting icebergs冰山融化

coastal cities沿海城市


future generations 下一代

farmland, industrial land or housing areas


interdependence between humans and other species


advanced agriculture先进农业


industrial productivity工业生产率

renewable energy 可再生能源

fossil energy 化石能源

clean energy 清洁能源

solar/wind energy 太阳能/风能

incentives/support from the government


Science & Technology

speedy Internet connection快速互联网连接

global positioning system全球定位系统

unpractical research 不切实际的研究

space exploration 太空探索


expand our views/horizons 扩展我们的视野

sharing scientific discoveries 共享科学发现

business secret 商业秘密

clone technology 克隆技术

nuclear technology 核技术

multimedia class rooms多媒体教室

electronic reading devices电子阅读设备

online courses网络课程

over-reliance on the technological devices 过分依赖技术设备

guarantee/ensure the proper use of technology保证/确保技术的合理使用

expose personal information 暴露个人信息


public transportation 公共交通

financial support财务支持

effective distribution of resources资源有效配置

increase the burden on taxpayers 增加纳税人负担

civic-minded society 有公民意识的社会

daily traffic congestion/jam 每天的交通拥挤/堵塞

weekly heavy haze每周都有的严重雾霾


