

One day in 2015, some young people were hanging out in a village, discussing the possibility of building a national brand out of their hometown. "The geographic condition of our village is advantageous. We could organize a Spring Festival for the farmers," a bold idea came up.


湖南坪朗村。Pinglang Village is located in central China's Hunan Province. /CGTN


This is Shi Qingxiang. She grew up in Pinglang Village, Jishou City, Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in central China's Hunan Province. The national brand they talked about was the star product in the village - Pinglang tofu.


“豆腐西施”石清香。Shi Qingxiang is called "Tofu beauty" by locals. /CGTN

在美丽的坪朗村,石清香被当地人誉为“豆腐西施”, 家中祖祖辈辈都以做豆腐为生,这个美丽的姑娘,是听着石磨的吱呀声、闻着豆香长大的。

Shi is called "Tofu beauty" by locals in the scenic village. For generations, her family has been making tofu for a living. She grew up with the sound of stone mill and the smell of beans.


传统石磨。An ancient stone mill. /CGTN


Homegrown beans, spring water and ancient stone mills make the pristine delicacy from the mountains. Bad transport, however, restricted villagers from selling the product outside the remote area. They worked hard day and night only for a small income.

“那时候根本就没有钱,吃了上顿没有下顿。(家人)每天早上两点多钟就开始起来磨豆腐,(没有自来水),拿着扁担桶上山去挑水,山路崎岖难行,一天也就挑个一两桶” 石清香回忆道。

"We had no money and lived form hand to mouth. We got up at about 2 a.m. every day to grind the beans, collect spring water from the mountain with two buckets and carry them back with a shoulder pole. The path was very rugged. We could only take back one or two buckets a day," said Shi.


扛着扁担走山路挑水。Shi collects spring water from the mountain with two buckets. /CGTN


Life was tough. Yet Shi always intended to earn money on her own. Learning the techniques from her father, she has been exploring ways.


长沙农博会上的豆制品。Dried tofu sold at Changsha agricultural fair. /CGTN

功夫不负有心人,一个偶然的机会,长沙的驻村干部注意到了石清香做的豆腐,便对她说,有机会可以去参加农博会。2012年,石清香一家精心准备了自家产的干豆腐 水豆腐,运到长沙参会,意想不到的是,仅仅一个上午,就把一个星期的货品全部卖完了。

Hard work pays off. Quite by accident, an official from Changsha City got interested in Shi's tofu and suggested that she goes to the agricultural fair. Shi and her family took their products to Changsha in 2012. Beyond their expectations, the products they prepared in a week were sold out in one morning.


Since then, Shi sensed the high demand for their special tofu. She then decided to build the brand of "Pinglang tofu."


坪朗豆腐。Pinglang tofu. /CGTN

村里的书记找到石清香:“你要把这个产业做起来,有政府在支持你。” 2014年,利用小额贷款。坪朗村的二十户村民每户贷了五万块,成立合作社做豆腐。

The village secretary told Shi: "Do your best for the industry. You can have all the support from the government." In 2014, a tofu cooperative was set up by 20 households in the village. Each of them borrowed a small loan of 50,000 yuan from the bank.


“豆腐西施”石清香。Shi Qingxiang is called "Tofu beauty" by locals. /CGTN


Supported by the poverty alleviation policy, the tofu business in the village got better and better. Inspired by the idea of having a Spring Festival for the farmers, villagers held a magnificent tofu banquet. It had quite an impact. And Pinglang Tofu became popular.


坪朗村豆腐宴。The tofu banquet of Pinglang Village. /CGTN


For three years, their tofu remained in short supply, although they made over a dozen boxes every day. Shi has been offering villagers an annual bonus. Many people have been lifted out of poverty.


“The village used to be quiet. Now it bustles with vigor. We see hope,” said Shi with a smile.


坪朗村村民。Residents of Pinglang Village. /CGTN


Things were hard back then in Pinglang. But it is not a poor and underdeveloped village anymore. Mountain paths turned into neat roads. Villagers don't have to fetch water from the mountain, as tap water is available, bringing spring water directly to their houses.


The famous and delicious Pinglang tells a long story. With the help of the government, "Tofu beauty" turned her legacy into hope of a better life for the whole village.


