






see/hear/notice sb do sth (看完整个动作过程的完成)

See /hear/notice sb doing sth (动作正在发生)

2.赞成某人某事 :agree with sb at sth

3.问某人要什么: ask sb for sth

4.询问某人某事: ask sb about sth

5.要求某人做某事: ask sb to do sth

6.叫某人不要做某事: ask sb not to do sth

7.感觉对.... 有信心: be /feel confident of sth(/that 从句)

8.马上/将要/打算去做某事:(1)be doing (going/leaving /coming...)

(2)be going to do (3)be about to do

9.害怕做某事: (1)be afraid /terrified to do sth

(2)be afraid /terrified/frightened of (doing)sth

10.被允许做某事:be allowed to do sth

11.生某人的气:(1)be angry with sb (for doing sth)

(2)Be mad at sb

12.对某人感到满意:be pleased/satisfied with sb

13.很高兴做某事:(1) be glad/happy /ready to do sth

(2)be glad/happy that 从句

14.对... 有害 :(1)be bad /harmful for

(2)do harm to

15.擅长做某事:(1)be good at (doing)sth

(2) do well in

16.忙于做某事:(1)be busy with sth

(2)be busy doing sth

(3)Be occupied with

(4)Be engaged in (doing)sth

17.小心... :(1) be careful with sth

(2)Look out/watch out for ...

18.和... 不同: be different from ...

19.与... 一样: (be) the same as...

20.与... 相似: be similar to ...

21.与... 相反: be opposite to /of...

22.以... 闻名/著称:be famous /well-known for...

23.作为... 而出名: be famous as...

24.对... 友好 :be friendly/kind /nice/good to ...

25.来自.... : be /come from....

26.装满/充满.... : (1)be full of... (2) be filled with...

27.希望某人做某事: want/wish/expect sb to do sth (不说:hope sb to do )

28.最好(不要)做某事: had better (not) do sth

29.身体健康:be in good health

30处于困难中: be in trouble

31.做某事迟到: be late for

32.对某事感兴趣:(1)be interested in ... (2)have /take /show interest in ...

33.像.... :be like ...

34.看起来像.... : look like ...

35.听起来像... : sounds like...

36.长得像某人: take after...

37.似乎;好像... : (1)as if /though 句子 (2)主语 seem adj

(3)主语 seem to be/do (4) It seems that 句子

38.用... 做成 : (1)be made of (直接可以看出原料)

(2)be made from (看不出原材料)

39.... 由... 组成/构成: be made up of...

.40.. 组成/构成... : (1) make up... (2) ... consist of ...

41.对某事(不)清楚/(没)有把握/(不)肯定: be(not) sure of /about... /( that从句)

42.恐怕... : I’m afraid (that)....

43.在参观/访问 某地: (1)be on a visit to ... (2) pay a visit to ...

44.受某人欢迎: be popular with /among...

45.安静:(1) be quiet/silent (2) calm down

46.不好意思做某事: be sorry to do sth

47.对某人严格: be strict with

48.对某事严格: be strict in...

49.(对某事)认真对待... : (1) be serious about (2) take ... seriously

50.认为... 理所当然 : take ... for granted

51.务必/确保/一定.... : make sure 句子

52.一定会... : be sure to do sth

53.习惯做某事: be /get used/accustomed to (doing) sth

54.值得做某事: (1) be worth doing (2)be worthy of doing

(3)... deserve to be done (4)it is worthwhile to do sth

55.因为... 的缘故: (1)because of ... (2) ...come as a result of ...

56.开始做某事: (1)begin /start to do /doing (2)start with sth

Set to do sth 4) take up doing sth

57.准备做某事:(1) be /get ready to do sth (2) prepare for sth (3) intend to do sth

58.努力、企图做某事: (1)try to do sth (2) manage to do sth (3) attempt to do sth

59.麻烦某人做某事: trouble /bother sb to do sth

60.向某人借... : borrow ... from...

61.把... 借给某人:lend sth to sb / lend sb sth

62.到... 为止: up to....

63.到... 末为止: by the end of ....

64.直到... 才.... : not .... until/before....

65.不是... 就是.... : either ... or...

66.既不... 也不.... : neither ... nor...

67.... 两者都... : both... and ...

68.不但... 而且... : not only .... but (also)....

69.和某人聊天/闲谈: chat/talk with sb

70.赶上/跟上... : catch/keep up with ....

71.想出/提出(方案、计划等):(1)come up with ... (2) put forward ...

72.认为/觉得... 怎么样?:(1)what do you think of /about ...?

(2)How do you like /find ....?

73.和某人交流、沟通:communicate with sb

74.考虑做某事: consider doing sth

75.决定做某事: decide to do sth

76.研究、调查... : (1)do a survey of ... (2)look into ....=investigate...

77.不要忘了做某事: don’t forget to do sth

78.不介意做某事: don’t mind doing sth

79.结果/下场是... : end up doing sth

80.发现/结果是...: (1) only to find (that).... (表示一种意想不到的结果)

(2)turn out that /to be

81.喜欢做某事: (1)like /love to do/doing (2) enjoy doing sth (3)be fond of (doing)sth

82.从... 逃跑;逃离...: escape from...

83.期待做某事: (1)expect to do sth (2) look forward to doing sth

84.应该/应当做某事: (1)should do sth (2) be supposed/expected to do sth

85.爱上... :fall in love with ...

86.发现/觉得做某事怎么样: find it adj to do sth

87.完成做某事: finish doing sth

88.做完/把.. 做好...: get /have sth done

89.提醒/让某人想起... : remind sb of sth

90.通知/告知某人某事: inform sb of sth

91.适合/胜任... : be fit for

92.找一份兼职工作: get /find a part-time job

93.与某人相处得好: get on/along well with sb

94.使/让某人做某事: (1)get sb to do sth (2) make sb do sth (3)let sb do sth

95.从... 得到... :get sth from...

96.给某人某物:give sb sth=give sth to sb

97.递给某人某物: pass sb sth=pass sth to sb

98.把... 传递下去: pass on sth( to sb )

99.继续做某事: (1)keep/go on doing sth (同一件事)

(2)go on to do (不同的事情)

(3)Go on /ahead with sth

(4)Continue to do/doing sth

100.坚持做某事:(1)insist on doing sth (2) persist in doing sth

101.持续/不断做某事: keep doing sth

102.一直在做某事: have been doing

103去过某地(人已回来): have been to...

104.去了某地(没回来): have gone to ...

105.在做某事时玩得高兴: have fun /a good time doing sth

106.在做某事时有困难/问题:have a hard time/difficulties/problems/trouble doing sth

107.必须做某事: (1)must do sth (出于主观) (2)have (got)to do sth (迫于客观因素)

108.与... 有关:have to do with

109.与... 无关: have nothing to do with...

110.有很大用处/帮助: help a lot

111.帮助某人做某事:(1) help sb(to)do sth (2) help sb with sth

112.帮助某人: (1)help sb (2)give sb a hand (3) do sb a favor

113.希望做某事:wish /hope/xpect to do sth

114.... 怎么样?:how /what about ....?

.115...怎么回事? how come ...?

116.何不/为什么不做某事?: (1)why not do sth? (2) why don’t you do sth?

117.做某事要花某人多少时间: it takes sb some time to do sth.

118.做某事对某人来说怎么样: it’s adj for sb to do sth (指事情)

119.某人做某事是怎么样的: it’s adj of sb to do sth. (adj 说的是人的性格特质)

120.该做某事的时候了: (1)it’s time to do sth (2) it’s time for sth.

(3)It’s high time (that )sb did sth.

121.让... 保持... : keep sb /sth adj

122.向某人学习(做某事): learn from sb to do sth

123.让/使某人失望: (1)disappoint sb (2) let sb down

124.(人)以... 为生: live on...

125.(动物)以... 为生: feed on...

126.照顾/照看: (1)look after... (2)take care of (3) care for... (4)attend to sb

127.决定/下决心: (1) make a decision (to do sth) (2) make up one’s mind (to do sth)

(3)resolve to do sth 4)be determined to do sth

128.和某人交朋友: make friends with

捉弄某人: play a trick /joke on sb

129.让某人出洋相:make on exhibition of oneself

130.大部分的... : (1) most n. (2) most of n.

131.实在太.... : much too adj

132.太多的... : too much n

133.一定是.... (肯定的猜测):must be...

134.需要.... : (1) need sth (2) be in need of n

135.需要(某人)做某事: need(sb) to do sth

136.必需做某事(表情态):need do sth

137.不必做某事: needn’t do sth

138.不需要做某事:(1)...don’t need to do sth (2)there is no need to do sth

139.没有... : (1) don’t have any n (2) have no n (3)without n /doing sth (作状语)

140.一点也不;根本不.... : not ... at all

141.给某人提供... : (1) offer sth to sb (2) provide sb with sth (3)provide sth for sb

142.在电话里:on /over the phone

143.... 其中之一: one of 复数名词

144.反复再三:over and over again

145.练习做某事: practice doing sth

147.假装做某事: (1)pretend to do sth /that 句子 (2)make believe that 句子

148.付钱:pay the bill

149.得到报酬;还清债务:pay off

150.赔偿: pay for

151.花钱买某物: pay ... for...

152.相对于... 更喜欢... : prefer ... to ...

153.宁愿... 也不... : prefer to do ... rather than do ...

154.宁愿某人不做某事: prefer sb not to do sth

155.对... 有偏好: have preference for...

156.宁可... 也不.... : would rather do sth than do sth

157.把... 当作... : regard /take ... as...

158.抢某人(某地)某物: rob sb/sp of sth

159.还东西给某人:(1) return sth to sb (2)give ... back to sb

160.花多少钱或时间做某事: (1)spend .... on sth (2) spend ... (in)doing sth

161.送... 给某人: send sb sth /send sth to sb

162.把... 送到某地: send ... to ....

163.派人去请... : send for sb

164.使某人震惊: shock sb

165.向某人展示... : show sb sth =show sth to sb

166.带某人参观某地: show sb around ...

167.远离.../不靠近... : stay /keep away from...

168.逃脱.../不受惩罚: get away with (doing)

169.停止做某事: stop doing (正在做的事)

170.停下来去做某事:stop to do sth

171.阻止某人做某事: stop/prevent/keep sb from doing sth

172.如此... /这样的.... :(1)such n (2) such a/an adj n (3)so adj a/an n

173.让某人惊讶的是... : to one’s surprise

174.上课;上... 课: take /have a/an ... class

175.教某人什么(科目): teach sb sth

176.自学、自习: (1)teach oneself ~~ (2) learn sth by oneself

177.告诉某人某事:(1) tell sb sth (2) tell sb about sth (3) tell sth to sb

178.吩咐/告诉某人(不要)做某事: tell sb (not) to do sth

179.因某事感谢谢某人: (1)thank sb for doing sth (2) be thankful to sb for sth

180.幸亏;多亏了... : thanks to ....

181.最某事的方法: (1)the way to do sth (2) the way of doing sth

182.太... 而不能... : too adj to do sth

183.足够... 能够做某事: adj enough to do sth

184.如此... 以致... : so ... that ....

185.... 以便... : ... so that ...

186.无论... 也不过分: can’t be too adj

187.把... 翻译成.. : put/turn /translate ... into...

188.尽某人最大的努力做某事: do/try one’s best (to do sth)

189.试穿: try on

190.试验: try out

191.参加... 选拔: try out for ...

192.尝试做某事: try doing sth

193.等待... : wait for...

194.说服某人做某事: (1)persuade sb to do sth (2) talk sb into doing sth

195.放开;松开: let go of ...

196.不用说/更别说:let alone ...

197.高度评价/赞扬/器重某人: think highly of sb

198.认为... 很重要/很重视... : attach (great) importance to...

199.与... 保持 keep in touch with

200.把 ... 记在心上: (1)keep in mind ~ (2) bear ~ in mind

201.遭受(苦难)/患上(疾病): suffer from... (★suffer a lot )

202.经过... 存活下来/挺过... : survive sth

203.比... 多活几年: survive sb by ... years

204.为... 服务: serve sb (★不说:serve for sb)

205.为... 奋斗: fight for ...

206.与... 斗争/战斗:fight against ~

207.把某人抚养大 :bring up~

208.举办(聚会):(1)have /hold a party (2) throw up a party

209.(战争/灾难)爆发: break out

210.某地发生变化:(great )changes have taken place in ...

211.(时间)见证了.... : ... have seen...

212.说到... (的时候): when it comes to...

213.顺便说/ 问一下: by the way

214.一... 就.... : (1)as soon as... (2) hardly when .... (3) no sooner than ... (4) The moment/minute 句子

215.只要... : as/so long as...

216.只有... 才... : Only.... 部分倒装句

217.既然... : (1) since 句子 (2)now that 句子

218.居然... : would /should have done

219.摆脱... : get /break away from...

220.使... 免于... : prevent /protect ... from...

221.不受... 的影响/不含...: be free from/of

222.万一... : in case (that);in case of ~

223.难怪... : no wonder

224.无疑: (1)undoubtfully (2) without doubt (3) There is no doubt that...

225.陶醉于... : lost oneself in doing sth

226.沉迷于... : (1)be indulge in (2) be addicted to (3) be lost in (4) be absorbed in

(5)Be facsinated by

227.除了... : (1) except ... (排除在外;不包含在内)

(2)except for (不在同一个整体;不同类)(意即:要不是... 的话)

(3)apart from (4) besides (除了... 还有...)(包含在内)

228.另外、而且、加之: (1)in addition (2) in addition to...

229.也就是说/ 即... : namely....

230.往往/易于做某事: (1)be likely to do sth (2) tend to do sth

231.致力于... : (1) devote oneself to (doing) sth (2) be devoted to (doing) sth

232.碰巧... : happen to do sth

233.绝对不... : (1) by no means (2)in no way


