
[peppa pig小猪佩奇]台词剧本

第一季 第29话

29. Pancakes 煎饼

Narrator:(Peppa Pig介绍):

I’m Peppa pig.我是佩奇。

This is my little brother, George.这是我的弟弟乔治。

This is Mummy Pig. 这是我的妈妈。

And this is Daddy Pig. 这是我的爸爸。


Pancakes 煎饼


I'm the expert at flipping the pancakes over!

Narrator: It is teatime. And Mummy Pig has a surprise for everyone. 一家人在喝茶,猪妈妈给大家准备了一个惊喜。

Mummy Pig: Today is a day for pancakes! 今天呢我们要吃煎饼。

Daddy Pig: Pancakes! Delicious! 煎饼吗,真是太棒了!

Peppa: I love pancakes! 我喜欢吃煎饼。

Narrator: Everyone loves pancakes! 大家都喜欢煎饼。

Daddy Pig: I'm the expert at flipping the pancakes over! 我可是一个翻煎饼的高手。[flip sth. over把…翻转过来]

Leave that to me! 让我来翻吧。

Mummy Pig: Are you sure, Daddy Pig? 你确定吗,猪爸爸?

Last time you got a bit grumpy when you dropped the pancake on the floor.


Daddy Pig: I did not get grumpy. 我上次并没有焦躁。

There was a problem with the frying pan. 是那个煎锅有问题。

Peppa: Mummy,can we help make the pancakes, please? 妈妈,我们能一起帮忙做煎饼吗?拜托了。

Mummy Pig: Yes. You can help me make the batter. 没问题,你们帮忙做面糊。

[batter [ˈbætər] n. 面糊(用于做糕饼)]

- First, I put some flour in the bowl. 首先,我在碗里倒些面粉。

Peppa and George: Oh 哦

Mummy Pig: Now, I add an egg. 接着加一个蛋

Now, the milk. 现在加牛奶。

And I give it all a stir. 然后我要搅拌一下。[stir [stɜːr] n. v. 搅拌]

Peppa: Mummy, can I stir? 妈妈 我能来搅拌吗?

Mummy Pig: Yes, of course Peppa. 当然可以了,佩奇。

Narrator: Peppa loves stirring. 佩奇喜欢搅拌。

George wants to stir as well. 乔治也想帮忙。

Peppa: No, George, like this! 不对乔治,要像这样。

Mummy Pig: Ok, that's enough stirring. 好了,已经可以了。

You two sit at the table while I cook the pancakes. 我做煎饼的时候,你们就坐在桌旁。

Narrator: Mummy Pig is going to flip the pancake over! 猪妈妈要把煎饼翻过来啦。

Peppa: Hurray! 太棒了。

Daddy Pig: You could flip it higher, Mummy Pig. 你可以翻的更高点,猪妈妈。

Mummy Pig: You can show us how, when you flip your own pancake, Daddy Pig. 等你做自己的煎饼时可以教我们,猪爸爸。

Narrator: This first pancake is for George. 第一个煎饼是给乔治的。

Mummy Pig pours a little syrup on George's pancake. 妈妈在乔治的煎饼上倒了些糖浆。[syrup [ˈsɪrəp] n. 糖浆]

George: Delicious! 真好吃。

Narrator: This pancake is for Peppa. 这煎饼是给佩奇的。

Peppa: Hurray! 好哎。

Daddy Pig: Hmmm... you could flip it higher, Mummy Pig. 嗯,你可以翻的更高点,猪妈妈。

Mummy Pig: You will get a chance to show me when you flip your own pancake, Daddy Pig. 等你做自己的煎饼时可以教我们,猪爸爸。

Peppa: Syrup, please! 我也要糖浆。

Mmmmmm! Delicious! 嗯 真好吃呀!

Narrator: This pancake is for Mummy Pig. 这个煎饼是猪妈妈自己的。

Peppa: Hurray! 好哎。

Daddy Pig: You still aren't flipping them high enough, Mummy Pig. 你的煎饼翻得还是不够高,猪妈妈。

Mummy Pig: The next pancake is yours, Daddy Pig. 下一个煎饼就是你的了。

So now you can show us how it should be done. 这样你就可以教我们怎么做了。

Mmmmmm! Delicious! 嗯,太好吃了!

Daddy Pig: Is everyone watching? 大家都在看了吗?

The secret of making a good pancake is to flip it high into the air. 煎饼要做的好吃秘密就是一定要把它翻得高高的

One... two... three... hoopla! 好1 2 3转圈。


Peppa: Silly Daddy! 你失败了。

Daddy Pig: Oh... maybe that was just a bit too high. 哦,可能有点太高了。

Mummy Pig: What a shame, that was the last pancake. 太可惜了,那可是最后一个煎饼。

Daddy Pig: It should be a simple matter to get it down. 应该很容易就能把它拿下来。


Narrator: Oh, dear. Daddy Pig cannot reach his pancake. 哦 糟糕了。猪爸爸够不到他的煎饼。

Mummy Pig: Don't worry, Daddy Pig, 别着急,猪爸爸。

I think I know a way to get it down. 我想我有办法把它弄下来。

Let's go upstairs, children. 我们上楼去孩子们。

This way! 这边来。

Narrator: What is Mummy Pig planning to do? 猪妈妈打算做什么呢?

Mummy Pig: On the count of three, we all have to start jumping up and down. 听我口令,我数到3我们一起上下跳。

One, two, three, jump! 一、二、三,跳。

Daddy Pig: What are they doing? 他们在楼上干什么呀?

Narrator: It worked! 成功了。

Now Daddy Pig has his pancake. 猪爸爸终于拿到他的煎饼了。

Peppa: Daddy has a pancake on his head! 爸爸的煎饼掉在他头上了。

Mummy Pig: Syrup on your pancake, Daddy Pig? 煎饼上要倒糖浆吗?

Daddy Pig: Yes, please. 是的,麻烦你了。

One... two... three... hoopla! 转圈。

Mmmmmm! Delicious! 嗯,太好吃了!

Peppa: Silly Daddy. 你成功了。

[小猪佩奇]视频在这里哦:小猪佩奇 第一季 英文版第29集-番剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩ic_close_normal


First, I put some flour in the bowl.


Now, I add an egg.


1. It’s tea time.

It is teatime. 现在是下午茶的时间了。


如果你注意看的话,会看见佩奇家墙上的钟显示的时间是下午4点,perfect timing for tea,这正是享受下午茶的最佳时光。一家人围坐在一起吃吃点心,喝喝茶,可是非常温馨的家庭时光呢。猪妈妈今天要做的下午茶点心正是大名鼎鼎的pancake煎饼哦。

2. Flip over

猪爸爸拿着平底锅得意洋洋的说,I’m the expert at flipping the pancakes over! 我可是非常擅长翻转松饼的哦。

Flip sth. (over), (使)快速翻转,迅速翻动。

3.Leave that to me

猪爸爸说他很擅长翻饼子,然后说Leave that to me. 把翻饼子这事儿留给我来做。


Leave sth. to sb. 把…留给谁去处理。


爸妈:You have to tidy up all your toys. Don’t leave them to me.你必须把你所有的玩具都收好,别留给我来收。


猪妈妈把面糊的材料都准备好了,说And I give it all a stir. 我要搅拌它了。



宝宝:The soup is very hot.汤太烫了。

爸妈:Stir the soup to cool it down.搅动汤,汤就会变凉哦。





frying pan平底锅, bowl碗, flour['flaʊər]面粉, milk牛奶, egg鸡蛋, syrup['sɪrəp]糖浆



First, put some flour in the bowl.先把面粉倒进碗里。

Then add an egg.接着加入一颗鸡蛋。

Then the milk.再倒入牛奶。

Stir the batter.搅拌面糊。

Pour a little syrup on the pancake.在松饼上淋少量的糖浆。

Ta-da. Delicious pancake is ready. Enjoy!

6. Sit at the table

面糊搅拌好了,猪妈妈要去做松饼了,于是她对佩奇他们说you two sit at the table. 你们俩坐在桌前。

At the table 在桌子边上。


爸妈:Dinner is ready. Come on. Sit at the table.开饭啦。快上桌了。

7.What a shame

猪妈妈看见猪爸爸的松饼被贴到天花板上了,笑着说What a shame, that was the last pancake. 太遗憾了,那可是最后一个松饼了。

What a shame. 太遗憾了,这里是感叹句。

我们曾经在换装游戏那集中也见过相似的句子,That’s a shame. 这真遗憾。


宝宝:I can’t find my train anywhere.

爸妈:What a shame, that’s your favorite toy.



8.Get it down

猪爸爸想把贴到天花板上的松饼拿下来,于是他踩在桌子上说It should be a simple matter to get it down. 把它拿下来简单得很。

Matter是事情的意思,simple matter小事一桩。

Get it down把它拿下来。这个用法我们也见过好几次了。比如把挂在树上的风筝取下来,get the kite down.


宝宝:Could you please help me to get the cookies down?你能帮我把饼干拿下来吗?

9.On the count of three

猪妈妈对佩奇他们说On the count of three, we all have to start jumping up and down. 数到三,我们就开始跳。

On the count of three, 数到三。


Peppa loves stirring. George wants to stir as well.


No, George, like this!


1、pancake [ˈpænkeɪk] n. 烙饼,薄煎饼

2、teatime [ˈti:taɪm] n. (英国下午或傍晚的)喝茶时间

3、delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs] adj. 美味的,可口的

4、flour [ˈflaʊə(r)] n. 面粉

5、stir [stɜ:(r)] n. 搅动;v. 搅拌

6、syrup [ˈsɪrəp] n. 糖浆

7、on the count of three 数到三

8、frying pan 煎锅

9、flip over 翻转


Mummy Pig is going to flip the pancake over!


Mummy Pig pours a little syrup on George's pancake.


1. And mummy pig has a surprise for everyone.

2. I’m the expert at flipping the pancakes over.

3. Are you sure, Daddy Pig.

4. Last time you got a bit grumpy.

5. I did not get grumpy.


It should be a simple matter to get it down.


It worked! Now Daddy Pig has his pancake.

-The End-


