





Going to Bed


  • Good night.
  • Sleep well.
  • Have a good night's sleep.
  • Make sure you get a good night's sleep.
  • I hope you sleep well.
  • See you in the morning.
  • Sweet dreams.
  • Sleep tight!
  • Night, night.


  • Lights out!
  • Time for bed!

Example Dialogues

Kevin: Good night.Alice: See you in the morning.Kevin: I hope you sleep well.Alice: Thank you. Make sure you get a good night's sleep as well.Kevin: Get some good sleep. We have a big day tomorrow.Alice: Okay, you too.Kevin: Lights out!Alice: Okay, I'm going to sleep. Night, night.Kevin: I'm heading up to bed now.Alice: Sleep tight!

Waking Up


  • Good morning.
  • I hope you had a good night's sleep.
  • I hope you got some good rest.
  • Did you sleep well?
  • Did you get a good night's sleep?
  • I slept well, how about you?
  • How did you sleep?
  • Did you have any dreams?
  • Rise and shine.

Example Dialogues

Kevin: Good morning.Alice: Good morning. Did you sleep well?Kevin: I hope you had a good night's sleep.Alice: Yes, thank you, I did. And you?Kevin: Good morning, honey. I hope you got some good rest.Alice: I did. How did you sleep?Kevin: Good morning. Did you have any dreams?Alice: I did. I had a strange dream and you were in it!Kevin: Good morning.Alice: I'm still sleepy. I think I'll hit the snooze for ten minutes.Kevin: We don't want to miss our appointment, though.Alice: Oh, I forgot about that.Kevin: Rise and shine.

Other Common Sleeping and Waking Expressions


  • Night owl: a person who likes to stay up late
  • Early bird: a person who usually wakes up early
  • Tossing and turning: being restless and unable to sleep, usually after lying in bed for a long period of time
  • To tuck someone in: to put someone to bed, usually by pulling the covers up over them so that they are warm and snug
  • To sleep like a baby: to sleep restfully, without any disturbances
  • To hit the hay: to go to bed
  • To catch some Zs: to go to bed
  • To wake up on the wrong side of the bed: to be in a bad mood

Example Dialogues

Kevin: I don't usually go to bed until 2 a.m.Alice: You really are a night owl.Kevin: Did you sleep well?Alice: No, I was tossing and turning all night.Kevin: You're in a grumpy mood today.Alice: I guess I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.Kevin: I feel great this morning.Alice: Me too. I slept like a baby.Kevin: I feel exhausted after that long hike.Alice: Yeah, you look pretty tired. Time to hit the hay.


