

第4章 大众民谣

4.1 复习笔记

Popular Ballads (大众民谣)

1 Characteristics (特征)

(1) Ballads are oral narrative songs created and passed down by the English people.

(2) The English ballads were probably composed between 1200 and 1700 and were rarely published before the 18th century.

(3) A ballad usually consists of four lines in a stanza, with the second and fourth lines rhyming.

(4) There is a variety of ballads: historical, legendary, fantastical, lyrical, and humorous.

(5) Ballads about Robin Hood are the most important of that time.






2 Major Works (主要作品)

◆“The Robin Hood Ballads” (罗宾汉民谣)

A. Main Content of the Story (故事主要内容)

There are many versions of ballads about Robin Hood, but the main one is the story of Robin Hood and his companions fighting against oppressive forces, such as bishops, barons, etc.


B. Analysis of Robin Hood (人物分析)

Robin Hood is a multi-faceted character: valiant, strong, resourceful, and at the same time caring and kind. He has bright eyes, good jokes and a hearty laugh. But the most important part of his personality is his hatred for cruel oppressors and his love for the poor oppressed.


◆“Get Up and Bar the Door”《起来,去关门》

“Get Up and Bar the Door” is a humorous ballad and presets a funny scene of domestic life. The story is mainly about the wife and husband’s agreement that the one who began to speak first would get up and bar the door.


◆Sir Patrick Spens《派屈克·斯宾塞爵士》

Sir Patrick Spens is a tragic story. Sir Patrick Spens with his Scots were sent to sea by the king in the knowledge that there might be a storm, and died at in the sea.



