华东交通大学很差吗 华东交通大学

华东交通大学很差吗 华东交通大学(1)

理工类 公办 普通本科

华东交通大学(简称华东交大,East China Jiaotong University)位于江西省会南昌,是一所以工为主,经、管、文、理、法、教育、艺术等多学科协调发展,以交通为特色、轨道为核心的教学研究型大学,江西省属重点大学,是中国铁路总公司、国家铁路局与江西省人民政府共建高校,原名上海铁道学院,后更名为华东交通大学。



East China Jiaotong University

Public ordinary undergraduate course of science and technology

East China Jiaotong University (hereinafter referred to as East China Jiaotong University), located in Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province, is a teaching and research University with a focus on engineering, coordinated development of economics, management, liberal arts, science, law, education, art and other disciplines, with transportation as its feature and railway as its core. It is a key University in Jiangxi Province. It was jointly founded by China Railway Corporation, the National Railway Administration and the People's Government of Jiangxi Province. It was originally named Shanghai Railway Institute and later renamed East China Jiaotong University.

The university has been selected as one of the universities of basic ability construction project in central and western China, excellent engineer education and training plan of the Ministry of Education, Jiangxi first-class discipline construction universities, and has been rated as a national university with typical experience in graduate employment, a national university with typical experience in innovation and entrepreneurship, and a national demonstration university for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform. It is a national contract university for recruiting, selecting and training reserve officers, a national cultural quality education base for college students, a national intellectual property training base and a Sino-Russian alliance of Jiaotong University.

In 1971, the State Council and the Central Military Commission decided to merge the rolling stock department of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the railway engineering major of Tongji University into Shanghai Railway College, renamed East China Jiaotong University, and moved to Jiangxi. In 1978, East China Jiaotong University and Shanghai Railway Institute continued to run schools respectively. The school used to be affiliated with the Ministry of Railways. In 2000, it was restructured as "co-built by the central government and the local government, with the local government as the main management".


