

in/by contrast,on the other hand,或者一般转折词(however,but...)也能完成这个功能。举两个tpo阅读的例子:

1. Air cannot penetrate between the soil particles, making the soil oxygen-poor. By contrast, dry soils are sandy and porous, their coarse textures permitting water to drain rapidly.(tpo31)

在“By contrast”之前,讲的被水浸泡的土壤的问题,by contrast之后,是干燥的土壤的状况。一湿一干,形成“对比的相反”

2. To take an extreme example, farmlands dominated by a single crop are so unstable that one year of bad weather or the invasion of a single pest can destroy the entire crop. In contrast, a complex climax community, such as a temperate forest, will tolerate considerable damage from weather to pests.

在“in contrast”之前,是只有一种作物的farmland,之后,是复杂的,诸如像森林一样的生态系统。 一个单一,一个复杂,形成“对比的相反”. 所以这样的“对比的相反”是可以用在综合写作阅读和听力的总观点之间的.


再来看另一种“相反”:instead, rather, on/quite the contrary(大量的人在综合写作中误用这个短语) 。虽然字典上或者单词书上同样被翻译成“相反”,但是这几个词和上面所讲的“对比的相反”是不一样的,直接举例吧:

1. The surface of the water table is not flat. Instead, it rises and falls with topography.

大家看,instead前面一句说“water table不是平的”,后一句说“它随着地形起起伏伏”,两句话之间并没有像刚才一样形成“对比”的感觉,甚至前后其实是一个意思

2. None of these volcanoes was formed as a result of collisions between plates of the Martian crust-there is no plate motion on Mars. Instead, they are shield volcanoes — volcanoes with broad, sloping slides formed by molten rock.(tpo25)

这个例子也一样,前一句,火星上的火山不是由板块碰撞所导致,因为火星上没有板块运动,后一句,火星上的火山实际上是另一种叫shield volcanoes的火山


She never married; instead, she preferred to remain single. 前一句否定掉了结婚这个选择,后一句引出“结婚”的替补—“继续吃狗粮”。on the contrary也一样:

There was no malice in her; on the contrary, she was very kind . 她没有坏心思,相反,她很善良,前后不矛盾

所以,instead,rather,和on the contrary是不适合用于综合写作阅读和听力之间的“相反”的。



