


I've gotten reference books and fuck-books, joke novelties like handbuzzers

and itching powder, and on more than one occasion I've seen that a long timer

has gotten a pair of panties from his wife or his girlfriend ... and I guess

you'll know what guys in here do with such items during the long nights when

time draws out like a blade. I don't get all those things gratis, and for some

items the price comes high. But I don't do it just for the money; what good is

money to me? I'm never going to own a Cadillac car or fly off to Jamaica for

two weeks in February. I do it for the same reason that a good butcher will

only sell you fresh meat: I got a reputation and I want to keep it. The only two

things I refuse to handle are guns and heavy drugs. I won't help anyone kill

himself or anyone else. I have enough killing on my mind to last me a


reference book (n) 工具書;參考書 a book containing useful facts or specially organized information, as an encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, yearbook, etc. joke novelties一些帶惡作劇意味的小玩意 handbuzzer (n) = hand buzzerTime can draw out (meaning to come out of) like a blade. Like you draw a blade, by

taking it out of its case.

gratis (adj) freebutcher屠夫


Yeah, I'm a regular Neiman-Marcus. And so when Andy Dufresne came to

me in 1949 and asked if I could smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for

him, I said it would be no problem at all. And it wasn't.



When Andy came to Shawshank in 1948, he was thirty years old. He was a

short neat little man with sandy hair and small, clever hands. He wore gold-rimmed

spectacles. His fingernails were always clipped, and they were

always clean. That's a funny thing to remember about a man, I suppose, but

it seems to sum Andy up for me. He always looked as if he should have

been wearing a tie. On the outside he had been a vice-president in the trust

department of a large Portland bank. Good work for a man as young as he

was, especially when you consider how conservative most banks are ... and

you have to multiply that conservatism by ten when you get up into New

England, where folks don't like to trust a man with their money unless he's

bald, limping, and constantly plucking at his pants to get his truss around

straight Andy was in for murdering his wife and her lover.

sandy hair黃棕色頭髮(a yellowish-brown color)on the outside 指牢外 had been時態上指出入獄之前的事情拉扯pluck at (v) to give an abrupt pull to; tug at


As I believe I have said, everyone in prison is an innocent man. Oh, they

read that scripture the way those holy rollers on TV read the Book of

Revelations. They were the victims of judges with hearts of stone and balls

to match, or incompetent lawyers, or police frame-ups, or bad luck. They

read the scripture, but you can see a different scripture in their faces. Most

cons are a low sort, no good to themselves or anyone else, and their worst

luck was that their mothers carried them to term.

scripture (n)《聖經》中的文句 a particular passage from the Bible; text.

在美國有一群人叫作“震憾者” (Quakers)、即現今貴格會之綽稱,原指他們得到神的臨

在時渾身發抖而震憾,或稱為“聖滾者”(the Holy Rollers)——即當神的啟示臨到時,



The New Testament consists of four Gospels, the Acts of the Apostles, collections of

Epistles, and the Book of Revelation 啟示錄 . 不過此文revelations用複數可能指其他的

陷害frame-up (n.c)(informal) an act that incriminates someone on a false charge生下某人 carry sb to term (v) carry out a pregnancy


In all my years at Shawshank, there have been less than ten men whom I

believed when they told me they were innocent. Andy Dufresne was one of

them, although I only became convinced of his innocence over a period of

years. If I had been on the jury that heard his case in Portland Superior

Court over six stormy weeks in 1947-48, I would have voted to convict, too.

It was one hell of a case, all right; one of those juicy ones with all the right

elements. There was a beautiful girl with society connections (dead), a local

sports figure (also dead), and a prominent young businessman in the dock.

There was this, plus all the scandal the newspapers could hint at. The

prosecution had an open-and-shut case. The trial only lasted as long as it

did because the DA was planning to run for the US House of

Representatives and he wanted John Q Public to get a good long look at his

phiz. It was a crackerjack legal circus, with spectators getting in line at four

in the morning, despite the subzero temperatures, to assure themselves of a


vote to convict or acquit (有/無罪) 注:innocent无罪被告席dock (n) the place in a courtroom where a prisoner is placed during trial.in the dock: being tried in a court, esp. a criminal court; on trial.a open-and-shut case (n.c) a legal case or other matter that is easy to prove or decide because the facts are very clearJohn Q. Public (n) the average or typical U.S. citizen.phiz (n)(英 slang) facecrackerjack (adj) fineassure sb of sth确保


The facts of the prosecution's case that Andy never contested were these:

That he had a wife, Linda Collins Dufresne; that in June of 1947 she had

expressed an interest in learning the game of golf at the Falmouth Hills

Country Club; that she did indeed take lessons for four months; that her

instructor was the Falmouth Hills golf pro, Glenn Quentin; that in late August

of 1947 Andy learned that Quentin and his wife had become lovers; that

Andy and Linda Dufresne argued bitterly on the afternoon of 10 September

1947; that the subject of their argument was her infidelity.


He testified that Linda professed to be glad he knew; the sneaking around,

she said, was distressing. She told Andy that she planned to obtain a Reno

divorce. Andy told her he would see her in hell before he would see her in

Reno. She went off to spend the night with Quentin in Quentin's rented

bungalow not far from the golf course. The next morning his cleaning woman

found both of them dead in bed. Each had been shot four times.

Reno divorce 輕而易舉的離婚(因美國Reno市離婚率高而得名)平房 bungalow (n) a small house which is often on one level


It was that last fact that mitigated more against Andy than any of the others.

The DA with the political aspirations made a great deal of it in his opening

statement and his closing summation. Andrew Dufresne, he said, was not a

wronged husband seeking a hot-blooded revenge against his cheating wife;

that, the DA said, could be understood, if not condoned. But this revenge

had been of a much colder type. Consider! the DA thundered at the jury.

Four and four! Not six shots, but eight! He had fired the gun empty ... and

then stopped to reload so he could shoot each of them again! FOUR FOR

HIM AND FOUR FOR HER, the Portland Sun blared. The Boston Register

dubbed him The Even-Steven Killer.

· To militate agains t something is to affect or influence it adversely 對…不利summation (n)【律】(裁判前)法庭辯論的總結

· 寬恕condone (v) to pardon or forgive (an offense)

· 吼叫thunder (vi) to produce sounds like thunder.

· the Portland Sun 與The Boston Register都是報名

· even-steven (adj) having an equal score, as in a game or contest. 因為兩人都打四槍






