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David EliezerEdited, there was a typo. Cooked food releases nutrients with much *less* digestive effort, according to a lot of recent papers. Thus, cooking enabled us to have bigger brains, and do things other than hunt for food. It also enabled bigger tribes.编辑问题,出现了一个错别字。烹饪使我们拥有更大的大脑,并能做一些猎食以外的事情。它也使更大的部落得以存在。0



Walter HanagriffHe is saying because it destroys some nutrients, that you need to eat more to get an equivalent amount of nutrients. To him this means it is inefficient to eat meat.Whether this is true, everything is a trade off. Let’s say it does have less nutrients cooked. It is still more “efficient” because it is easier to carry/transport, easier to eat, and safer to eat.A trade off worth making.他的意思是,因为熟肉破坏了一些营养物质,你需要吃得更多才能得到等量的营养物质。对他来说,这意味着吃熟肉是低效的。不管这是不是真的,所有的事情都是一种权衡。我们假设煮熟的食物营养更少,但它更“高效”,因为它更容易携带/运输,更易于食用,更安全。这是一个值得做的权衡。0



Todd JohnsonWell, obviously sitting around a fire, more in northern parts, all it takes is one dude to cook some of the meat and go “Oh, this is much better….”. Kind of like asking “How did they know to put [x] sauce/spice/etc on meat to make it taste better?” They try new things. Cooked meat became like Facebook — caught on. :)好吧,很明显,在北部地区,坐在火边,一个人只要煮一些肉,然后说:“哦,这更好吃了……”就像问:“他们怎么知道在肉上放些酱料/香料之类,肉就更好吃了呢?”他们勇于尝试新鲜事物,于是吃熟肉就像Facebook一样流行起来了(手动斜眼)0Garrett StockI wanna know what asshole figured out how to eat fugu. Running theory with my dad and I are either it was some sort of drinking game or a bored landowner with too many slaves.Or maybe just slaves who were desperate, sort of how the Americans learned how to cook lobster. But more deadly.我想知道是哪个混蛋想出来怎么吃河豚的。我和我爸爸认为,要么是因为某种酗酒游戏,要么是因为一个有太多奴隶的无聊地主。或者也可能只是绝望的奴隶的绝望之举,就像美国人是如何学会做龙虾的一样。但吃河豚显然更致命。0



Lee ThéOur reduced dentition, jaw size and jaw muscle mass all accompanied our switching to cooked meat and vegetables.我们减少的牙齿、颚骨大小和颚肌群的减少都与我们改吃熟肉和蔬菜有关。0Peter R RobertsI must make the comment that humans are quite capable of eating raw meat - especially if it is shredded or minced sufficiently fine.My wife and I have, over the years, dined at elegant restaurants in many countries where we have particularly ordered Steak Tartare, which is cold, raw, shredded beef with raw vegetables and a raw egg on top. It is an exceedingly tasty dish and causes our digestive systems no problem whatsoever.The only caveat is that one should only order it in a very high-quality restaurant where one can be certain that the food hygiene is immaculate and of the highest standard. Otherwise, uncooked food (if contaminated) can result in serious gastric illness. In five-star hotels, we have never found any problem.One of the key benefits of cooking is that it can and will destroy pathogens (germs and viruses) that can harm humans.So, we must recognise that the wording of the question is not correct—as is common in Quora questions. Humans DO NOT HAVE TO COOK MEAT.Regards,Peter R Roberts.我必须要说的是,人类吃生肉的能力相当强——尤其是如果生肉被切碎或剁碎得足够细的话。多年来,我和妻子在许多国家的高档餐厅用餐,我们特别点了鞑靼牛排。鞑靼牛排是一种冷的、生的碎牛肉,上面放着生蔬菜和一个生鸡蛋。这是一道非常美味的菜,对我们的消化系统没有任何问题。唯一需要注意的是,你只能在非常高质量的餐厅点这种菜,在那里你可以确定食物卫生是完美的和最高标准的。否则,未煮熟的食物(如果被污染的话)会导致严重的胃病。在五星级酒店,我们从来没有发现任何问题。烹饪的一个主要好处是,它能杀死对人类有害的病原体(细菌和病毒)。所以,我们必须认识到,这个问题的措辞是不正确的——这在Quora问题中很常见。人类不必非得烹煮肉类。致以问候,彼得·罗伯茨。0CJ LeeI feel like if we are going down this road of being pedantic we could add a lot of don’t HAVE to’s. We don’t HAVE to pay bills, we don’t HAVE to wear clothes in public, we don’t HAVE to follow the law. Doesn’t mean any of these are the best choices.The question is clearly intended to mean the optimal process for humans. There is no doubt that cooked meat offers more nutritional value and more energy. So, our ancient ancestors more or less did HAVE to cook them because a cut in energy might have lead to an even earlier death.我觉得如果我们沿着这种学究式的道路走下去,我们还可以添加很多不必要的东西。我们不必付账单,我们不必在公共场合穿衣服,我们不必遵守法律。但这并不意味着这些都是最好的选择。这个问题显然是指对人类而言最佳的方式。毫无疑问,熟肉提供更多的营养价值和更多的能量。所以,我们远古的祖先或多或少不得不把肉煮熟,因为能量的减少可能会致使更早的死亡。0Peter R RobertsAnd perhaps you may be wrong in your interpretation of the question because you will see the qualifier, being, “all other animals can eat it raw”. The word ‘can’ is what I looked at to differentiate and to amplify the meaning. Thus, I cannot agree with you.也许你对这个问题的解释是错误的,因为你会看到限定词,即“所有其他动物都可以生吃”。“can”这个词是我用来区分和放大其意思。因此,我不能同意你的看法。0David BäckströmWe humans have always had a basic diet of roots, fruits, nuts, berries, seeds, fish and some meat(10–20%). We have cooked our food for 1 million years at least.The further north humans came the further away from each other they lived and the more meat they had to eat.Forest and savanna dwelling humans has until 12000 ya been the most common. And still was 6000ya.Agricultural native Americans was a way bigger group of people than the Hunter-gatherers. Romans could be counted in tens of millions while North Europeans at the same time was counted at a million or so even though they had the same technology for producing food(not everything else).So your answer is wrong and it’s misinformed that people started to have a plant based diet 12000 ya. Their diet changed to more and more grains instead of a variety of wild greens, but meat remained at 10–20% for most people.我们人类的基本饮食是树根、水果、坚果、浆果、种子、鱼和一些肉(10-20%)。我们烹饪食物至少已经有100万年的历史了。人类越往北迁徙,彼此之间的距离就越远,他们需要吃的肉也就越多。直到12000年前,人类才普遍居住在森林和稀树草原。以农业为生的美洲土著是一个比采猎者更大的群体。罗马人有数千万人,而同期的北欧人有100万左右,尽管他们拥有同样的技术来生产食物(不是其他一切东西)。所以你的答案是错误的,这种说法讹传12000年前,人们开始以植物为基础的饮食。他们的食物越来越多改为谷物,而不是各种野生绿色蔬菜,但肉类对大多数人来说仍保持在10-20%。0Robert MuellerYes; I have read expert opinions that cooking was an important invention in the evolution of humans because cooking enabled to better access to nutrients in what people were eating. This was helpful bcause human energy needs are substantial. Thus cooking added advantages (liberation of nutrients and reduction of unhealthy components) when one consumed either vegetables or meat although one can in suitable environments get by without cooking.是的,我看过一些专家的观点,他们认为烹饪是人类进化过程中的一项重要发明,因为烹饪使人们能够更好地获取所吃食物中的营养。这是有益的,因为人类的能量需求是巨大的。因此,当一个人吃蔬菜或肉时,烹饪优势明显(释放营养和减少不健康成分),尽管在某些适当的环境下,不烹饪也可以。0David BäckströmAnd not to forget, our body only use the ketone process when in some version of starvation. Our brain is dependent on carbohydrates to function efficiently, which is most easily available year round and in most environments from cooked or grilled roots.而且别忘了,我们的身体只有在饥饿的时候才会用到酮。我们的大脑依赖碳水化合物来有效运作,这种碳水化合物一年四季都很容易获得,而且在大多数环境中都可以从煮熟或烤熟的根茎中获得。


