
第4天第4篇Cat 猫Hello everybody. I am Yuki. Today I am going to share about cats.I don't have a pet cats, but I have a big girl friend that has cats as we are coming to see .Here I will let you see see this.Look this little kitty .Today this cat has some babies,look babies.And this is sleeping, which is very noisy. And anotherOpps, what's wrong? Wait a minute. OK, now, these are baby cats. These two are very naughty,and now we will see another.So so naughty. Love..Yeah,does the cat cute like me ?? And I will turn to a cat and let you see. Oh, hello. I turned the one. This cat is pretty or that one is pretty? Let's turn three times. Hello, here the cartoon. This car is very funny. And I will turn the last one. Oh, I turned the last one. This cat is pretty too.But I much like the first one. What does yours? You can tell me, and I can show you where it is if you don't know. See you everybody.Meow meow.,下面我们就来说一说关于我的笔友英文范文小学?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



第4天第4篇Cat 猫

Hello everybody. I am Yuki. Today I am going to share about cats.I don't have a pet cats, but I have a big girl friend that has cats as we are coming to see .Here I will let you see see this.Look this little kitty .Today this cat has some babies,look babies.And this is sleeping, which is very noisy. And anotherOpps, what's wrong? Wait a minute. OK, now, these are baby cats. These two are very naughty,and now we will see another.So so naughty. Love..Yeah,does the cat cute like me ?? And I will turn to a cat and let you see. Oh, hello. I turned the one. This cat is pretty or that one is pretty? Let's turn three times. Hello, here the cartoon. This car is very funny. And I will turn the last one. Oh, I turned the last one. This cat is pretty too.But I much like the first one. What does yours? You can tell me, and I can show you where it is if you don't know. See you everybody.Meow meow.


