爱莎签名教程 一起来了解爱莎A

爱莎签名教程 一起来了解爱莎A(1)

爱莎签名教程 一起来了解爱莎A(2)

爱莎文华A Level基于爱莎国际教育集团丰富的社区资源及集团化的规范管理,成功办学。根深中国,立足本土。以“行稳致远”为校训,通过打造高质量的管理和教师团队,将中国文化与民族特色融入国际教育。

爱莎文华A Level是由高度国际化的资深中外教师团队组成。师资团队平均教龄12年以上,中外教比例1:2(中教:外教),超过90%的教师拥有国内外顶尖名校硕士学位,包括剑桥大学、伦敦艺术大学、中山大学和滑铁卢大学等。具备丰富的教学、学生关怀和竞赛指导经验,长期致力于为学生提供高质量的国际化教育。

新学年将至,我们也迎来了非常多位优秀的中外教加入到爱莎文华A Level的大家庭,进一步给予每一位学生充分的关注和引导。



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Mr Greg Zhang 张柏祥



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Greg has been engaged in education for nearly 30 years; He has worked as the principal of Chongqing New Century Foreign Language School and the provost of Huanggang Middle School Guangzhou. He has a broad experience of founding a new school

Owned China Mathematical Olympiad Secondary Coach and Outstanding Instructor of Asian Youth Olympic Mathematics; The founder of provincial Baixiang Zhang Principal’s Studio

Dr. Jiarui Li 李家瑞博士


爱莎文华A Level执行校长

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曾任湾区知名K-12国际学校中方创校校长,负责课程设计,招生招聘和学校筹开;曾在英格兰最古老的私立学校之一的 King’s School, Ely任Senior Teaching Fellow.

PhD in Social Anthropology, with 14 years of learning and teaching at the University of Cambridge. He taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses for two years in Cambridge.

He used to be the Founding Chinese Head of a well-known K-12 school in the great bay area. Also, in King’s School, Ely, one of the oldest public schools in England, he worked as a Senior Teaching Fellow for two years.

Mrs Anne Martin-Bauer

爱莎文华A Level学术负责人

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在美国、摩洛哥、肯尼亚、沙特阿拉伯和中国等地区拥有超过 30 年的管理和教学经验,负责代数、AP CalculusBC和IBHL等数学课程的教学。曾任广州美国人学校IBDP课程协调员12年,具有丰富的课程研发,升学指导和教学管理实践经验。

MA in International Education, Framingham State University and BA in Mathematics, San Jose State University.

Over 30 years leadership and teaching experience in the US, Morocco, Kenya, Saudi Arabia and China. She has taught math courses from beginning algebra through AP CalculusBC and IBHL Mathematics. She has been Head of Department at several schools and served as IBDP Coordinator for 12 years at AISG.

Mr Luke Fisher


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在澳大利亚、印度、英国伦敦和中国等地区拥有超过 17 年的管理和教学经验。加入爱莎前在广州英国人学校担任历史学科负责人、学院负责人及12&13年级主任。


Over 17 years leadership and teaching experience in Australia, India, UK and China. Before joining ISA, Luke worked as the Head of History, Head of House and Head of Year 12 & 13 at The British School of Guangzhou.

Luke has extensive experience in the Pastoral Care, organising and managing students' house competitions volunteering, extra-curricular and social programmes. He also provided support in college counselling. Through pastoral care, Luke successfully supported students and worked alongside parents and staff relating to safeguarding and wellbeing.

Mr Mark Lassman

爱莎文华A Level学术顾问

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多年英式公学教育经验,曾任阿贝剑桥的校长,对 IGCSE 和 A Level 课程有深入的了解。Mark Lassman的加入,可以帮助我们更好的了解学生在学习A Level课程并在考虑在英国接受高等教育时的独特需求。

Based in the UK, he is a very experienced educator with particular knowledge of IGCSE and A Level programmes. For several years he served as the Director of International Admissions at Abbey College Cambridge. This has afforded him knowledge of the unique needs of our students as they navigate the A Level curriculum and consider tertiary education in the UK.



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Mr Jamie Arnett


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毕业于英国排名第一的公立学校伊丽莎白女王学校,A Level 成绩为 A*A*A。

BA (Hons) Human, Social, and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge. PGCE, University of Sunderland. CELTA, Cambridge Assessment English.

Served as Senior ELT Consultant for Cambridge University Press in Guangzhou, hosting seminars and conferences on English language learning.

Worked as International Education Director at Cambridge Summer Schools in China (CSSC). Held the position of Chief Debate Judge in the 3rd, 4th and 5th CSSC Debate Competitions and for the government-run Greater Bay Area Debate Competition.

Graduated from Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet, #1 State School in the UK, with A*A*A at A Level.

Miss Cherish Danekas


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Cherish is a qUALified ESL teacher graduated from University of Oregon, majoring in English Language Arts with the minor in Folklore and Creative Writing. She was also a professional tutor during college for Business, Journalism, History, and Social Studies students.

Before joining ISA, Cherish worked in Huamei International School and EF Education First as an international teacher.

Mrs Mengzi Du 杜梦子


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Mengzi Du, She is a GIT certified Y.E.T. instructor and holds a senior schoolteacher aualification.

Mengzi has many years of experience as a psychology teacher and has been a team-leader. She has participated in psychology projects many times and has been invited to organize group recreational activities in Guangdong for primary/secondary schools and College.

Mr Todor Imsir


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Bachelor’s degree of Health and Physical Education/Fitness. Graduated from the best Sport and physical education university in Serbia, University of Belgrade.

A PE teacher of 2 and a half years of experience in Serbia and a basketball head coach of 3 years of experience in China. Skilled in physical education, fitness, health, nutrition, basketball, swimming, boxing, football, volleyball and personal training.

Mr Allen Lee


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Allen Lee在教育行业已有10年经验的资深教师,且在加拿大已取得教师资格证。



Allen Lee is a certified teacher from Canada and has 10 years of teaching experience.

He was the Language Acquisition Teacher and Pastoral Care Tutor in Fettes College Guangzhou, and the High School ELA Teacher, English School Attached to the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. He has rich experience in pastoral care and ELA subject.

Allen obtained his Bachelor of Education (Junior /Intermediate) from Lakehead University in Canada, and a honours Bachelor of Arts in English from McMaster University.

Ms Lorelei Liang 梁漪庭


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Studied abroad in the United States for seven years. Graduated from Meredith College with a bachelor of science degree in mathematics and computer science, completed all course requirements for secondary mathematics education.

Has mathematics teaching experience at American public schools and five years of English mathematics tutoring experience.

Good at discovering students' strengths, getting to know students' interests, as well as applying their strengths and interests within the classroom.

Ms Erica Liu 刘淑美


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Taiwan Normal University, Certificate Degree in Geography;; Framingham State University, Master’s Degree in International Education.

The American International School of Guangzhou

•Full-time ES/MS/HS Chinese language and culture teacher

•Chinese department Coordinator

Outstanding AP curriculum teacher with students receiving outstanding scores

Miss Yuki Lou


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UAL伦敦艺术大学 硕士Creative Pattern & Garment Technology。

UCA英国创意艺术大学 本科Fashion Design。

英国高中GCSE GCE(A Level)艺术设计。

曾担任时尚设计师、服装设计师, 负责女装部营运管理;作品曾登入Italy VOGUE等著名时尚杂志。

MA Creative Pattern & Garment Technology, University of the Arts London (UAL); BA Fashion Design, University of Creative Arts (UCA);

British high school GCSE GCE (A Level) Art & Design.

Having experience as a fashion designer, responsible for the operation and management of the womenswear department; works was invited to be published in fashion magazines, namely Italy VOGUE.

Mr Stephen McCorry


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超30年教学经验,曾在英格兰、北爱尔兰、瑞士、中国、埃及和菲律宾等多个国家地区进行GCSE/A Level教学,熟悉个性化小班教学模式。



Having over 30 years of teaching experience in England, Northern Ireland, Switzerland, China, Egypt and the Philippines, adopting individualised teaching styles for students with different abilities.

Stephen has worked in Wycombe Abbey School, Changzhou, teaching Mathematics, Economics and Social Studies; He also taught Social Sciences at University of Lincoln and University of Plymouth.

BSc (Hons) Sociology/Economics and Postgraduate diploma in Social Research, University of Plymouth. Postgraduate Certificate in Education: Mathematics, University of Brighton.

Ms Sefe Okungbowa


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Sefe老师毕业于牛津布鲁克斯大学,拥有12年教学经验,负责GCSE、A Level和高等教育的生物学课程,专注于以学生为中心的教学模式。


Previously worked as Head of Science and Science Oxbridge Coordinator at Shenzhen College of International Education for 5 years. She was also the school iGEM liaison.

Sefe obtained her bachelor’s degree in Human Biology from Oxford Brookes University. With 12 years of teaching experience, she was expert in GCSE, A Level and diploma level biology subjects.

Many of her students received offers from Russell group Universities in the UK. In 2021, Sefe had 5 students with offers to Cambridge University for biological sciences and 1 Medicine; 7 students with offers to Oxford University also for biological sciences.

Ms Peggy Peng 彭婧


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拥有超过七年IGCSE、A Level和AP物理教学经验,曾任职于上海WLSA学校,担任物理老师及理科组长。曾任上海耀华古北学校物理老师。

所教学生获得”物理碗”团体区域第一,英国物理Bpho 金奖。

所带班级多名学生被普林斯顿大学全额奖学金, 斯坦福大学全额奖学金,芝加哥大学全额奖学金,康奈尔大学全额奖学金录取。

MSc Materials Science, University of Augsburg; BSc Inorganic Nonmetal Materials Engineering, Central South University.

Worked at WLSA School in Shanghai as a Physics teacher and Science Team Leader. Physics teacher at Yew Wah Gubei School, Shanghai.

Students taught at the “Physics Bowl” were awarded the first place in the regional Physics Bowl team and the Bpho Gold Medal in Physics in the UK.

Students in my classes have been accepted for full scholarships to Princeton University, Stanford University, University of Chicago and Cornell University.

Mrs Georgina Richardson


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拥有17年以上GCSE/A Level艺术与设计教学经验,为学生提供小班及针对性的个性化艺术教育。涉及方向包括但不限于绘画、素描、3D 设计创作、陶瓷、创意纺织品、版画和综合媒材创作等。



Over 17 years teaching experience in GCSE/A Level Art and Design subject. Georgina is expert in providing students a broad and individual education in Art ranging from painting, drawing, 3D works, ceramics, creative textiles, printmaking and mixed media work.

Previously worked as the Head of Art & Design in both boarding school and state funded school in UK. She also served as a form tutor overseeing UCAS applications, apprenticeships and future career plans.

Georgina obtained her bachelor’s degree from Loughborough University (ranked 5th in the UK for Art and Design), and a PGCE in Art and Design from the University of Brighton.

Ms Sophie Wu 吴旖璇


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曾任任职于广州新东方 雅思教师与教研组长。超7年教龄,教授学生1250个,熟悉剑桥英语Complete Ielts以及Minset课程,熟悉以学生为中心的小班教学模式。

MSc Nutrition, University of Reading; BSc Food Quality and Security, Jinan University.

Has worked in the International Department of Guangzhou Tieyi Middle School as an AP Chemistry teacher; and as a chemistry teacher and research team leader in China for the Monash University Preparatory Program in Australia.

Previously worked at New Oriental Guangzhou as an IELTS teacher and research team leader.

Mr William Xie 谢罡


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6年 AS&A2 ECONOMICS (CAIE) 教学经验。曾任职于碧桂园,黄冈国际部。学员遍布Oxford, Cambridge, UCL。

University of Regina, Canada, majoring in Finance

Master’s degree of Economics, Hunan University

Six years teaching experience of CAIE. Previously worked in Country Garden School, and Huanggang Middle School.

Ms Smile Yang 杨微


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曾任职于广州市某中学国际部 数学科负责人,具有丰富的国际数学教学和课程设计经验。

12年教育从业经验,任教IGCSE数学,SAT数学,AP数学,A Level数学等。



Sun Yat-sen University, Master of Management.

Previously Worked in the International Department of a high school in Guangzhou with rich experience in international mathematics teaching and curriculum design.

Experienced in teaching IGCSE, SAT, AP, A Level, etc.

College Board AP Calculus Teaching Qualification. Multiple trips to the United States to attend winter, summer and AP courses.

Extensive experience in monitor teacher, excellent monitor teacher title for many years.

Ms Wendy Zhao 赵焕


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八年语言培训经验,曾任广州新东方学校国外考试部北美项目教师及英联邦项目大学生班项目主管,教授学员 2000余人,熟悉TOEFL/IELTS/BEC/GRE 等英语水平考试。

Bachelor of Environmental Studies, University of Waterloo; Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Nanjing University. Wendy also obtained her Diploma of Excellence in Geographic Info Systems in Canada. She has experience in Application Development and 3D Modelling. She is a proficient in different English level and admission test including TOEFL, IELTS, BEC and GRE.

Mr Steven Wren


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BA (hons) Theatre Arts, Bretton Hall, Leeds University 1984.

Steven has been an actor/musician for 37 years.

Previously worked as Principal Lecturer in Voice in Edinburgh College for 9 years, and teached Singing at Dance for All, Edinburgh for over 20 years.

Script doctored 7 pantomimes at Eden Court and wrote an original script for Jack & The Beanstalk.


