进行更好对话的十个方法 在于你是否会提问

One very important skill to have when having an English conversation is the ability to ask questions so the conversation keeps going smoothly.,下面我们就来说一说关于进行更好对话的十个方法 在于你是否会提问?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

进行更好对话的十个方法 在于你是否会提问

进行更好对话的十个方法 在于你是否会提问

One very important skill to have when having an English conversation is the ability to ask questions so the conversation keeps going smoothly.


In this English lesson, I'll teach you 10 very common questions that you can ask during an English conversation to do just that, questions you can ask that just make the conversation go smoothly and to make the conversation enjoyable for both people.

在这节英语课上,我会教你 10 个非常常见的问题,你可以在英语对话中问这些问题,这些问题可以让对话顺利进行,让双方都能愉快地交谈。

(upbeat music) (slide clicking) (keyboard clicking) The first question you can ask to help a conversation keep going smoothly is the question, "Would you do it again?" This is a great question to ask after someone's done something exciting.

(欢快的音乐)(幻灯片点击)(键盘点击) 你可以问的第一个问题是帮助谈话顺利进行的问题,“你会再做一次吗?”在某人做了一些令人兴奋的事情之后,这是一个很好的问题。

Maybe a friend of yours says, "Last weekend I went whitewater rafting." During that conversation, a great question to ask would be, "Would you do it again?" If the person really enjoyed it, they would respond and say, "Oh, definitely! I would definitely do it again." Or they might say something like this.

也许你的一个朋友说,“上周末我去白水漂流了。 ”在那次谈话中, 一个很好的问题是,“你会再做一次吗? ”如果这个人真的喜欢它,他们会回应说:“哦, 当然! 我一定会再做一次。 ”或者他们可能会说这样的话。

"I wouldn't do it again. It was too expensive," or, "I enjoyed it, but I wouldn't do it again because I didn't like it that much." So a great question to ask after someone does something exciting, "Would you do it again?" The second great question to ask in an English conversation, or two questions actually, "What happened next?" or "What did you do next?" Maybe someone is telling you a story and they haven't told you everything that happened.


Maybe they said, "I was walking along yesterday and I dropped my phone in the pool," and then they don't tell you anything else.


You could ask one of those two questions, "What happened next?" or "What did you do next?" Because you'll want to know if the phone still works.

你可以问这两个问题之一,“接下来发生了什么? ” 或者“你接下来做了什么? ”因为你会想知道手机是否还能用。

"Did you dive in the pool to get your phone?" "Did someone else who was swimming in the pool hand it to you?" So two great questions to ask, "What happened next?" or "What did you do next?" The third question you could ask someone is "How are you feeling today?" Now, this question is one you would ask in a specific circumstance.

“你潜入游泳池是为了拿手机吗?” “是别人在池子里游泳给你的吗?”所以有两个重要的问题要问,“接下来发生了什么?”或者“你接下来做了什么?”你可以问别人的第三个问题是“你今天感觉怎么样?”现在,这个问题是你在特定情况下会问的问题。

Maybe someone you know went skiing or did some kind of physical activity where they might be feeling a bit sore.


Maybe the person was sick recently, and during the conversation, you find out about it.

也许这个人最近生病了,在谈话中, 你发现了。

This is a great question to then ask.


"How are you feeling today?" If someone went skiing, if I went skiing, my legs would be sore.

“你今天感觉怎么样? ”如果有人去滑雪,如果我去滑雪, 我的腿就会酸痛。

My arms would probably be sore.


I would probably be feeling a little bit old actually. (crowd gasping) So if I told someone I went skiing, they might ask me, "How are you feeling today?" And I might say, "Oh, not too bad.

实际上我可能会觉得有点老了。 (人群喘着粗气)所以如果我告诉别人我去滑雪了,​他们可能会问我,“你今天感觉怎么样?”我可能会说,“哦,还不错。

I fell down a few times, but everything's okay." So the third great question to ask in that kind of situation, "How are you feeling today?" The fourth question you can ask is, "How was the weather?" This is a question you can ask when someone's talking about something that they recently did outside.


Maybe they went on a trip and they went to the beach.


Maybe they went for a hike with their family on the weekend.


As they're talking about it, you could say, "How was the weather?" And they'll respond by saying, "Oh, the weather was great." Or, "It rained a little bit." (rain splashing) Or, "Overall, it was a nice sunny day." (sun popping) So whenever someone is talking about something they've recently done outside, a great question to ask, "How was the weather?" A fifth question you can ask is, "When did you get back?" This is a great question to ask when someone's talking about a trip that they just went on, or maybe they just went away for a day or for the weekend.

当他们谈论它时,你可以说,“天气怎么样?”他们会回应说,“哦,天气真好。”或者,“有点下雨了。” (雨水溅起)或者,“总的来说,这是一个阳光明媚的好日子。” (太阳爆裂)所以每当有人谈论他们最近在外面做的事情时,一个很好的问题要问,“天气怎么样?”你可以问的第五个问题是,“你什么时候回来的?”这是一个很好的问题,当某人谈论他们刚刚进行的旅行,或者他们可能只是离开一天或周末时。

You could say, "When did you get back?" It shows that you're curious about what they're telling you about.


It shows that you're interested in what they're talking about in the conversation.


So if someone is talking about a trip that they just went on, a great question to ask, "When did you get back?" The sixth question you can ask someone in an English conversation, "Was it worth it?" This is a question you would ask after someone tells you that they went to something that costs money. (cash register dinging) Maybe they went to a concert and they had to buy a ticket.

因此,如果有人正在谈论他们刚刚进行的旅行,那么可以问一个很好的问题,“你什么时候回来的?”第六个问题你可以在英语对话中问某人,“Was it worth it?”这是在有人告诉您他们去了花钱的地方后您会问的问题。 (收银机响)也许他们去听了一场音乐会,他们不得不买票。

Maybe they went to a baseball game and they had to buy a ticket.


If someone is telling you about something where they paid for the experience, you can definitely ask the question, "Was it worth it?" And they might then say, "Yeah, it was totally worth it. I would do it again." Or, "It wasn't worth it.


The ticket was $200 and we ended up sitting so far back, we could hardly see the players on the field," or maybe, "We could hardly see the singers on the stage." So great question to ask, "Was it worth it?" The seventh question you could ask starts like this.

门票是 200 美元, 最后我们坐得太远了,我们几乎看不到场上的球员, ”或者,“我们几乎看不到舞台上的歌手。 ”这个问题很好问, “这值得吗? ”? ” 你可以问的第七个问题是这样开始的。

"What made you decide to," and then you have to finish the question.

“是什么让你决定这样做, ”然后你必须完成这个问题。

"What made you decide to make bread at home?" "What made you decide to do yoga?" "What made you decide to learn how to play the violin?" When someone is telling you about something that they are doing or something that they did, it's a cool way to show that you're interested.

“是什么让你决定在家做面包?” “是什么让你决定做瑜伽?” “是什么让你决定学习如何拉小提琴的?”当有人告诉您他们正在做的事情或他们做过的事情时,这是表明您感兴趣的一种很酷的方式。

"What made you decide to start making YouTube videos, Bob?" Well, you know, I just wanted to figure out how to do it and everything since then has been history.

“是什么让你决定开始制作 YouTube 视频, 鲍勃? ”好吧,你知道的,我只是想弄清楚如何去做,从那以后一切都已成为历史。

So a great question to ask, "What made you decide to," and then you need to finish the question.

所以问一个很好的问题,“是什么让你决定这样做的, ”然后你需要完成这个问题。

The eighth question you can ask is, "Who did you go with?" This is a great question to ask after someone goes on a trip or after someone does something fun.


You could just say, "Who did you go with?" You want to show that you're curious.

你可以说,“你和谁一起去的? ”你想表现出你很好奇。

You would like to know who were the people who went on the trip with you, who are the people who did that fun thing with you.


So, "Who did you go with?" And they might answer by saying, "I went with my brother." Or they might even say, "Oh, I just went all by myself." So a great question to ask, "Who did you go with?" The ninth question you could ask is, "Have things settled down now?" This is a question you would ask if someone is telling you that things have been really busy at work, or they might be telling you that things have been really busy in their life.


You would then ask the question, "Have things settled down now?" In English, when something settles down, it means it goes back to normal.

然后你会问这个问题,“现在事情已经解决了吗? ”在英语中,当某事安定下来时,意味着一切恢复正常。

When you're busy at work, hopefully things settle down after a while.


If you're busy in life, hopefully things settle down after a while.


So if a friend or someone in conversation says they've been busy, a great question to ask, "Have things settled down now?" The 10th question you can ask, "Do you have any regrets?" This is a question you would ask after maybe someone buys a house or spends a lot of money on something.


This is a question you would usually ask after something big has happened in someone's life that they decided to do.


You would say, "Do you have any regrets?" This means that are you happy with what you did or are there things that didn't go the way you wanted them to and now you're kind of feeling bad about doing that thing.


So the 10th question and the last question for this lesson, "Do you have any regrets?" Well, hey, thank you so much for watching this English lesson.

那么本课的第 10 个问题,也是最后一个问题,“你有什么遗憾吗?”嗯,嘿,非常感谢你收看这节英语课。

I hope the 10 questions that I taught you will help you in your next English conversation.

我希望我教给你的 10 个问题对你下次英语对话有所帮助。

I have to apologize.


I'm sorry that the background wasn't a little more varied this time.


I kind of stayed by my shed because it's extremely windy (wind gusting) out here, so I kind of had to stay out of the wind while making the lesson.


But anyways, thanks for watching.


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(upbeat music)



