


What seemingly unrelated animal has something very humanlike?有哪些看似不相关的动物有很像人类的地方?




“April 2016, … Inky the octopus's great escape from the National Aquarium of New Zealand. The lid of Inky's tank was left ajar at night, and he took advantage of this by climbing out, walking across a room to a drain opening, and squeezing down a 160ft (50m) pipe to the open ocean.”An octopus in the ocean was observed catching snails, taking them to a grotto, then moving stones to block the entrance so they were captured for later dining like Hansel and Gretel.“2016年4月,新西兰国家水族馆的章鱼大逃亡。晚上,Inky的水箱盖半开着,他利用这一点爬了出来,穿过一个房间,走到排水口,挤下一条160英尺(50米)长的管道,汇入大海。“人们观察到海洋中的一只章鱼捕捉蜗牛(的方法)——把它们带到一个洞穴里,然后移动石头堵住洞口,这样它们就被捕获,并可以晚点再享用了。链接:《为何章鱼是海洋里的天才》Jon BourgettiSnail mommies tell that story to snail babies to stop them from wandering away.蜗牛妈妈会把这个故事讲给蜗牛宝宝听,防止它们乱跑。K. Colin“Running snails,” interesting concept.“跑动的蜗牛“,有趣的概念


Christopher StantonNot only are octopi maritime Einsteins, they are extremely tasty! What’s not to like? Seriously though, octopoid intelligence is simply amazing. Their evolutionary path must have been labyrinthine.The sea snail tale is riotously funny. What a burglar! Give that critter a prize. “Hansel and Gretel”?!? You really need to do a lot more writing at Quora. This place is so bereft of humor as to be a desiccant.章鱼不仅是海洋里的爱因斯坦,而且它们非常美味!为什么不喜欢呢?不过说真的,章鱼的智能简直太惊人了,它们的进化之路一定错综复杂。这个海蜗牛的故事非常有趣。厉害的小偷!给那个小动物一个奖品吧。Will WyrmsI believe they are at least one of the animals we should not be killing. This group includes elephants, whales, dolphins and porpoises. This is a short list, there are more.我相信它们至少是我们不应该捕杀的动物之一。这类动物包括大象、鲸鱼、海豚和海豚。不一而足,还有更多。Tae Hoon KimIf we are going by intelligence, pigs. They are the smartest domesticated animal.如果真要算智商的话,还有猪。它们是最聪明的家养动物。Irfan KhanMonkeys, of any kind.猴子,任何一种(都算)。Jon BourgettiCrows too乌鸦也算。Sadaf DawarDogs狗狗。



Elizabeth MeadWoah. Respect for the octopi. Any who can open their own tanks and chow down on snails deserves a snail buffet. Hasta la Vista, Inky.. Catch ya oceanside!向章鱼致敬。任何能自己开水箱吃蜗牛的动物都值得享用蜗牛自助餐。再见,Inky,畅享海洋吧!Laurence Boorer, Retired (2020-present)Worst task in Australia? Fingerprint technician in the outback.Koalas have fingerprints that are almost identical to those of humans, How similar? Take a look at this:The human fingerprint is on the left. This similarity has caused confusion in some cases, and doubtless will continue to do so, especially when working with partial prints.Laurence Boorer,退休(2020-至今)在澳大利亚,最糟糕的任务是什么?处理指纹的技术人员。考拉(澳大利亚特有物种)的指纹与人类的指纹几乎完全相同,有多相似?看看这个:


左边是人的指纹,这种相似性在某些情况下造成了混乱,而且毫无疑问将继续造成混乱,特别是在处理部分指纹时。Jon BourgettiMa'am. print evidence appears that a koala stole your baby.”“女士,指纹证据显示是一只考拉偷了你的孩子。”



Sean Kernan, Son of QuoraThey might seem quite alien to humans: (Fear not, it is a pouch to carry their young.)But they actually share one very rare quality with humans:Thumbs.They are one of the only non-primates to have them.They have them on their feet though, as they don’t have “hands” per se.The opposable thumbs are used to help them climb more efficiently. They are fantastic climbers, which is what allows them to climb while carrying babies on their back.They are the only marsupial in the United States.They also have the most teeth of any mammal (50).But they still need to figure out how to deal with cars though. Come to the United States, and the most common roadkill you will see are opossums.They can only see a few feet in front of them and rely on smell to navigate, hence the car problem.If you do see a recently killed opossum, and you feel up to it, please check to see if it has young in its pouch, you can often rescue them this way.Sean Kernan,Quora之子负鼠,它们对人类来说可能很陌生:








Sean KernanGreat point. Forgot to mention that!很棒的一点,我忘了说了!Anna ZauharI knew this and really think they are neat animals but did not know about the thumbs. Did you know that a clowder of cats will allow an opossum to eat with them? For some reason these very selfish creatures will allow them but no others to share a meal!我知道这一点,也确实认为它们是整洁的动物,但还不知道拇指这回事。但你知道一群猫会允许负鼠和它们一起吃饭吗?出于某种原因,这些非常自私的生物除了负鼠外不会跟其他任何生物分享食物!


Rudy TrianaHere in Sarasota they are everywhere. Some even call them “cute”, others call them ugly. I classify them as “cugly”. Their faces are horrendous lol, it’s like a hamster on steroids with a bad makeover在萨拉索塔(美国西部城市),它们无处不在。有些人倒是称它们“可爱”,有些人则称它们“丑陋”。我把它们归类为“丑萌”。他们的脸挺可怕的,哈哈哈,就像一个吃了类固醇的仓鼠,糟糕的造型。



Tony CastaldoGreat story. I research AI, and I agree. I think intelligence gets trained by the environment, and because environments are roughly the same, intelligence (when present) will tend toward convergence.In a way, your story is about cultural learning: Jock learned something new by observing somebody else doing it. And it was tool use, no less. It would be even more interesting if Jock kept the scraper and spontaneously used it on his own when it was appropriate. He might have been rather bored in the tank, and cleaning it with a new and interesting tool was something to do!It makes me wonder if anybody has tried to teach Octopi language skills …很棒的故事。我研究人工智能,我同意这点。我认为智力是受环境训练的,因为环境大致相同,智力(当存在时)会趋同。在某种程度上,你的故事是关于文化学习的:乔克通过观察别人在做什么而学到新的东西。这是一种工具的使用。如果乔克保留刮刀,并在合适的时候自行使用的话,会更加有趣。他可能在水箱里很无聊,用一种新的有趣的工具清洁水箱是一件很有意思的事情!这让我怀疑是否有人尝试过教授章鱼语言技能。Claire JordanWhat always puzzles me is why no-one has taught language to an elephant. OK, they can’t exactly sign with only one “limb” with one or two fingers on it, but I’m sure they could work a sturdy keyboard. I’m also sure they’re intelligent enough to understand barter - orangutans do - so if we could talk to them we could hire them to work for us, instead of enslaving them.一直让我困惑的是为什么没有人教大象语言。好吧,他们不可能用一个“肢体”的一两个“手指”来写字,但我相信他们可以使用一个坚固的键盘。我也肯定它们足够聪明,懂得以物易物,猩猩就懂。所以如果我们能和它们说话,我们就能雇佣它们为我们工作,而不是奴役它们。




Tony CastaldoWell, by language I don’t mean spoken, but something using their natural abilities. Perhaps like gorillas, they can be taught to sign the things they want, or like Alex the Parrot taught to respond intelligibly for treats, or to solve puzzles for treats. Octopi do have fine motor control, and they can use tools, so they could draw signs, or sext one picture amongst many, etc.我说的语言不是口头的,而是能运用他们的天赋的东西。也许就像大猩猩一样,它们可以被教会在它们想要的东西上签名,或者像鹦鹉亚历克斯被教授对食物做出明确反应,或解谜获得食物。章鱼确实有精细的运动控制,它们可以使用工具,所以它们可以画符号,或者从许多图片中选择一张,等等。Alice ThompsonClaire, you have come to the same conclusion that I did.That in order for high intelligence to lead to a technologically advanced society, they have to think in a logical cooperative way, and it would take the same kind of characteristics to make a successful society as we use to make successful societies.Which means.. more commonalities than differences.楼主,你得出了和我一样的结论。为了让高智能引领一个技术先进的社会,他们必须以一种逻辑合作的方式来思考,这将需要同样的特征来创造一个成功的社会,就像我们创造成功的社会一样。这意味着……共性多于差异。Micah Eric OttawayAstrophysicists have been contemplating whether or not intelligence is convergent for decades (part of the reason SETI exists). I believe we do observe that intelligence is convergent in small glimpses from time to time in a few species here on earth. It is a very fascinating topic.几十年来,天体物理学家一直在思考智慧是否会趋同。我相信我们确实观察到,智慧在地球上的一些物种中偶尔会有微小的趋同。这是一个非常吸引人的话题。Ed CaruthersAs far as we can tell, he laws of nature are the same everywhere in the universe. I agree that intelligence must be somewhat convergent. We all have to understand the same universe and use the same laws to deal with the universe.就我们所知,自然界的法则在宇宙的任何地方都是一样的。我同意智力一定是趋同的。我们都必须理解相同的宇宙,使用相同的定律来处理宇宙。Brian Paul JennyOctopuses also are skilled escape artists, as you likely know. I used to take my young son to see one in the D.C. National Zoo. When he was gone from his tank, I asked. He had slung an arm up and grabbed an overhead pipe, pulled himself out of the tank. But, like many escapees, he landed badly, on a floor with no water. He was replaced weeks later. I cannot recall if his body was outlined like a crime scene. They are extraordinary.你可能知道,章鱼也是熟练的逃跑高手。我以前常带我的小儿子去华盛顿国家动物园看章鱼。那一次,他从水箱里跑了出来。他吊起一只胳膊,抓住头顶上的一根管子,把自己拉出了水箱。但是,像许多逃跑者一样,他摔得很惨,落在了没有水的地板上。几周后,他被替换掉了。我不记得他的尸体是不是像犯罪现场一样,但他们是非凡的。Andrew NessGreat stuff. Don't know if you have read “Other Minds” by Peter Godfrey Smith, which explores octopus intelligence? There are many stories like that in there.很棒的故事。不知道你是否读过彼得·戈弗雷·史密斯(Peter Godfrey Smith)的《其他心灵》(Other Minds),这本书探索了章鱼的智力。里面有很多这样的故事。John HarlandIn an alternative universe octopus might have begun to nurture their young and passed on their learning to succeeding generations.The thought upsets all the anthropocentric assumptions about culture and the development of intelligence look very shaky.在另一个宇宙中,章鱼可能已经开始哺育它们的后代,并将它们的知识传给下一代。这个想法颠覆了所有关于文化和智力发展的人类中心假设,看起来非常不可靠。Jim GrossmannIt would have to be a unique species of octopus. Octopuses only live for about four years, and die after they spawn. Between these two facts, a true octopus culture is impossible.它必须是一种独特的章鱼。章鱼的寿命只有四年左右,产卵后就会死亡。有了这两个事实,真正的章鱼文化是不可能的。John HarlandThings can change. It is not impossible that some octopus might evolve to live on after spawning and care for their brood.A true fish culture is “impossible” too but the distant offspring of fish have learned to care for their young and to pass on culture so that they evolved considerable intelligence, technology and civilisation.That was a far bigger change than what I am suggesting.事物是可以改变的。有些章鱼可能会进化到在产卵后继续生存并照顾它们的后代,这并非不可能。尽管一种真正的鱼类文化是“不可能的”,但是鱼类的遥远后代(兴许)已经学会照顾它们的后代,并将文化传承下去,因此它们进化出可观的智力、技术和文明。Crystal GillisHmm. I wish at least one of the cats or dogs I've had would've been like the octopus. Not a single one has ever cleaned up their own mess!嗯。我希望我养过的猫或狗中至少有一只能像章鱼一样。没有一只会收拾自己的烂摊子!Robert NealeI have heard a story about an octopus that was given a treat inside a screw-top jar. It took the octopus a couple of hours to figure out how to unscrew the top of the jar and get the treat. In a neighboring tank, there was another octopus that could (and did) watch the first one. When given the chance, it took the second octopus less than a half hour to unscrew the top.我听过一个关于章鱼的故事,它在一个旋盖的罐子里得到了美食。这只章鱼花了好几个小时才弄明白如何拧开罐子的盖子,然后得到了美味。在邻近的水箱里,有另一只章鱼能够(而且确实)看到第一只章鱼(的举动)。在它也得到了有机会后,第二只章鱼用了不到半小时就拧开了瓶盖。John J. PeloquinI love to eat octopus, but stories like this make me reconsider.我喜欢吃章鱼,但像这样的故事让我重新考虑。Peter KnutsenI feel that it’s wrong to eat pigs, because unlike other food mammals they’re above my threshold for “to intelligent to be food”.The problem is, bacon is really delicious, so I’m not living in accord with my own principles.我觉得吃猪是不对的,因为猪不像其他食用类哺乳动物,它们超过了我“聪明到不能作为食物”的阈值。问题是,培根真的很好吃,所以我并没有按照我自己的原则生活。David BressonThe other element is parenting. Octopuses follow the r strategy, bearing thousands of eggs in one go, and don't give them individual attention raising them. In fact, octopus mothers generally don't eat while their eggs are incubating and die shortly after the eggs hatch.The lack of active parenting prevents passing down knowledge from generation to generation. With no education, no culture or sustained advancement can happen as it does in humans.另一个因素是养育。章鱼遵循自己的策略,一次产下数千个卵,在繁育过程中不给它们单独的关注。事实上,章鱼妈妈通常在蛋孵化期间不吃东西,在蛋孵化后不久就会死亡。缺乏积极的养育阻碍了知识的代代相传。没有教育,没有文化,没有持续的进步,就不会像人类一样。


