

近日,CRTKL洛杉矶办公室总监彭钰雯接受了Design Milk的采访,分享了许多关于平衡工作与生活的小贴士。

Yuwen Peng from CRTKL sat down with Design Milk to discuss which tools she uses for a work/life balance and more.


身为CRTKL洛杉矶办公室的总监,彭钰雯在酒店、餐厅、零售和娱乐场所设计等方面拥有25年的丰富经验,为全球众多项目做出了杰出贡献。她曾参与包括沃尔夫冈·帕克餐厅(Wolfgang Puck Restaurants)、W酒店(W Hotels)、Lucky Strike Lanes保龄球馆、7-Eleven实验室、麦当劳、星巴克原型等在内的众多知名项目。在钰雯看来,越是跨界提问和相互学习,创新就越多。她偏爱从人性角度出发去设计各种社交空间,在多个跨界领域实现创新。她对餐饮行业有着浓厚的兴趣与热情,积极探索有助餐厅盈利的解决方案,用设计模糊了餐厅与零售场所之间的界限,打造出极具归属感的空间。在建筑环境设计方面,她坚持采用可持续的社区建设理念。

Yuwen Peng’s 25 years of architectural experience in hospitality, restaurant, retail, and entertainment design have contributed to the development of projects around the globe. Working out of CallisonRTKL’s Los Angeles office, her human-centric approach to a vast array of social spaces has resulted in several cross-sector innovations and a long list of noteable clients – Wolfgang Puck Restaurants, W Hotels, Lucky Strike Lanes, 7-Eleven Lab, McDonald’s, and Starbuck’s Prototypes to name a few. Passionate about the food and beverage industry, Yuwen works towards finding solutions that keep restaurants profitable, blur the lines between restaurants and retail, and create spaces where people feel like they belong. In the built environment, she’s involved in sustainable and community-building approaches to design. According to Yuwen, the more we cross boundaries to ask questions and learn from each other, the more innovation happens.







Making art is about switching to play mode and not being afraid of making mistakes; I love drawing outside the lines and creating messy textures. It is freeing and liberating. Looking at art always reminds me not to take life so seriously, and that it’s okay to make mistakes. Pictured is my own collage made with scrap magazine pages and crayons over pizza box cardboard. Without anything specific in mind, simply having fun and using what’s around me to explore space, form, texture, and draw outside of the lines. The process is freeing, allowing me to follow my mind at the moment and the primal satisfaction of connecting my mind to hands.







The faster my life, the harder I try to slow down and get back to a place of calm and peace. To combat the hectic days, about five years ago, I started practicing meditation. I love playing the Tibetan singing bowl (pictured) during meditation. It is like a mental detox to give my mind a mini vacation. Once I ring the gong, it transforms my mind from reactive self to a pause capsule. Every now and then I will reach the bliss of my inner strength. And the outcome is always a more clear new solution or untapped perspective.







I love the feeling of bowing down to the earth and the state of flow. Nothing is better than a good sweat to help me sleep, think, move, and reset. As a child, my mom took me to yoga with her, but I lost the practice growing up. I got back to it after graduating college; it’s been a rewarding 20 years. Yoga has given me a reason for a better work/life balance. It requires me to be more efficient at work and finish on time to get to a class, and it will often lead to family dinner time. There are so many fringe benefits of yoga beyond a good exercise, like spiritual connection, deeper understanding of my own body, and a good night’s sleep! I try to practice 2-3 times a week.



Off-Road Desert



户外圈有这样一句话:“险途成就旅人,坦途埋没旅人”。当我走出人迹罕至的小径,看到广袤无垠的沙漠时,我瞬间感受到了人类的渺小。人类和大自然就是这样纯粹地连接在一起,强大、温柔而又宁静。图片是我们在Joshua Tree Geology OHV Tour Road旅行时拍的,当时我们被迫进入了没有信号的荒野,暂时远离日常喧嚣,来到一个全新的世界,只有天籁之音和生命律动。当你驾着车,感受着路面轻微的颠簸时,你好像成为了地球的一部分。这对我来说是一种最好的重启方式。

There is a saying in the outdoors community, “bad roads lead to good tourists, and good roads lead to bad tourists.” When I venture out off the beaten path, I can see how the vastness of the desert contrasts so much with our smallness as human beings. It creates a pure connection between humans versus nature. The bond is very powerful, tender, and calm. Pictured is a trip on the Joshua Tree Geology OHV Tour Road where we were forced to go into the wild with no reception. There is an immediate escape from everyday to a new reality. There is only the sound of nature and the rhythm of life. When you can drive and feel every bump of the road gently, you feel like you’re part of earth. It’s the greatest reset for me.







Growing up in my family’s department store in Taiwan, I was raised by a village of friends and neighbors. There was a sense that everyone had each other’s back, regardless of who we were. I learned a lot about respecting different points of view and running a family-owned business. Since I moved to the U.S., I have continued the community mindset by hosting regular dinner parties at my house, where my family, friends, and neighbors prepare meals together from scratch. The process of slow cooking, appreciation of good food, and great companionship is my definition of a good life. A few of our closest friends are from different countries and we travel to different places. We often cook a cuisine to celebrate the places we’ve recently visited. Pictured is a meal from a Mexican friend who grew up in Texas. She played the role of her grandma, directing us as a family assembly line of salsa-making, meat-grilling, tortilla-heating to make TexMex chicken and bean soup.





©Kyungsub Shin


©Seunghoon Yum


©Kyungsub Shin


©Kyungsub Shin


©Kyungsub Shin


©Seunghoon Yum


©Kyungsub Shin


Hyundai Department Store is located near the Han River in the Yeouido commercial district, with over 80,000 sqm of space. The project was opened in the spring of 2021 as the largest department store in Seoul. CRTKL's overall design narrative was based on the concept of a forest oasis in the middle of the city with the driver of this idea to create a place that could provide the soothing calmness found in nature while also offering a wide variety of programs to explore. This idea of a calming design is accented by nature and tied to a diagram based on the principle of promoting open space. Through a strategy of “retail therapy”, nearly 50% of the area was designed as a public space where people can socialize in a much more experiential environment than the typical mall.





©Yihuai Hu





左右滑动查看更多©Yihuai Hu


Shanghai’s 26-square-kilometer Hongqiau Transportation Hub is the world’s largest transit center. In its midst is CRTKL’s design for The Hub, an urban oasis providing an escape from the eight forms of transit that transfer of up to 1.1 million passengers daily. The Hub caters to guests seeking time and space to escape and relax. Green spaces connect one functional area to another, helping to ease navigation. Clean, contemporary interiors are complemented by an abundance of natural finishes and indoor landscaping. A series of overlapping openings and bridges connect each of the project’s eight levels to create geometric patterns that shift and change the space as it is experienced vertically. Mini retail districts, market-style food and beverage, and a VIP lounge with wine bars and a stunning view enhance the consumer experience. Unique amenities, such as a check-in station that allows passengers to check their bags directly rather than having to go to the terminal, create synergy between spaces and increase efficiency. The Hub was designed to pursue LEED Silver certification.





©Aaron Leitz

Uline Arena是华盛顿特区的一座历史悠久的室内体育馆,采用了混凝土筒形穹顶的巨大砖石结构,现在已被改造成为一个综合体空间,安伊艾(REI)是这里的第一家租户。CRTKL与REI携手打造了适合该空间的设计,使用原体育馆座椅完成幕墙安装,并将篮球比赛期间遮盖冰球场地所用的木板作为东侧内墙。基于体育馆历史的复古海报打造出了一个艺术展示区,向那些来自Go-Go音乐、朋克和蓝草音乐的音乐家和乐队致敬。室内外活动空间及综合餐饮服务建立了社区归属感及品牌联系。

The historic Uline Arena, a sprawling brick masonry structure with a concrete barrel-vault roof in Washington, D.C., has been transformed into a mixed-use development space with REI as its first tenant. CallisonRTKL collaborated with REI to create a store design befitting the space, with original seating from the arena incorporated as a wall installation. Wood panels used to cover the ice hockey rink during basketball games finish the east interior wall. Vintage posters honoring musicians and bands from D.C.’s go-go, punk, and bluegrass scenes create an art display based on the history of the arena. Indoor and outdoor event spaces and integrated food and beverage service help build a sense of community and connection to the brand.





©Lawrence Anderson

一轩饺子馆(JA Jiaozi Authentic Dumplings)在中国拥有数百家门店。最近,这家中国知名品牌进军加州尔湾,开启了业务发展的新篇章。为了帮助品牌重新定位并进军新的市场,CRTKL在品牌美学、策略以及餐厅内饰方面都采用了全新的设计。Jia代表“家”,是餐厅设计的灵感来源。主用餐区采用开放式设计,而吧台区采用了大玻璃窗设计,顾客可以看到美食的制作流程。内饰材料以大地色为主,混凝土地板和再生橡木的结合有效强化了自然主题。主题墙采用混凝土瓷砖和陶瓷,装饰着手工雕刻的饺子,从视觉角度定位空间后端,彰显出美食产品的艺术色彩。

The recently-debuted JA Jiaozi Authentic Dumplings restaurant in Irvine, California represents a new chapter for the well-established Chinese brand, which has hundreds of existing locations in China. CallisonRTKL designed a fresh branding aesthetic and strategy, as well as the restaurant’s interiors to reposition the brand and introduce it to a new market. Jia, which means home, was the inspiration for the design. The main dining space is open, while the bar area allows diners to watch their food being made through a large glass window. The material palette is dominated by earth tones: concrete floors and reclaimed oak help reinforce the natural theme. A feature wall made of concrete tile with ceramic, hand-sculpted dumplings visually anchors the back end of the space, making a artistic statement about the culinary offerings.





©Aaron Leitz

眉州东坡(Dongpo Kitchen)是一家遍布中国各地的餐饮机构,他们希望将传统川菜引入到北美的餐饮文化中。环球影城步行购物街的眉州东坡打破了以往的高级用餐氛围,营造出了轻松休闲的用餐体验。

Dongpo Kitchen is a restaurant organization throughout China looking to bring its traditional Szechuan cuisine into the North American food palette. For their Universal Studios City Walk location, Dongpo Kitchen deviates from its usual fine dining atmosphere to create a visually appealing casual dining experience.





©CRTKL/David Whitcomb


In collaboration with Bowlero’s in-house team, CRTKL designs guest experiences that are true to Bowlero’s values, including delighting guests and enhancing the experience through design. From renovations of existing bowling centers to adaptive reuses of big box retailers, CRTKL works with Bowlero to deliver signature entertainment destinations featuring vivid colors, quirky design elements, and vintage cars and Airstream trailers. Inspired by retro-vintage found objects, the selections of each piece of furniture, fixture and finish are personalized to showcase the brand’s personality.





©CRTKL/Yihuai Hu


Presented with a small, 30,000 SM site situated between high-end residential and office space and an oversaturated retail and dining district, CRTKL took a hospitality approach to its design for HUBINDAO Shopping Center to create a more intimate, boutique-like environment for the consumer. As a vital part of Shanghai XinTianDi district, Hubindao Shopping Center offers a variety of social spaces, eclectic street food, an organic market, art galleries, designer pop-up shops and late-night gastro pubs overlooking the tranquil TaiPinQiao lake.



Kelly Beall

Design Milk 高级编辑




