
很多人学了多年的英语,还是不会用不会写。也参加了很多学习课程,买了多本学习教材,最终学习成果还是不尽人意,其实只要把一套教材学透学精就很不错了,新概念英语一直被奉为英语界的"圣经",所以,我把这套教材的第三册梳理了一遍,第三册课文以which, when, where的复合句,长难句为主,在这里归纳了每种句型的句子供大家学习参考,把这些经典标准的句子句型参透了,并学以致用,遇到再难的句子都不怕了。一起来学习吧!

Lesson 32 A lost ship

The salvage operation had been a complete failure. The small ship, Elkor, which had been searching the Barents Sea for weeks, was on its way home.


What they had in fact found was a ship which had been sunk many years before.


There were books, clothing and photographs, together with letters which the seaman had once received from his wife.


Nothing of value was found, but the numerous items which were brought to the surface proved to be of great interest.


From a heavy gun that was raised, the captain realized that the ship must have been a cruiser. In another chest, which contained the belongings of a ship officer, there was an unfinished letter which had been written on March 14th, 1943.


The most valuable find of all was the ship's log book, parts of which it was still possible to read.


Lesson 35 Justice was done

After chipping through a wall which was eighteen inches thick, they found that a man had been trapped in the chimney.


Lesson 36 A chance in a million

Yet, in real life, circumstances do sometimes conspire to bring about coincidences which anyone but a nineteenth century novelist would find incredible.


Lesson 40 Who's who

Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexistent fire is a crude form of deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in.


Lesson 41 Illusions of pastoral peace

For them this is a major operation which involves considerable planning.


Lesson 42 Modern cavemen

For him, caves have the same peculiar fascination which high mountains have for the climber. They arouse instincts which can only be dimly understood


Precautions of this sort are necessary, for it is impossible to foretell the exact nature of the difficulties which will confront the pot-holer.


This immense chasm has been formed by an underground stream which has tunneled a course through a flaw in the rocks.


Suddenly they came to a waterfall which dropped into an underground lake at the bottom of the cave.


In this part of the cave, they could hear an insistent booming sound which they found was caused by a small waterspout shooting down into a pool from the roof the cave.


Lesson 46 Do it yourself

Shops cater for the do-it-yourself craze not only by running special advisory services for novices, but by offering consumers bits and pieces which they can assemble at home.


The garden was soon littered with chunks of metal which had once made up a lawn mower.


Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day.


I was not surprised to find that the machine still refused to work after I had reassembled it, for the simple reason that I was left with several curiously shaped bits of metal which did not seem to fit anywhere.



Lesson 48 The silent village

In this much travelled world, there are still thousands of places which are inaccessible to tourists.


The place consisted of a straggling unmade road which was lined on either side by small houses.


The village which had seemed deserted, immediately came to life.


Lesson 51 Predicting the future

From those humble beginnings, we have seen the development of the use-friendly home computers and multimedia machines which are in common used today.


Bagrit dismissed the idea that computers would learn to 'think' for themselves and would 'rule the world', which people liked to believe in those days.


Lesson 52 Mud is mud

How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating.


Harry went on to explain that 'myrolite' was a hard, amber-like substance which could be used to remove freckles.


The curious bottle, which now adorns the bookcase in his study, was his first and last purchase of rare cosmetics.


Lesson 53 In the public interest

The Ombudsman's prompt action at once put an end to an unpleasant practice which might have gone unnoticed.


Lesson 57 Back in the old country

I hired a car the day after landing and bought a comprehensive book of maps, which I found most helpful on the cross-country journey, but which did not think I should need on the last stage.


Lesson 58 A spot of bother

There was no trace of fingerprints, but the inspector found a dirty red bundle that contained jewellery which the old lady said was not hers.


Lesson 60 Too early and too late

She felt in her handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down all the details of the journey and gave it to the porter.



