
Goldfish have a short memory. Deserts are alwayshot. Do you think so? This is not correct! Popular Science magazine picks (挑选) some answers that sound correct, but are actually wrong. Let’s take a look.


Goldfish are the world’s most popular pet fish. Many people think goldfish haveonly a three-second memory. Is this true?

Scientists say goldfish are smarter than people think. In a simple experiment (实验),they keep a small tank of goldfish. They put a red Lego brick in the fish’stank every time they feed the fish. At first, the goldfish are a bit scared ofit. But after three weeks, they swim to the red Lego to wait for their food.


Then, the scientists leave the fish alone (不理)for a week. When they put the red Lego in the tank again, the fish remember it.Goldfish have a good memory. They can remember things for up to five months.

Think about this

If goldfish are smart, is it cruel to keep them in tiny fish tanks?

Scientists suggest (建议)that goldfish keepers should make their fishtanks interesting so that their fish will be happy.

Did you know?

1. A goldfish’s tastebuds (味蕾)are in their mouth and around their lips.

2. How old is your fish? For every year of a goldfish’s life, it grows a ringon its scaly (有鳞的)body. Most of them don’t live for long. Butthe oldest living goldfish is 40 years old.

3. Light is good for goldfish. They become pale if they are in the dark for toolong.

Word Bank 词 汇

memory /ˈmɛməri/ 名 词 计 划

scared /skerd/ 形容词 害怕的

cruel /ˈkruəl/ 形容词 残忍的

ring /rɪŋ/ 名 词 环,圈

pale /pel/ 形容词 苍白的







文章摘录自21世纪学生英文报 小学


