

提到what 和how的感叹句,你一定马上在头脑里搜索我们学过的很多关于学过的知识点


注意:看以上图片,what 名词词组 主谓中的名词词组中是包含形容词的。所以,判断一个感叹句是否用how和what的核心不是形容词,而是这个形容词有没有跟后面的名词构成一个名词词组。


请在以下题目中填入what/how/what a(an)。

1.______ lovely the baby is!

2.______ cold weather it is!

3._______ clever boy (he is)!

4.________ interesting book!




第二步:如果找到名词词组,看形容词修饰的名词是否是可数名词单数,是选用What a/an ;如果不是,直接用What。

再回到上面题目:1.______ lovely the baby is!

Lovely 不是名词词组,适用第一步选填How。

2. ______ cold weather it is!

cold weather是名词词组,再看第二步,cold修饰weather,


3. _______ clever boy (he is)!

clever boy是名词词组,再看第二步,clever修饰 boy,boy是可数名词单数,选题What a。

4.________ interesting book!

interesting book 是名词词组,再看第二步,interesting修饰 book,book是可数名词单数,选题What an,因为interesting是元音音素开头。



一 选择题

1 _________clever girl she is!

A What a B What C How a D how

2 __________interesting story it is!

A What an B What a C How an D How

3 _______ happy children they are!

A What B What a C How a D How

4 ____________flowers they are!

A What beautiful B What a beautiful C How beautiful D How a beautiful

5 ___________ it is today!

A How cold B What cold C How a cold D What a cold

6 ___________bad the weather is!

A How B What C What a D How a

7 ______________good news it is !

A How B What a C How a D What

8 _____________the sunshine is!

A What a bright B How a bright C How bright D what bright

9 ___________ he writes.

A How good B How well C What good D What well

10 ____________ LiLei runs!

A What fast boy B What fast C How fast D How a fast

11_______ hard he works!

A How B What

12 which is true?

A How tall the buildings are! B What tall the buildings are!

C How tall buildings they are! D what a tall buildings they are!

13 __________ it is raining!

A How heavily B What heavy C How heavy

14 ____ delicious the dish is!

A. What  B. How   C. What a

15 ____ strange clothes he is wearing!

A. What a   B. What   C. How a

16 ____interesting subject it is!

A. What   B. How    C. What an

17 ____ foggy it was yesterday!

A. What   B. What a   C. How

18____ careless a boy you are!

A. How   B. What a   C. What

19 _________ wonderful time we have had.

A.How B.How a C.What D.What a


用What , What a , What an , How 填空.

_____________ hot the weather is !

_____________hard her father works !

_____________long way it is from Guangdong to Paris !

_____________fine day it was yesterday !

_____________beautiful your voice is !

_____________interesting picture-books !

_____________lovely baby !

_____________strong wind !

_____________ sad new he told us !

_____________happy she was last weekend !

_____________good weather ! Why not go out for a walk !

_____________nice the garden is !

_____________difficult work he did !

_____________broken the house looks !

_____________ happy life we have !

_____________well my deskmate swims !

_____________helpful girl she is !

_____________delicious mooncakes !

_____________dangerous the tigers are !

_____________tired you look !

How; How; What a ; What a ; How; What; What a; What; What; How;

What; How; What; How; What a ; How; What a; What; How; How


